• Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope

    From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Friday, July 12, 2024 08:00:36
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, July 12, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    The possibility of some future houseguests might have you checking your
    home to see what needs to be done to make it presentable. It may need a
    few minor repairs, Aquarius, and you could do some online shopping to dress
    the place up a little. Books might give you some workable ideas. Your mind might be working more quickly than your body, however. Take care not to
    push yourself too hard.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Today you might decide to participate in activities involving children,
    Pisces. Field trips either for pleasure or educational purposes may take
    place, if possible, and you could enjoy it as much as the kids. Letters
    and phone calls could bring good news from far away, which you'll almost certainly want to pass on to others. Tonight, curl up with the latest
    mystery. Intrigue should be especially appealing now.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Your financial situation looks particularly good right now. An increase
    in income could be coming your way, Aries. The downside could be that
    contracts might be involved, and you'll have to spend time perusing boring legal documents that need to be executed. A lot of people could reach out
    to you tonight, probably to exchange ideas and information. Don't talk or
    text for too long. You'll want to get some sleep!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Recent developments have brought new interests into your life, Taurus. As
    a result, you might be seriously considering enrolling in a formal course
    of study in the future involving these subjects. If you really want to
    do this, it's definitely the right time to start planning. Others in your community might want to do the same, so a discussion on the subject might
    help. Books and magazines could also be useful.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Your mind is especially sharp, Gemini. You're logical and objective
    by nature. However, today you're likely to find that your thinking is
    more influenced by feeling than usual. This is a positive development. It demonstrates that your intuition is operating at a high level, so don't fight it. This is definitely the day to follow your heart rather than your head.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A group you're involved with may want to discuss a future trip of some kind, Cancer, perhaps to a convention. The drive to expand your horizons is very strong today. Therefore, trips like this or other opportunities to learn
    and grow can be especially appealing. You might come up with a few ideas
    of your own that you prefer to pursue alone. Give it some thought!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Your intuition is operating at a very high level today, Leo. You tend to follow your heart by nature, so you don't always go out of your way to be logical or objective. However, more than one event could occur during the
    day in which it's imperative that you go with your intuition even though
    it defies all logic. Have a little faith and go with your gut!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Today should be a gratifying day, Virgo, full of great news, pleasant surprises, and opening doors of opportunity on just about every level. Career breaks and chances to earn more money could come your way. New friends
    may be introduced to you, and future opportunities for education and
    travel also may arise. Whatever actually manifests out of all this is up
    to you. You might find decisions difficult.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Paperwork involving financial transactions may need to be handled today,
    Libra, but it won't be as tedious as you think. Whatever information is required is easily obtained. Most of what is presented to you should be
    clear and understandable, and the people involved helpful. It's important
    that you do get this done. If you wait, it might not go as smoothly.
    In the evening, schedule a romantic encounter, if possible. Your level of passion is rather high!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    A friend could put you in touch with a lot of interesting people, some
    in fields such as law, education, or the ministry. Expect at some point
    to be treated to a monologue on social and ecological responsibilities, Scorpio! You'll have a lot of definite ideas on those subjects, but you'll
    be more likely to listen than talk for most of the day. Enjoy your day.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You may spend much of your day trying to sort out financial matters for yourself, your job, or perhaps for a friend or relative, Sagittarius. A lot
    of phone calls, and a lot of research, perhaps on the Internet, could be necessary in order to accomplish this. Whatever you decide to do, you'll
    attack it with determination and feel a great deal of satisfaction when
    you're done. Go to it!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Today you might spend a lot of time with the special person in your life
    if that's possible, Capricorn. Romance and affection are definitely a
    powerful factor in the course of your day, but much of what might bring
    you closer together is conversation. You're likely to exchange information
    that interests you both about specific subjects and yourselves and future plans. A short journey might also take place. Enjoy your day!

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Fog +20C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Saturday, July 13, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, July 13, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Your financial affairs could look especially rosy now, Aquarius. Some
    benefits are definitely coming your way, although everything isn't quite
    as promising as it seems. You could well find yourself with less than you
    were hoping for. Think of whatever gain may be coming as something extra,
    but don't count on it. That way, whatever comes will be a welcome bonus
    rather than an irritating disappointment.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You should be happier than usual with what you see in the mirror, Pisces, because your inner beauty is more visible than usual. You could also feel especially sociable. Both old friends and new should find your company especially congenial. Romance blossoms, although there's a slight tendency today to see partners through rose-colored glasses. Hang onto your common sense, but not too tightly. Days like this don't come around that often!

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Today you might find yourself more inclined than usual to actively explore
    your interests in the arts, Aries. You might want to look at an online
    art gallery or attend a virtual concert or play. Your interest could be in
    the motivations of the artists as much as the works themselves. Don't be surprised if you're especially drawn to the more tormented great artists
    like Beethoven or Van Gogh.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    A female friend you haven't seen for a while could surprise you with a
    call. A lot of interesting news and useful information could be exchanged
    that benefits both of you. You may make a number of short journeys throughout the day, Taurus, as you have a lot that needs doing. A small increase in
    income could also be in the works. In the evening, rent a romantic video.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    With the current aspects at play, Gemini, you could find that the hard work you've done in the past finally brings financial rewards. This will make you very happy, but don't get carried away and go on a spending spree! Treat yourself a little. Celebrate with a friend, if possible. Take care to
    exercise a little good sense. You don't want to buy too much and have to
    take a lot of it back to the store.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today, Cancer, you might find yourself thinking longingly of exotic lands
    and possibly traveling to them in the future. You could also wonder about
    the people who live in those countries. Romantic daydreams may distract
    you from your day-to-day business, so it's important to stay focused.
    Read travel books and rent travel videos. In the meantime, you still have
    to get through each day.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    A small sum of money could come your way today, Leo. It could be that
    someone pays you what's owed you, or you could win a small amount in a
    lottery. You might find a $20 bill lying in the street! Sex and romance
    are very much on your mind. If you can't get together with a partner this evening, you might curl up with a steamy novel or watch a romantic video.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Your romantic side is flying high today, Virgo. The opposite sex in general
    and your own partner in particular are going to seem especially attractive
    to you. You could also see in an entirely different light someone you think
    of as a friend. An increasingly busy social life in the future is possible,
    so expect to hear rumblings about parties or other social events.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    New people you meet today are likely to be favorably impressed by
    your manners, social skills, and, above all, excellent sense of humor.
    Don't be surprised if all of this brings you some new opportunities today!
    Your health is radiant, and you are probably looking great. This is
    an excellent time to plan an evening out with friends or, better yet,
    a romantic partner if possible.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Romantic feelings blossom today, Scorpio. You may suddenly appear more attractive than usual. Lovers and potential lovers may seem unusually attentive. You could also be feeling very creative, and you might want
    to try your hand at poetry or fiction. Reading romantic novels or seeing romantic movies could also be appealing. Surround yourself with candles, flowers, and music, and enjoy!

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You could wake up this morning, look around, and decide you want to spend as much time as possible working on your home, Sagittarius. You could be bored with the decor and want to make some changes. Spend the day coming up with ideas and then tonight try to analyze the situation and see what's feasible now. Most likely you'll be able to do some but not all of what you want.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Today, Capricorn, you could receive an affectionate, supportive letter or
    phone call from someone close to you. Communications with others should go smoothly, and intelligent conversations could well take place. A favorite author, musician, or actor could release a new book, album, or movie that you'll want to jump on right away. Or you might want to try your hand at
    such enterprises yourself. You do have the talent.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +19C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Sunday, July 14, 2024 08:00:24
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, July 14, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Relations with those you care about continue to be warm and
    supportive. Friends may want to pitch in and help you with a project,
    Aquarius, or you could lend a hand to someone else. Strong bonds with
    others could be forged at this time, which might lead to firm and lasting friendships in the future. This is also a good day to turn your attention
    to repairing, redecorating, or refurnishing your home.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    A strong sense of inspiration that seems to come from the higher planes
    could boost your natural artistic abilities, Pisces. No matter how rushed
    you may be with other tasks, it's important to take time to note your
    ideas. They're definitely worth pursuing and you'll want to refer to them later. If you're thinking about a friend, give that person a call. He or
    she might have news for you.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Although you might feel a bit inclined toward solitude today, Aries, don't indulge it. This is a great day to get out with friends and meet new people,
    if possible, particularly women. You can forge closer bonds at this time,
    and you might also make valuable business contacts that prove profitable
    in the future. Affectionate communication with a romantic partner can make
    your day. Take the evening to enjoy a tete-a-tete with someone close.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    An appealing new face could appear on the scene today, Taurus. This might
    lead to a new friendship, although this person could be charming enough
    to bring out your insecurities. Put these aside - you're looking great.
    Since your efficiency is at an all-time high, plan on taking advantage of
    that by dealing with some errands you've been postponing for quite some time.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    A male friend could put you in touch with people from foreign countries
    or people who have traveled a lot. They might have valuable information
    that you could use later. This information could also help you finish
    old projects that have been waiting to be done. Your eye for detail is especially acute, Gemini. Make notes of interesting facts even if they
    don't apply right now. You'll make good use of them later.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You're probably feeling especially sexy, Cancer, and you might want to take
    a lover out for a romantic dinner, if possible. You would especially enjoy going all out, experimenting with a new outfit, scent, or hairstyle. On
    a more mundane note, investments of either time or money should pay off
    today, as could hard work performed in the past. Have a great day!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Romance and marriage are very much on your mind today, Leo. A special conversation with a possible love partner could have you hankering for
    happily ever after. Books on attracting and maintaining relationships might
    be especially appealing as well as useful. Take care not to put too much
    stock in detailed analyses, however. Remember that such books are based
    on generalities. You're unique.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You're feeling especially healthy, energetic, and attractive today, Virgo,
    and some friends may suddenly see you in a new light. This could bring a valuable boost in self-confidence. New careers that pay more and offer
    more of a challenge are especially appealing to you now. Consider them seriously. Write down your ideas and research them to see if they're
    workable. This may be the start of a whole new life.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Your natural warmth and loving nature should be more apparent than usual
    today, Libra. You're likely to attract new people, both men and women,
    into your aura. Perhaps old friends you haven't seen for a while suddenly reappear on the scene. This is an excellent time to plan a social event or invite a friend to lunch, if possible. You might also want to fix yourself
    up and plan a romantic evening!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Friction with family members, particularly women, could prove irritating, especially since you're torn between their quirks and the love you have for them. This isn't the time to hold grudges, Scorpio. Let them go. You might
    feel the urge to do some home repairs, redecorate, or otherwise improve
    your home, or perhaps cook a great meal. Channel your energy into these activities instead of quarreling. You'll be glad you did.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Today should bring pleasant and profitable communications with women,
    possibly some new friends. A lot of people will want talk to you, although perhaps more than you can realistically handle. Be careful not to commit to
    too many things. You could end up spreading yourself too thin. Travel to faraway lands may seem tempting at this time, Sagittarius, but that might
    not be possible for some time. Relax and enjoy the company for now.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    New opportunities may give you a chance to increase your financial standing
    and expand yourself professionally. Innovations that you've produced in
    the past have attracted the attention of those in positions of authority, Capricorn, and the fruits of your labor may manifest now. Don't expect to
    be able to relax and enjoy them, however, as a lot of effort still lies
    ahead. Summon all your inner resources and charge ahead.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +20C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Monday, July 15, 2024 08:00:26
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, July 15, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today might be a bit difficult, Aquarius, because you aren't likely to be
    as productive as usual. You won't have much to say, and you'll feel sleepy
    and somewhat grumpy. In other words, it's the perfect day to go back to bed with that novel. Take a nap - or several naps - and follow your desire to
    do as little as possible. There will be plenty of time to catch up on work.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You certainly are in a strange mood today, Pisces. True, things have
    been going smoothly for the past few days, but be careful not to fool
    yourself. "Pride comes before a fall," as the expression goes. You should
    be wary of the way you treat your lover now. You're likely to be dismayed
    by your sweetie's attitude, yet you're the one who has strayed from reality.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    It will be as though you're in a new, hopeful world today, Aries. The
    people you meet will be cordial and caring, and the future will seem like
    a bright, attractive place to live. In other words, you feel as though
    you're living in a fabulous dream. Alas, the alarm clock is bound to wake
    you up soon. Enjoy the sweet reality of the day ahead while it lasts.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Because your tendency recently has been to brood over everything, Taurus,
    a day like this can't be anything but beneficial. It has been difficult
    for you to find material satisfaction of late, but today offers you a view
    into the world of the intangible and unreal. You may find it especially gratifying to participate in an artistic or religious activity.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    There are days when you feel wonderful without being able to attribute the feeling to any real event. Of course, your rational mind will search for
    a reason for the happiness. If you count the number of times when you do
    things against your will or better judgment, it becomes obvious that logic
    and reason don't always apply to this world. Don't even try to understand, Gemini, just enjoy!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    The day ahead should be excellent. You've been searching for meaning
    behind recent events. No doubt there have been a lot of changes both
    at work and at home. You're bursting with new ambition. Today, Cancer,
    you're likely to put all these experiences into the hopper, stir them up,
    and be grateful for the thrilling life you lead right now! You may not
    get a specific answer. Sometimes feeling grateful is an answer all its own.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You'll probably be perfectly in tune with the day ahead, Leo. Of course,
    there are days when it's tempting to run away from the reality of the moment and its hardships. At times like today, you're so compassionate that you
    find it easy to listen to others, and life is truly rewarding. People find
    your company soothing and pleasant, and they are likely to thank you for it.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Don't even try to understand what's happening today, Virgo, because you
    won't be able to fathom it. Collective currents of concern are imposing
    upon your life and you're powerless to stop them. Some soul searching may
    help. True, at the moment you do feel like you're just a grain of sand in
    a vast universe, but is that really so bad?

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    This kind of strange day doesn't occur often, Libra. You no longer seem to
    know what you want. Work or time off? Redecorate your house or live in a
    beach shack? It's hard to communicate because you feel it's pointless to
    try to explain your point of view, especially when you don't know what it
    is. The best thing to do may be to unplug from your usual activities and
    go for a walk. This confusion will pass.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Do countries abroad represent real opportunities for you, Scorpio? This
    is a question that you'll soon have to answer. The grass may be greener on
    the other side of the world, but have you considered the possibility that
    it isn't? Could it be that the dream of working abroad is a convenient explanation for the dissatisfaction you feel at work? It's important to
    solve this riddle, because you'll soon make some key decisions that depend
    on the answer.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Today won't be like most other days, Sagittarius. Look around and you'll
    see that people either have their heads in the clouds, are depressed,
    or seem to be trying to keep up a good front. The planetary atmosphere
    is such that a lot of people - and you in particular - feel frustrated by
    an inability to realize their dreams. This is a difficult situation to be
    sure. Know that it will pass.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    If you were offered the opportunity to take a trip around the world, where
    you would see wonderful palaces and experience a timeless love affair, would you take it? The freedom would tempt you, without a doubt, but would it
    make you happy, Capricorn? Have you considered the possibility that you can create an environment here at home that gives you that same sense of freedom?

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Mist +22C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Tuesday, July 16, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, July 16, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    New communications equipment may make whatever work you do that much
    easier to do, Aquarius. You might have some doubts about your ability to
    use it, but don't worry. You'll be able to deal with it as well as anyone. You'll find that it will open up new doors for you, both with regard to compiling information and staying in contact with old and new friends. Go
    to it!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    A long-term friendship could suddenly develop into something more now,
    Pisces. You could see this person in a new light and realize that this is
    a very attractive human being. It might come as a shock to you, however,
    and the idea could take a little time to get used to. Don't ignore it for
    that reason. Just approach with caution and see where it takes you. Go
    with the flow!

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Too much is on your mind right now, Aries, and so you could have trouble sleeping. When you do manage to drop off, you could experience bizarre
    dreams. This is the only downside to your present situation, however. Everything else should be going very well. It might help to take a walk
    at night before you go to bed. This clears your head, gets the endorphins going, and works off excess energy.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Some enlightening conversations could occur today with a partner, Taurus, possibly romantic, possibly career-related. New methods of operation could
    come to your attention, perhaps involving modern technology that could
    speed up the process and increase your income. Bear in mind that some of
    what you hear may not be feasible for a while. Other ideas may never be practicable. Remember to remain objective and check out the facts.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Hard work on a particular enterprise for too long a time could finally
    lead to an increase in income, Gemini. Creativity or innovation could be involved. Don't be surprised if you find yourself on the receiving end of compliments. You'll be feeling proud and confident, and you certainly have
    good reason. Buy yourself a present. Take your partner out for a celebration. You deserve it.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You tend to be adventurous at the calmest of times, Cancer. Today you could
    be feeling especially daring. You might be tempted to make some radical
    changes in your life, particularly where your profession is concerned. You could decide to make your living in an offbeat way, or possibly move to
    a place you've never considered before. Think about it for a few days.
    The impetus might pass. If it doesn't, then follow your heart.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You tend to be rather intuitive, Leo, but today your psychic abilities could seem more focused than usual. You're better able to tune in to thoughts, feelings, and events. If you give readings, this is a good day for it,
    because you're apt to be more accurate than usual. Don't do too many or
    you could lose your focus and not do anyone else any good. Work steadily
    and pace yourself.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Today your mind is apt to be turning to discussions of money,
    Virgo. Conversations, perhaps job related, perhaps social encounters with friends, could turn to the subject of new income opportunities through
    modern technology. This is a good time to look into such matters, although you'll probably want to consider several before making a decision. Unless
    you absolutely know what you want, shop around!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    New opportunities, perhaps involving writing or speaking, could appear on
    the horizon along with the current planetary energy, Libra. You aren't
    one to take risks on the spur of the moment, so you might want to take
    all the information into consideration before committing to anything. It
    isn't a good idea to wait too long. Things could change! If what you hear appeals to you, look into it so you don't miss the boat.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Letters, phone calls, or emails from afar could put you in touch with
    new, interesting people. These people could well bring some fascinating
    ideas your way, Scorpio. Shared knowledge can lead to mutual advancement
    on material and spiritual levels. This process just might turn a casual acquaintance into a firm friend. Expect a lot of contact with these people
    for a long time to come. Enjoy your day.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    The current aspects encourage cultivating your spirituality,
    Sagittarius. However advanced you are on your spiritual journey, there are revelations, awakenings, and new experiences waiting. Visit a church or a secluded spot in nature that speaks to you and soak up the energy. Indulge
    in some investigation. Check out some books on spirituality and symbols,
    and pay attention to your dreams.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A new opportunity could come your way today, Capricorn. It might seem like
    a dream come true, the chance you've been waiting for, but you'll still
    want to think about it a bit. The reason is that it could well disrupt
    your life, including your romantic circumstances. Before you commit to anything, check the facts carefully to make sure it's as good as it seems. Either way, you'll be glad you did.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast +21C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Wednesday, July 17, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, July 17, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You may be in an especially nurturing mood today, Aquarius. You might reach
    out to every living thing around you, from plants to pets to friends,
    children, and romantic partners. There's a danger of being too helpful
    and supportive, which some could find stifling. Your loved ones like to
    see you relaxed and happy, so channel some energy into indulging yourself.
    Go for a massage or other treat. Live a little!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Social responsibilities might appear to be hitting you all at
    once. Everyone you know seems to crave your company. As a naturally polite
    and socially astute person, you might feel obligated to accept any and all invitations. This isn't a good day to commit yourself. Wait a while until you're feeling a little more balanced, then send out your responses. Commit only to those events you would genuinely enjoy.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Important communications regarding finances could come today, Aries, and
    it might be fortuitous if you follow up on them right away. Once that's
    done, you'll probably want to relax and delve into whatever interests
    you the most. It might be a good idea to read a book, since your mind is especially sharp. Take breaks in the fresh air. Ideas and insights should
    come quickly, so take notes.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Your sensual side is likely to show itself today, Taurus. You might
    find yourself viewing young folks in tight jeans more appreciatively
    than you usually do. Racy novels and movies might also suddenly seem
    appealing. Romantic encounters are intense and passionate, so make sure
    you allow plenty of time for them. Enjoy yourself!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Ingenious techniques for growing your money could come your way today,
    Gemini. While you aren't one to jump into anything, you're certainly likely
    to give these ideas serious thought. Take care to only go for those that
    are totally up front, with no hidden sides. Your passion for delving into
    new professional fields is only surpassed by your romantic passions. Plan
    a seductive evening with a partner. Make it a night to remember!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today you're likely to be in just the right place at the right time to
    meet the right person. You're overdue for a lucky break and probably not expecting it. You may start the day in a restless and frustrated state of
    mind, Cancer, but whatever happens will catapult you out of it. Be prepared
    - this transition may involve vast changes in your life, in the long run
    if not immediately.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You might wake up this morning, look in the mirror, and decide that you
    hate what you see even though you probably look fine. This is a good day
    to shop for new clothes or get a haircut. Perhaps you feel a little blue. Getting out and indulging yourself is more a necessity than luxury. Don't overindulge in food or drink now, Leo. You might not like the consequences tomorrow!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Today you could find yourself seeking self-knowledge through relationships, Virgo, especially through assisting those you love. Someone is troubled
    and needs your help. It would be best for all if you gave it, because
    you're especially sensitive and insightful now. You're especially able to soothe others' anger and mediate arguments. Your optimism is very high,
    and you have what it takes to pass it on to others.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Do you have a romantic evening planned for tonight, Libra? If so,
    it's likely to turn out to be all you'd hoped for. You'll be especially attractive, and your naturally warm and loving nature will be very apparent. Even casual encounters with friends may bring about closer bonding, and
    new acquaintances are likely to become friends. Your communicative skills
    are good now, and people will likely respond to you. Go for it!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You could feel restless and anxious to get out in the open for a
    while today, Scorpio, but mundane tasks could force you to postpone it.
    Someone you care about might ask for a favor, and while you may not want
    to help this person, you probably will. Don't let your irritation show -
    just get it done quickly and accept the person's thanks. In the evening,
    go for a long walk under the stars.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    At some point during the day you might find yourself involved in a project
    that piques your interest far more than usual. You could throw yourself more deeply into it than is necessary now. Take care that it doesn't distract you from what needs to be done, Sagittarius. Your wisdom is especially sharp,
    and you can use your intuition to gain valuable practical knowledge. Spend
    the evening meditating.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Capricorn, are you hoping to accomplish a goal that you've been working
    toward for a long time? Don't let delays cause you to fear that it will never happen. It could block your creative energy and cause you to lose faith in yourself. Fortunate changes are in the wind, but it's still going to take a little more effort to get where you want to be. Keep going. You'll get there!

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast +19C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Thursday, July 18, 2024 08:00:26
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, July 18, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You may be feeling a bit reserved today, Aquarius, especially when it comes
    to issues involving love and romance. Follow your instincts and know that
    your hesitation isn't unfounded. Sometimes it's good to slow down and
    question the road you're on. Just don't doubt yourself to the point that
    you become too frustrated that you can't take the next big step forward.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Reclaim control of things that might be holding you back now, Pisces. You
    may find that there's an element of restriction to the day that's keeping
    you from getting where you want to be. Try the best you can to relax and stabilize your emotions. Interaction with people who are older and wiser
    is likely to shed some important perspective on things today. Heed advice
    from those who have been through similar situations.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Be selective when it comes to expressing your passion today, Aries. Remember that less is more. You don't have to use a tremendous number of bells and whistles in order to get your point across. Let your actions be minimal
    but meaningful. You can say a great deal with few words. There's more to
    your glance than meets the eye. The unwary prey has no chance against your hypnotic stare.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    In general, your spirit is upbeat, freedom loving, and adventurous,
    Taurus. Today, however, you might find that it's a bit more intense and possibly somber, especially when it comes to romantic issues. This approach
    to matters of the heart isn't exactly your normal style, but you're apt
    to find that it's appropriate for your situation now. Make sure you have
    the right tools for the job at hand.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    It's important for you not to overanalyze every little detail of your
    situation now, Gemini, especially when it comes to love and romance
    issues. You could be jumping to ridiculous conclusions based purely on circumstantial evidence. Don't lose sleep over things that you don't even
    know to be true. Release your stranglehold on certain issues and concentrate
    on simply rebuilding your own self-confidence.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    When it comes to love and romance, you may find yourself in a bit of a
    pickle, Cancer. There's a request for greater commitment now. You may be
    unsure about how to respond. You may hesitate to give up the sense of freedom that you hold so dear. Recognize the importance of a close connection with
    one other person. Give yourself the opportunity to experience this kind
    of intense relationship on a more permanent basis.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Your romantic, sensitive nature comes alive today, Leo, and you may find yourself searching for the security of a close lover. You're apt to be
    pickier than usual - not just anyone will do anymore. There is a longing
    within you for the company of someone who shares your deep intuitive understanding of people, emotions, and life in general. Don't settle for anything less.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Tension in your romantic life is apt to well up today, Virgo. More than likely, there are certain responsibilities that you feel you have to
    attend to that take you away from your intimate experience with another. Whether or not you're currently involved in a romantic partnership, the
    day's energy is likely to stir up issues regarding love and romance. Try
    to find a healthy balance between work and play.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You could be feeling the pressure of time now, Libra. At this point in
    your life you may be more aware than ever of your limited time left on
    this planet. Perhaps you're thinking more about love and romance and how
    much they mean to you. Consider the limitations of each, but don't dwell
    on them. The important thing is to embrace today and make the most of the
    time and love you have now.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Situations regarding love and romance are likely to get much heavier and more intense now, Scorpio. Are you ready to make a deeper commitment to the one
    you love? It may be quite hard for you to make a solid commitment because
    you could be wary of the freedom you'll lose. Now is the time to face the
    music and really dedicate yourself to the people who mean the most to you.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    The love and romance department should be going pretty well for you now, Sagittarius. This is the time to probe more deeply into your current affair with that person who catches your eye. There's a greater sensitivity to
    your emotions today, and you could find yourself holding back a bit more
    than usual. An air of mystery and intrigue will surround you, drawing
    others toward you like a moth to a candle.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Your incredible passion and creativity are taking center stage,
    Capricorn. It's also quite possible that there's a great restlessness within you egging you on to take things to the next level. Combine your powers
    of dedication with your flair for the dramatic to accomplish whatever it
    is your heart desires. You have the power within you to shine especially
    bright on a day like today.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +15C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Friday, July 19, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, July 19, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    New opportunities to advance your professional standing may arise,
    Aquarius. The aspects bode well for business and money. Promising new
    projects may present themselves. Your tendency to serve and nurture
    others should strengthen your work relationships, so morale on the job
    takes a tangible upswing at this time. Warmth and affection for friends, children, romantic partners, and even casual acquaintances should increase
    and enhance relationships.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Restlessness may plague you throughout the day, Pisces, because you could
    be brimming over with physical energy but have no outlet for it. You
    might have to stay in and wait for something important, which could prove frustrating. Put on an exercise video and do aerobics while you wait. This isn't a good day to start new projects. Limit your social interactions to exercising with others at the gym.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Though current business and money matters could well encounter obstacles,
    at this time you may find yourself reaping the rewards of past efforts. Your naturally persevering nature practically assures more success in the future, Aries, even though you might be blocked now. New insights as to how to
    continue to progress could come your way today. It might be a good idea to write them down so you'll be assured of having them at your fingertips later.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today your powers of persuasion are at an all-time high. This is a
    good day to ask for a raise or promote a new project. Your drive to
    gain recognition for your accomplishments may necessitate seeking the
    public eye, so if publicity is what you need, this is the day to go for
    it. Your observational skills are acute, as is your insight into others' feelings. This is definitely a good day to seek advancement.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    This day bodes well for accomplishments in business and finance. Long-term investments of either time or funds may finally pay off. New opportunities could come your way. This is a better time to complete old projects than
    start new ones, Gemini, but if you must, new projects started now should
    be successful. Celebrate by treating yourself to new clothes. Wear them
    for a longtime friend or lover this evening.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Your insight, creativity, and inventiveness are in full swing, Cancer,
    and new ideas come thick and fast. However, you might find yourself too
    caught up in boring, mundane tasks to do very much about it. Yet physical energy is plentiful, so you have it in you to take care of chores and then
    have time to do what you enjoy. You'll produce results if you remember to
    pace yourself. Work too hard and you'll be too tired!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    As a natural healer, you might find yourself experiencing a rush of transformative energy today, which you should put into practice. This is a great time to go for a massage or study natural healing modalities such as herbs or aromatherapy. Combine them with your innate healing abilities, Leo, and you might be happy with the results. Your mind is especially receptive right now. You'll retain more of what you learn than you usually would.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Be prepared to work diligently toward making your dreams a reality today, Virgo. Success is definitely on the way, though it may not be approaching
    quite as quickly as you might like. A lot of significant letters and phone calls could come your way, keeping you busy. Don't allow yourself to get
    too frazzled, though. Take time periodically throughout the day to sit
    quietly and recoup your energy.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You could find it harder than usual to wake up this morning, Libra, as
    your energy may be flagging. Personal or professional pressures might
    stir feelings of futility, but don't fall into this trap. In spite of
    your momentary lethargy, everything on the horizon looks far better than
    it seems - primarily because of your own hard work. Retire early tonight
    and tomorrow you'll feel more energetic.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Today it might suddenly hit you that you have a lot of unfinished tasks
    that need to be completed, and this might lead to a case of the blues. Take heart! The process appears more overwhelming than it is, Scorpio. A little planning and focused discipline should enable you to get through everything without stressing yourself out too much. In the evening, reward yourself
    with a meal out or a movie.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Business and financial matters look promising today, Sagittarius, but you
    could find yourself torn between the need to attend to these matters and
    the desire to relax at home. If you have to make a choice, it might be
    best to choose the former, because today's aspects promise opportunities
    that might not come around again for a while. The evening should be your
    own. Plan an intimate dinner with a lover. You'll like the results!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Today, Capricorn, matters surrounding business and finances need immediate attention, and this could prove a bit disheartening. Do you have a lot of unfinished tasks that have piled up? Gear up and get to them. They aren't going away, and you'll feel better about everything when they're out of
    the way. You might find that clearing up these old matters allows new opportunities to flow your way.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +12C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Saturday, July 20, 2024 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, July 20, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Here's a reminder that it's OK to be you. You may feel more centered than usual, which encourages you to stand up for yourself and say the things you must to people who need to hear them. There may have been recent arguments
    with a partner, but those should subside now, thanks to today's serene feelings. Perhaps you've gained greater insight into the cause of the
    tension. Share this with the person you've been arguing with.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You may have that awful feeling that you really need to get down to work
    yet something seems to stand square in the way of progress. Perhaps you
    feel like you're at a four-way stop with three other cars. Everyone is
    anxious to go first. You can't all go at once, yet no one knows whose
    turn it is. Don't put the pedal to the metal. Instead, ease slowly into
    the intersection and clearly signal your intentions.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You're anxious to take action, Aries, especially when it comes to matters
    of the heart. Be careful about acting too hastily. It's important that you
    and your loved one be on the same page first. You're probably ready to jump
    to the end of the book where everyone lives happily ever after. There's a whole story that has to play out first. Feel free to take aggressive action, but make sure that you temper it with a dash of common sense.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    It may feel as if something or someone is trying to keep you from moving
    ahead with your ambitious goals and aggressive nature, Taurus. At first
    you may resent this ball and chain attached to your ankle, but on closer examination, you'll see that this hindrance is actually a help. For now
    it's serving as an important reminder to slow down and do more thinking
    and planning before taking action.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You're apt to feel more talkative than usual, Gemini. There are many
    times when you may shrink from a situation in disgust or perhaps boredom. You're usually anxious to move from one scene and get on with the next. Feel free to call the shots and speak your mind. Others are more likely to
    listen to what you have to say, so be honest when someone comes to you
    with a question or situation that he or she needs help with.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You may be anxious to try an uncharted path that speaks to your sense of risk and adventure, Cancer. It's important to temper these actions with realistic planning. You're much more likely to get a flat tire when you don't carry
    a spare. Make sure you have the proper resources to pull yourself out of
    any jam along the way. The old way of doing things is practical, tested,
    and tried and true for a reason, so don't dismiss it altogether.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Other people are likely to be anxious to get up and moving with their plans, Leo. It might be better for you to hang back a bit and see how things pan
    out before you take action. Let others go across the river first to learn
    the best way. Do you take a boat, wade, or look for a bridge? Let someone
    else be the guinea pig so you'll have all the information you need to make
    the most prudent decision on how to proceed.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Your heart has been active, Virgo, and you're probably feeling the need
    to take charge of a certain relationship. Instead of being too hasty in
    your pursuit of this romance, you should probably do more planning. Look
    at the situation from a long-term perspective and see if the partnership
    is heading the way you want it to, based on how things are moving now. It
    could be that you're jumping ahead of the game.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    There is solid grounding to your emotions right now that is helping you stabilize your sensitive feelings, Libra. As you become more attuned to
    your internal needs, you may discover that recent actions in romance and
    love may not have been particularly appropriate. They could have seemed satisfying at the time, but on closer examination you may discover that
    you were compromising in order to make it seem like everything was working
    the way you wanted it to.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Your relationships are going well from an intellectual perspective,
    Scorpio, but from an emotional one, you might feel like they aren't as fulfilling as you'd like. Perhaps you're letting your brain do too much
    of the driving. It's time to let your heart take over and have its needs
    be tended to for a while. As your energy shifts, so will that of people
    around you. Let them react however they will. Try not to be upset by the changes that follow.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Concentrate on nurturing your needs right now instead of trying to
    accommodate the needs of others, Sagittarius. There is a difficult tension
    that arises when you try to comfort someone who really doesn't want to be comforted. The best way to handle the situation is to leave the person alone and tend to your own emotions. If you're more stable and clear, you'll be better able to help others. Take this time to recharge your own batteries.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Things may roll along nicely in love and romance and then suddenly run
    into a snag, Capricorn. Perhaps you failed to recognize an important
    birthday or anniversary. Perhaps you were expected to act a certain way
    or do something you failed to do. Approach the person you hurt honestly
    and apologetically. You write your own rules. Your way may differ from
    someone else's, but that doesn't make it better or worse.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +14C, UV Index: 1
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Sunday, July 21, 2024 08:00:36
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, July 21, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You might surprise a few people with your words and actions, which could
    seem out of character for you, Aquarius. Don't be surprised if you don't
    think or act like your normal self. There is a streak of the oddball
    inside you that wants to have its day in the spotlight. Let that part
    of you shine through by wearing your plaid pants with a polka dot shirt
    and furry orange hat. Wear bright, expressive colors that show off your willingness to stand out in a crowd.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You could feel like a giant wrecking ball that's anxious to break down
    existing structures. Perhaps you're upset about a new development in your
    town, the country's political system, or the power structure within your
    home. Regardless of the exact reason, you're certain that change needs
    to happen in order to make progress. Often one must tear down an existing structure before a better one can be built.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Keep pen and paper close by, Aries, and have the number of the patent
    office on hand. You're apt to come up with some original ideas that could
    be revolutionary. You're likely be more intrigued by gadgets and electronic devices than usual. You have the power to make cunning observations about
    how things work. You may end up with a brilliant idea on how to improve
    the efficiency of an appliance in your house.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You may have endless ideas streaming through your head but little patience to see any of them through to the end, Taurus. Perhaps you're so busy jumping
    from one thought to the next that you don't take any of them far enough
    to know whether or not they're worth pursuing. Write thoughts down as they
    come to you, and go over them later when your mind is in a quieter state.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    It's OK to change your opinion, Gemini. You may pride yourself on being the solid one who always has an answer or knows exactly where to go. You may
    look upon others as flaky, indecisive, or fickle. It's important that you
    not shut down your thinking after making a decision about something. Keep
    your mind open to changes that occur around you and maybe you'll have a
    change of heart.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You may feel a strong need to express your individuality, Cancer. You
    don't want to blend into the herd, unseen as you walk down the street. You
    want to be the sheep with the blue wool, the person skipping instead of walking. Find a place or group that lets you be yourself and not worry
    about what other people think about your style. Your originality is
    inspiring. Don't squelch it.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Going with the flow may not necessarily appeal to you today, Leo. This
    is one time when you may want to be the fish swimming upstream while the
    school heads downstream. Feel free to go your own way regardless of what
    others have to say about it. You may get pressured by your loved ones to
    act a certain way or go somewhere special. Don't do these things just to
    please them. Do what pleases you.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    There are a few emotional surprises coming your way, Virgo. You might act
    a certain way under normal circumstances, but today you're apt to take
    a completely different route. Perhaps you don't know why you suddenly
    feel comfortable about a situation that you'd normally be quite skeptical about. Nevertheless, this feeling is possible. Don't bother questioning
    your emotions. Simply roll with whatever circumstances come your way. You'll open many doors for yourself.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You're apt to need emotional freedom, Libra. Perhaps you sense that you're being coerced or manipulated into feeling a certain way and feel trapped
    in the situation. If you can distance yourself, you're likely to see that you're indeed getting caught up in someone else's drama. Right now it's imperative that you find an outlet where you can express yourself freely without feeling like you have to act a particular way.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Take inventory of your habits and behaviors, Scorpio. Look to certain
    patterns and note the ones that do and don't work for you. You'll more
    than likely feel an urge to break free from repetition and create new
    paths that allow for other opportunities to come along. You may not even
    be consciously aware that in many ways you're beating a dead horse. Don't continue to waste your energy on paths that go nowhere.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You may feel smothered by certain individuals and loved ones who hang
    on you like barnacles on a rock, Sagittarius. You're a big part of their emotional support system and they rely on you for strength. Today, however,
    you could get frustrated by this extra weight. You'll more than likely want
    to rip those barnacles off in order to give you more breathing room. Freedom from others' emotional baggage is the key for today.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You may end up scaring people with your dramatic, emotional outbursts, Capricorn. Your behavior is likely to be erratic. The smallest things could
    set you off on a crazy tirade. The root of these issues probably has to
    do with a need to be loved, and you feel like others don't give you the attention you think you deserve. Try not to let your happiness depend so
    much on others' actions. The most important love is self-love.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +18C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Monday, July 22, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, July 22, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Things should be going your way right now, Aquarius. Feel confident about yourself and your decisions. Let your inner glow radiate outward and show people that you have a great deal of love to offer. Practice what you
    preach. You lose respect when you act contrary to the way in which you
    insist the people around you act. Feel your power from within as opposed
    to trying to get it from others.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Follow through on your promises today, Pisces. You may be generous with
    your words and advice, but you might fall a bit short when it comes to
    actually delivering the goods. This is a great time to prove to others that
    you mean what you say. Do the things that you said you would. You'll be
    able to accomplish quite a bit as long as you maintain a focused and
    positive mindset.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Don't get discouraged by other people's failures today, Aries. There may
    be signs that warn you of potential roadblocks ahead, but this doesn't mean that you should turn your car around or give up on your goal. Perhaps you
    only need to slow down the pace or select a new route. Either way, you
    have the perseverance and inner drive to accomplish any task you undertake.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Don't get thrown off your path, Taurus. Focus inward and concentrate on
    the tasks at hand. This may not be the most lighthearted and jovial day,
    but one must always take the good with the bad. Use the sober, grounding
    tone of today's energy to get down to business and stay there. Work now,
    play later! Remember the story about the ant and the grasshopper. Now is
    the time to store provisions for the future.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Things should be flowing quite well for you today, Gemini. Take this opportunity and use the energy to its full potential. Center yourself and
    look at the weeks ahead. Where do you want to be in two months? Where do
    you want to be in two years? Now is the time to take stock of what you've
    got and plan for future growth. You have a great deal going for you,
    so don't waste your time on frivolity.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today is a great day to gather data for a new project you're working on, Cancer. Put your nose to the grindstone and make some major progress on
    an important job. Find comfort in your work. Make sure, however, that the
    work you're engaged in is something that feeds your soul as opposed to
    just put money in your pocket. This is critical to maintaining a healthy
    mind and spirit.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    It's obvious how much you like to dream, Leo. Certainly, this is an
    important part of your existence. Realize that there comes a time when
    you must face reality. This is one of those days when you need to bite the bullet and deal with your bills. Take care of annoying errands that you've
    been putting off. Send the letters that have piled up on your desk for days. Stop making excuses.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Stop wasting your energy on things that have no real relevance in your life, Virgo. This is a day to focus your attention on the tasks at hand and get things done. Don't get distracted by the blinking neon lights. Stay tuned
    to your own channel. It might not be a bad idea to adopt more of a critical tone so you don't get caught up in issues that don't pertain to you.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Delight in all your projects today, Libra. You should enjoy a positive mood
    and pleasurable experiences with others. Let the good times roll. Your ego
    and emotions should be acting harmoniously. You have every reason to smile,
    so keep grinning from ear to ear. You're able to get a lot accomplished if
    you so choose. Adjust your compass, check the prevailing winds, and set sail.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Today isn't a great day for inspiring enthusiasm in others, Scorpio. You
    might find that there's a sober, conservative tone to the day that's
    stealing the fuel from your fire. Realize that this is just part of the
    natural cycle of things. Don't feel that you need to be up and active all
    the time. Give yourself a rest and focus your energy inward. Settle your
    nerves and get down to business.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Today is an excellent day in which you should be able to ground your emotions and find a greater amount of stability in your life. As you walk down the street, be conscious of the Earth below you. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and realize that you're a living part and product of this great
    planet. Don't separate yourself from Mother Nature - you are her child.
    Respect her.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Realize that you're the one responsible for cleaning up your own mess, Capricorn. If you've left your dirty clothes on the floor and the dishes unwashed, you will be the one who has to pay the consequences later on.
    Take responsibility for your actions. Today is an excellent day to do your laundry and clean the mess in the sink. You'll feel better about yourself
    and your immediate environment after you do.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +16C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, July 23, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Your brain is likely to be working overtime, Aquarius. Things were going
    along just fine until you suddenly ran into an unexpected snag that kept
    you from where you want to be. It's as if the hamster wheel you've been
    running on suddenly jammed. Even though you're still working just as hard,
    the wheel simply won't turn. Perhaps it's time to step off and take a
    break. Get some perspective.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Try not to get too wrapped up in the mental side of things, Pisces. Perhaps you're trying to work everything through in your mind. You'll find that
    there are strong forces outside your own trying their hardest to manipulate your thinking. It might be good to step away from the situation and do
    more processing with your heart. Go with your instincts rather than rely
    so much on your thoughts.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    It's possible that you've been so emotional about a certain issue that
    you've taken it way too far, Aries. Fortunately, your reasoning has
    finally caught up with your feelings. Now it's time for a reckoning. Give
    your brain a chance to sort things out and bring the situation back into equilibrium. Your first tendency may be to overreact and have things swing
    in the opposite direction. Do your best to resist this temptation.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You may experience a transformation in your thinking. It's bound to affect every aspect of your life, Taurus. By always questioning, you work through difficult issues that require a constant reshuffling of viewpoints. Feel
    free to open yourself up to new ways of thinking as you dismiss old ways
    that no longer serve you. Now is a terrific time to consider a fresh wave
    of thought. You'll be exposed to a new way of truth.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You may be overwhelmed by an onslaught of communication from someone you
    didn't expect to hear from, Gemini. It could be that this person suddenly
    puts a monkey wrench in your plans. It's important to adapt and allow for
    the constant changes that are bound to come your way. Don't get so hung
    up on a certain way of doing things that you fail to see the wisdom in a
    new and different approach.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Someone might feel obligated to give you their two cents even if you didn't
    ask for it, Cancer. Be careful not to dismiss this information without
    giving it proper consideration. This knowledge comes to you for a reason,
    and it's possible that it's the very piece of information you need now in
    order to complete the puzzle. Don't disregard anything, regardless of how esoteric it seems.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    It's time to finally apply the knowledge you've accumulated and come to recognize the truth, Leo. Perhaps you've been sitting on the facts while contemplating their meaning. It's now time to get this information out
    into the open. There's no doubt that this action is likely to make waves,
    but that's OK. A key theme of the day is transformation, so feel free to contribute your part.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    When it comes to issues that require real thinking, be careful of letting someone else take control. You might have a rather lazy attitude in this department, Virgo, and it could be tempting to simply let someone else do
    the thinking for you. This attitude is apt to lead you down the wrong path
    for you. Taking responsibility for yourself means thinking for yourself,
    so do it.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    There's likely to be a powerful force at work trying to manipulate the
    way you think about a certain situation, Libra. Be conscious of the source
    of your facts. It could be that someone is giving you tainted information
    so you'll act in a way that is favorable to his or her plan. Others may
    not be looking out for your best interests, so it's important that you
    are. Don't accept things blindly without question.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Don't second-guess yourself today, Scorpio. It could be that you're wavering
    so much about a decision that even after you make it, you hesitate to follow through with it. Once you make up your mind about something, stick with
    it. Have confidence in your own mental process. Once you begin to waver,
    it may be difficult to find the assurance that you need since you'll
    inevitably slide down the slippery slope of self-doubt.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Other people may try to wield their power even when it isn't their
    place. This is one time when people may try to show off their IQ by
    offering random facts that don't offer anything useful to the situation
    at hand but just serve to prove their knowledge of esoteric trivia. Try
    not to buy into other people's displays of power, Sagittarius. There's
    more than likely a great deal of hype and not much substance.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Once your brain gets hooked on something, Capricorn, you're likely to take
    it to the extreme. Be careful of overworking yourself in a certain issue
    that requires a more rational, temperate attitude. You may get into trouble
    if you insist on going off the deep end. Don't tackle issues you aren't
    ready to handle. Take things slowly and maintain a moderate, conservative viewpoint. If you go too far, back off and take a break.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +19C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 08:00:36
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, July 24, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Don't be so nosy about others' affairs today, Aquarius. If you were meant
    to be included in the conversation, you'd have been invited. Suspicion of other people's actions and motives will only cause them to lose their trust
    in you. Keep any abrasive and critical thoughts to yourself. Perfection is
    a hot topic in your mind. Realize that the only person you can control in
    that department is you.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Other people could have some seriously opposing opinions about how things should be done. Be prepared for battle, Pisces, because others are likely
    to have sharp tongues. Compromise is the key to finding solutions that will work for everyone. Realize that the best solution is probably one that
    neither party has thought of on his or her own. Work together to come up
    with the best situation for everyone involved.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Information is apt to come in erratic bursts today, Aries. You'll find
    that a great deal of nonverbal communication is revealed and you should
    listen not only with your ears but also with your eyes and heart. Keep an
    open mind. Let others finish their thoughts before you make any judgments. You're probably better off not making any judgments at all. Let people
    say their peace.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    An unexpected opportunity to take a short trip could present itself today, Taurus. Hop on that boat or train and see where it goes. If you have no
    real reason to travel, make one up. You don't need one anyway. The point
    is that it's time to get away from your current surroundings and explore
    other ways of living. If the time isn't right for you to get out and travel,
    at least make a plan now for a trip later.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    If you aren't paying close attention today, Gemini, you might miss what's
    said. Important information is being relayed quickly, so don't miss out
    on the action. It may not be important for you to agree with everything
    you hear, but at least listen to it and seriously consider incorporating elements into your point of view. Don't dismiss other opinions just because they're new and different from your own.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Actively express your thoughts today, Cancer. You'll find that a great deal
    of information needs to be exchanged. You have the power to deliver a strong, thoughtful message to others, so don't give up this opportunity to exercise your acute mind. You may also find people to be rather argumentative, but
    don't let this keep you from expressing your true thoughts on the matter
    at hand.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You may be feeling a little bit lost in the dust today, Leo. Somehow what you're thinking and feeling isn't exactly coordinating with the current conversation. Don't think you need to agree with the group just to feel
    like you fit in. Maintaining your own point of view is critical. You're
    better off rolling with the punches rather than trying to put up a fight.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Your thinking is clear and sharp, Virgo, and your mental awareness keen. You should use it to head toward new, forward-thinking projects. Don't waste your time beating around the bush. Cut right to the heart of the issue. You'll easily outwit your opponents in a game of Scrabble or chess. Engage in activities that exercise your brain. There's no reason for you to doubt yourself today.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You're apt to come up with some new, radical thoughts today, Libra,
    which you should feel free to share with others. There are opportunities
    around that you should grab hold of. Be aggressive about pushing ahead
    with your progressive thoughts. Communication with people who possess
    opposing viewpoints will prove quite valuable. Take a lesson from the
    bizarre and outlandish.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Today is a terrific day to express your thoughts, Scorpio. You'll find
    your mind especially clear and ready to tackle any mental issue that comes
    your way. Your tendency is toward free and unconventional ways of problem solving. Express the importance of being able to think for yourself. Write letters, make calls, and surprise someone with a personal visit. Connect
    with friends you haven't spoken with in a long time.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Someone may challenge your mental capabilities today, Sagittarius. Your
    natural tendency might be to take the information, mull it over for a while, and come back with your decision or opinion at some later date. The truth
    of the matter is that things are moving quickly and decisions must be
    made quickly and efficiently. Stay on your toes and have confidence in
    your mental processes.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Unexpected information may be coming at you today from out of the blue, Capricorn. You'll find that this information is extremely important, so
    make sure to keep all lines of communication open. You're apt to learn some important lessons regarding working harmoniously with groups to fulfill not just your own needs but also those of others. Let other people's viewpoints
    be heard.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Patchy rain nearby +19C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Thursday, July 25, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, July 25, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You might have to do a bit of adjusting today in order to experience a harmonious understanding with the people around you, Aquarius. Adopt a feistier and more aggressive attitude toward love and romance if you want
    to receive any attention in that area. Feel free to go for the gold.
    Sitting back and lying low will most likely get you nowhere. Take the initiative. Be brave and go out on a limb.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Your love life is a kaleidoscope of shapes and colors today, Pisces, full of complicated patterns and ever-changing displays of beauty. A new perspective
    is revealed everywhere you turn, and you learn something new about yourself
    and the people you're involved with. Remain open to partnership on multiple levels in which you experience different types of commitment with different people. It takes every color to make a complete rainbow.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Turn up your aggressive nature regarding your romantic life, Aries. You
    may find that a small spark is all that's needed to rekindle a smoldering
    fire. You may be going through a period of transformation right now when
    it comes to this area of your life. If so, consider all the options and
    don't shy away from a new way of relating. Your partner may have the very answer you seek.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today is a very powerful day for you, Taurus. You may find yourself going
    to extremes in certain areas of your life, especially when it comes to your romantic nature. You could be pulled way over to one side and then to the other. At first you may give it your all and the next minute completely withdraw. Try to find a balance in this seesaw game.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You may not understand what all the fuss is about today, Gemini. Suddenly there's a fire burning all around and you may be left questioning the motivations behind others' actions. You may not be able to make heads or
    tails of the situation, so don't waste your time trying to figure it all
    out. Let it be. Take a hint from others that you may need to add a bit of
    spark to your life to spice things up a bit.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Get your broom out of the closet today, Cancer. Your job is to brush away
    the cobwebs from the corners of your emotional bedroom. Use the intense transformative energy of the day to say goodbye to stale and unsatisfactory relationships that have left a bad taste in your mouth. Ignite the fire
    of a new situation and consciously try to establish new habits so that
    old patterns don't continue to repeat themselves.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    There may be a great deal of charge in your battery today, Leo, but you
    could be unsure about where to put all this energy. Get up and do some exercise. Give your body the workout it needs. Remember what it's like to sweat. You'll feel much better about yourself afterward, and you'll be
    much more likely to continue on a healthy path if you push your body to
    its limits.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Let your love light shine today, Virgo. There's a great deal of passion
    in your heart that needs to be expressed. Let your romantic nature take
    the reins, and allow your creative nature to blossom. Be assertive with
    regard to the ones you love. Muster your courage and feel free to take
    the lead. Be loving and caring without being smothering and clingy. Give
    others room to breathe!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    People might be a bit argumentative when it comes to romantic issues
    today, Libra. Your instincts could be telling you to restrain yourself
    and hold back, while the prevailing winds are urging you to strike out
    for new ground. Realize that your heart may need a bit of freedom and detachment. Your sensitive nature could be causing you to read too much
    into the issues at hand.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Consider going on a trip with a close loved one, Scorpio. A long-term break from the current reality may be just the thing needed to infuse a new blast
    of romance into your life. If you're unattached, you might find that going
    on an adventure to a foreign country results in meeting the love of your
    life. Broaden your horizons and look to new ways of thinking and believing.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Today is one of those days in which if you want love, you need to go
    out and get it, Sagittarius. Don't waste your time sitting at home and
    sulking. Be adventuresome and take that first step. You're the only one
    who has the ability to pull yourself out of the rut, so do it. There is a
    great deal of passion behind your romantic intentions at this time, Cupid,
    so be careful where you point your arrow.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Things should flow extremely well for you today, Capricorn, especially when
    it comes to anything having to do with love and beauty. Throw a party,
    or at least invite some close friends over for dinner. A tremendous fire
    from within fuels your romantic and social nature. Your creativity is at
    a monthly peak, and you'll find that, in general, your relationships with others will go extremely well.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +15C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Friday, July 26, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, July 26, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today you should work to tune into the larger, slower-moving trends in
    your life, Aquarius. Consider making some long-term monetary and emotional investments. There is a great deal of prosperity available to you now,
    but beware of deception on the part of others. Watch out for fast talkers
    and people who promise everything yet deliver nothing. Have confidence
    that you can decipher what's real and what isn't.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Let your artistic nature loose today, Pisces. Add a touch of creativity
    to whatever project, situation, or person you encounter. Let your fantasy
    world extend to every aspect of your being and keep an open mind for new
    ideas and methods. Incorporate traditional values into new concepts. The
    new and the old methods may seem incompatible at first, but it's your
    challenge to make them work together.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Don't gamble away your resources, Aries. Take the safest route. There's a great deal of energy out there encouraging you to act, but beware of
    adopting too stubborn of an attitude. This will only succeed in alienating
    you from the very people you rely on for support. Maintain a strong,
    healthy balance between old and new. Try to be more open to change and,
    by all means, adopt a more flexible attitude.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Get things out in the open today, Taurus. If someone seems to insult
    you, call them on it. Letting things fester inside only destroys your self-esteem. You'd also be in danger of losing the respect of others. This could very well be a situation in which everyone but you sees the truth. Try not to let this happen. Be bold and assertive, and don't let others pull
    the wool over your eyes.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Stick to the tried and true today, Gemini. Don't be afraid to make any last-minute changes of plan. Compliment others when they do something well,
    and show appreciation for their positive qualities. You'll gain their
    respect. Celebrate the small things in life and appreciate all that you
    have - physically as well as emotionally. Let other people share in your
    warm and generous spirit.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Reap all the riches that a new day has to offer, Cancer. Every day brings new opportunities and the chance for rapid advancement. Grab the things offered
    to you. You have a great deal of potential, but potential is one of those things that does no good until you realize it and harness it. Today is one
    day in which you can take an important step toward manifesting your dreams.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You may need to adjust today in order to relate well to people and
    situations, Leo. Things are a bit off kilter, and you may find that
    the harder you try to fit in, the more liable you are to feel like an
    oddball. Try not to get caught up in others' battles. Maintain a balance between real life and fantasy. Don't get so caught up in someone else's
    world that you forget to deal with your own.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Be yourself today - 100 percent you, Virgo. The world needs more
    individuality. Revel in your unique qualities and be generous about sharing them with the world. Feel free to adopt a new and unconventional way of
    doing something - anything. Beware, however, that there may be a strong, grounding force that's trying to tie you down to tradition. Don't feel pressured to give in to the social norm.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today is a very expansive day in which you can make great progress in all
    of your endeavors, Libra. Be careful of deception by others. There may be a surreal cloud that covers up reality. You may need to do a little digging to locate the truth. Maintain a mellow attitude in order to stay safe. Sudden, extreme actions fueled by anger or fear are likely to get you into trouble.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Tune into your dreams today, Scorpio. Do you often feel intensely jealous thinking the people around you are living amazing lives while you're stuck
    in a dull, boring routine? The only person who can pull you out of this
    rut is you, so stop complaining and do it. Change is easier than it seems
    at first. Let your imagination take control and work toward manifesting
    your most fanciful goals.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    There are extremely slow-moving, subtle energies coming into play today
    that may not be so easily felt, Sagittarius. What they provide is a key
    to manifesting your wildest dreams. Fantasy can become your reality, but
    it may only come one small, subtle step at a time. Don't give up. Focus
    on the unconventional way to get things done. You'll eventually achieve everything your heart desires as long as you truly believe you can.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    There may be a great deal of conflict in your life today,
    Capricorn. Different people and situations seem to be pulling you in all directions. Your sanity is being put to the test. Try not to be too stubborn, because this will only cause more tension between you and the situation. You have the potential to stress out about the smallest things. Try to avoid
    this if you can.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +15C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Saturday, July 27, 2024 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, July 27, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You'll find that your brain is extra sharp today and you have a greater
    sense of clarity regarding your purpose in life. It could be that your nurturing instinct is high and your general self-esteem depends on how
    useful you can be to the people around you. It may seem as if you're
    everyone's parent or watchful older sibling. Give people the advice they
    need to grow and be wiser.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Many people conduct their lives without really making conscious decisions
    about their actions. People walk around like they're asleep. Don't fall
    into this trap, Pisces. This is a good day to dust off your thinking cap
    and take action. Don't let others make decisions for you. Take control
    of your destiny. To maintain the balance today, it's important that you
    swing toward the sensitive side of things.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Your thinking is clear today and you'll find that it's right in sync with
    who you are, Aries. Find your strength in conversations in which you display your keen insight into the situation at hand. Your detective-like nature
    is especially active, and others will find it hard to pull the wool over
    your eyes now. Stay tuned in to what's going on around you.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    It's OK to be wrong, Taurus. If you know you've made a mistake, feel free
    to admit it. Don't let your ego stand in the way of progress. Others won't
    want to deal with you if you insist that what you're doing is right all
    the time when perhaps it isn't. Your mind may be a bit more fragile on a
    day like this, so try to be more sensitive and receptive than usual.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Be careful about being too critical today, Gemini. You're likely to turn
    people away if you aren't careful with how you express yourself. This is a
    good time to listen and receive as opposed to deliver information. Let things stew in your head for a while before you make any major decisions. You're likelier to find a greater balance in the situation if you slow down and
    back off a bit.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Your mental ability could be rather sluggish and lazy today. It could
    be that you aren't feeling as sharp as you'd like, Cancer. This is most
    likely a sign that you simply need to slow down and relax. Don't feel as
    if you always need to deliver the keynote address. Be more of an audience member today and take advice from the other people up on stage.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    One of the important lessons of the day for you is to remember that
    emotions are powerful things to recognize and honor. Don't discount your feelings. In fact, it's most important that you embrace them with your
    whole being. Once you relax and settle into your true emotions, you'll
    find that your mind clears and you can make conscious, rational decisions
    about whatever issues come your way.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Someone may be calling you on certain behaviors today, Virgo. It could
    be that your aggressive nature rubs someone the wrong way and they simply
    don't have thick enough skin to take it. You may not even be aware of how
    your warlike attitude affects those around you. This is a good day to see things from someone else's perspective in order to gain a bit more data
    on the situation.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Your mind is thinking quite clearly today, Libra. You'll discover that
    you have a keen ability to tune into the subtle energies that are moving through your life right now. The good news is that your ego and brain are working together, and you may be able to strike a better balance between
    these two elements of your psyche much more easily than usual.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Your receptivity to new ideas is stronger than usual today, Scorpio. Listen
    to what people say and remember that you can learn from every person you
    meet. There's a lesson in every situation. Remember to keep your brain exercised, just like any other part of your body. To keep it working
    properly, you must make sure you give it the daily stimulus that it requires.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Your mental clarity is astounding today, Sagittarius. You'll find that
    your pattern of thinking reflects exactly who you are at the core of your being. The moment you walk out the door this morning, you'll find that
    your brain wants to process everything. This action will give you greater assuredness and insight, making this a terrific day to stand up and speak
    your mind.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Tune into the thoughts of others, Capricorn. Focusing only on yourself means you're missing the beauty and wisdom that come from other people. Respect
    their opinions the way you want them to respect yours. Your ego might get in the way of your brain until you embrace the lesson of sensitivity that it's trying to teach you. Take a back seat and let someone else do the talking.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +17C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Sunday, July 28, 2024 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, July 28, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Regardless of how you feel today, Aquarius, it's important to own up to
    your mistakes. Keep in mind that you're responsible for your actions. No
    matter how much you might want to shrink away, it's important to stand
    up and admit your weaknesses. Take bold action today in which you command control of the situation and hold yourself responsible for the consequences.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    There's an important lesson to learn today, Pisces, so don't shy away
    from the classroom. It's important to control your attitude now or it's
    likely to control you. It could be that your ego is a bit too inflated.
    You may end up turning people away if you aren't aware of how your actions affect them. Or it could be that you need to change your approach.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Consider the romantic relationships in your life right now, Aries. It's important to remember that regardless of how hot and steamy a partnership
    is at first, it's vitally important that there be something to replace that attraction once the initial romance wears off. Build your relationships
    from the ground up. Make sure that your romantic partner is also one of
    your very best friends.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today is your day to become a hero, Taurus. You don't have to be dressed
    in fancy tights and a cape to make an important difference in someone's
    life. Step up to the plate even if it isn't your turn at bat. True heroes
    are the ones who are able to do what needs to be done when necessary, regardless of the circumstances.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    There's a great deal of fun to be had today, Gemini. Money isn't always necessary to make this happen, however. In fact, money isn't a great way
    to keep score. Consider the sacrifices you make each time you strive to
    earn more cash. There's a dynamic feeling in the air today that's asking
    you to expand your mind in order to consider other ways to have fun.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Remember that the important thing isn't necessarily what you're doing
    but the people you're with, Cancer. There's a great deal of passion in
    the air today that you can latch onto and put to good use. Have fun and remember to smile. You can make a great deal of progress toward your goals
    as long as you stay motivated. Connect with others and feel the strength
    of shared resources.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You could learn a tough lesson today, Leo. More than likely, the harder the message hits you, the more important it was for you to hear. It's important that you accept failure gracefully. It could be that the one who kicks
    you when you're down will also be the one who helps you get up. There are strange twists to this day that you may not expect. Take things in stride.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    There's a great deal of fuel to keep your fire raging today, Virgo. Powerful situations are apt to come your way in which you're asked to take decisive action. Don't shy away from added responsibility. Your ego is very strong, which helps you take charge of any situation. Just make sure that you
    don't step on anyone's toes in the process.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Remember that one wrong move today could cause you to have a headache for
    a good long while, Libra. Don't take uncalculated risks. There's dynamism
    and confidence in the air, and even though you may be tempted to step off
    the ledge, think twice about doing so. Keep your parachute handy. Maintain
    your internal power by celebrating your uniqueness instead of your need
    to show off your daredevil spirit.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    It's a long road to becoming exactly the person you want to be, Scorpio. You can't change who you are. Input from every person you know and lessons from every bump in the road contribute to who you are as a person. Be proud
    of yourself, but also realize that there's a great deal more internal development that needs to be done. Meditate or be alone for a little while.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You should always leave a loved one with loving words, Sagittarius. Each
    time you exit a room, consider that you're never going to enter that room again. Perhaps you'll never see those people again. Make sure you take
    care of the people you like. People might need extra attention today to
    feel appreciated and important to you. Cuddle up to the people who mean
    the most to you.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Just when you think you have absolutely no energy left, you're able to kick into a higher gear. Push beyond your limits today, Capricorn. You'll find
    that you can achieve a great deal more than you thought. All you need to
    do is have confidence in yourself and try. You have a lot of dynamic power
    on your side. You will find that your strength is greater than ever.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +19C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Monday, July 29, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, July 29, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    This is going to be a rather intense day, Aquarius. On the positive side, you'll accomplish a lot. On the less positive side, you may be exhausted
    by the end of the day. You're advised to try and pace yourself. Remain
    focused on what's truly important rather than let yourself get caught up
    in trivia. Keep the big picture in mind and the little things will take
    care of themselves.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Today it's important that you make your own decisions and stick with them, Pisces. Much as you prefer to depend on others, your judgment really is
    best. You'll be paralyzed if you think only of how others will react to
    your decisions. You do know what is best, and everyone will benefit when
    you act on your beliefs. This is no time to be wishy-washy. Just do it.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You're a dreamer, Aries. Everyone loves you for it, but today the planetary aspects urge practicality. There are personal issues to resolve, and it
    does no good to have your head in the clouds. This is a time to focus
    on loved ones. Perhaps your partner or your children feel neglected. Do whatever is necessary to let your family know you're available and eager
    to give them what they need.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Much has happened recently, Taurus. Have you allowed enough time to
    process it? It's likely that big changes are brewing at home or work.
    Stay focused on the job at hand rather than fret about events over which
    you have no control. You may feel as if you're on a roller-coaster ride,
    but everything will settle down in a few days. Blink to adjust your eyes
    to the strange new light.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You've made progress these past few weeks, especially where your temper
    is concerned, Gemini. It has taken some effort, but it does seem that
    you can overcome your tendency to speak before thinking. Don't lose the
    ground you've gained. There's one person whose mission seems to be to make
    you explode. Don't let him or her rankle you. Take a deep breath and rise
    above it.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    This is likely to be an intense day, Cancer. Family and friends may seem
    testy, so you're advised to stay out of their way. Don't worry - it isn't anything you've done. It's the planetary energy. If you can go someplace private and shut the door, do it. If someone tries to pick a fight,
    don't rise to the bait. Tomorrow the air will clear and good spirits will
    reign again.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    This isn't the most cheerful time, Leo, because important issues are rearing their heads again and forcing you to address them. You'd rather not, but
    you can't wish them away. The time has come to deal with them once and for
    all. It's especially important that you make an effort to make your home
    life more positive and upbeat. Your loved ones look to you to set the tone.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Don't try to force anything or anyone right now, Virgo. You'll find
    that today's elements are just as stubborn as you are. Today's planetary configurations will force you to finally start to turn your dreams into reality, whether you want to or not. Face it - you've been planning for a
    long time without making much concrete progress. All that is about to change.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You're incredibly productive, with good business sense, Libra. However,
    lately you may have felt dissatisfied with where you are in life. As
    you look around, you might wish you had more possessions to show for all
    your hard work. Don't pursue this line of thought. Real value comes from relationships and the pride you get from doing a job well. A new car or
    fancy clothes may lift your spirits, but it's superficial.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You have a keen analytical mind that has served you well in business. Alas, Scorpio, this characteristic doesn't always serve you well in your
    personal life. It's likely that someone close has bristled from your lack
    of empathy. Take time to reflect upon the events of the past few weeks. Did
    you inadvertently send a wrong message? Correct any unintentional slights. A simple "I'm sorry," will do wonders.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    This is the beginning of an exciting period in your love life,
    Sagittarius. Your relationship with a significant other may have been
    in a rut lately, but that's about to change. Both of you are ready for something big. Perhaps a move is in store or you could both decide commit
    to one another more permanently. Follow your instincts, because they'll
    lead you where you're meant to go.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You have a passionate nature, Capricorn. Sometimes it's difficult for
    you when other people don't share your exuberance. This is a good time
    to tone things down a notch. There's some tension in the air, and your enthusiasm only serves to annoy rather than charm, as it usually does.
    Don't pout. It's only temporary. Tomorrow you'll be the center of attention again and bestowing hugs and kisses to all.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +20C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 08:00:38
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, July 30, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You seem to be filled with questions, Aquarius. Some of them are big,
    some trivial. All you know is that they preoccupy you, and the answers
    aren't readily apparent. Don't fret. All that will change by day's end. The planetary configurations are such that all the confusing events of recent
    days will begin to make sense. Your world will once again seem calm and orderly. Enjoy it.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You're an individual, Pisces, but sometimes it's hard for you to suppress
    your uniqueness in order to get the job done. It may not be you. The problem may be your job. If you're feeling like you don't have enough fun in your
    life or you aren't using the full potential of your creativity, this might
    be a good time to make a change - a big change. You're ready to take on
    new challenges.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Your ego may be bruised by events from a few days back. Has it occurred to
    you that it's within your power to right the wrong you feel was done to
    you? It isn't a matter of confrontation but of conversation. The person
    in question is probably unaware of what they did or said. An expression
    of your dismay might elicit an apology. You'll both feel better for having cleared the air.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today's planetary configurations are pushing you to get some perspective
    on your life and the lives of people closest to you, Taurus. You must
    admit that you've been rather selfish lately. You aren't the center of the universe, so why do you sometimes act like you are? This is a day to make amends with friends and loved ones. They'll welcome you back with open arms.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    This is a day to be up front with your partner, Gemini. It's possible
    that your relationship has reached some sort of stalemate. It's up to you
    to get that fire burning brightly once again. How? You know the drill - romantic time alone is all it takes. A nice outfit, a reservation at the
    best restaurant, and you and your mate are back in business.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    This is a day of untold opportunity, Cancer. If you've been concerned that
    you haven't been using your full creative potential, you can put that
    concern to rest today. Your creativity is boundless and you'll finally
    realize it. Be on the lookout for any unusual opportunities. Someone or something you encounter could have meaningful ripple effects on you.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    There's tension in the air today, Leo. Even though it isn't your doing,
    you may want to keep a low profile, especially if you need to work. Try
    to avoid any discussions. Just because someone is confrontational doesn't
    mean you have to rise to the bait. It would be better if you didn't.
    Keep to yourself and all of this will blow over by tomorrow when it will
    be safe to mingle again.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You're a dreamer at heart, Virgo. You prefer not to think about
    material things. That explains why you tend to forget groceries or dry cleaning. You're happiest if things get done for you. But circumstances
    today will force you to handle some of these mundane chores. You'll feel
    better by day's end just knowing you can be self-sufficient even if you
    don't want to be.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    If you follow your instincts and dare to take some risks, Libra, you'll be handsomely rewarded. You have the capability to make a good project great. Do your best not to get distracted today. Keep your eye on the big picture
    rather than let yourself get bogged down in details. You'll find that when
    you take care of the big issues, the little ones take care of themselves.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Finally, Scorpio, you'll be able to breathe a long overdue sigh of
    relief. It's likely that you've been worried about your finances for some
    time. Well, you need worry no longer. The events of today either put you
    back in the black or show you a clear path to get there. You've been working hard to resolve these financial matters. You can now start working smarter.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Separate the wheat from the chaff today. Look at your relationships and
    decide who your true friends are. You're loyal, which is to your credit,
    but why be loyal to people who don't return it? You've given these so-called friends plenty of chances to demonstrate their affection. It's time to let
    them fall by the wayside and free up time to spend with your real friends.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Whether you acknowledge it or not, Capricorn, creation is the central theme
    of your life. If you aren't an artist or writer, you should be. There are plenty of creative ideas in your head clamoring to be expressed. Why not give it a try? You have nothing to lose, and you may be astonished by what you're able to produce. Your brain does have two sides. It's time to use both.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Mist +21C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Wednesday, July 31, 2024 08:00:20
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, July 31, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Your brain and warrior instincts agree today, Aquarius. Team up with others
    who share similar thoughts and desires. Conversations can be extremely rewarding. You're apt to learn a lot about yourself. Don't be afraid to
    share deep thoughts and emotions. Your willingness to express yourself demonstrates how comfortable you are with your actions and feelings.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Something or someone could confront you today, Pisces. Try not to assume
    things about the situation before you know all the facts. If a piece of the puzzle is still in question, face the issue right away. Your sensitivity
    is precious, whether you realize it or not. Small things can slowly eat
    away at your psyche until they're addressed and dealt with.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Have no fear today, Aries. You have the power and mental capacity to cut through just about anything. Don't let fear or regret hold you back. Clear
    the path and be strong in your approach to the new and different. Stay on target and be bold in your actions. You have the ability to conquer new
    literal and figurative lands. Release mental blocks that might hinder
    your success.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Don't worry about not being on the right path, Taurus, because you are. You seem to always be in the right place at the right time. There's no need
    to feel regret or shame about things that have happened in the past.
    Turn negative experiences into lessons for a better future. Even though
    you may not be able to change a certain situation, you can at least change
    your reaction to it.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    A war could be brewing in your world today, Gemini. Emotionally
    charged arguments shoot back and forth with conviction. Try not to get discouraged. Don't burn any bridges either. Remember that your words may
    fall on extremely sensitive ears, so use them with care. There's a very
    active part of your psyche that needs to be heard. Feel free to say your
    peace openly and honestly.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    An inner voice is warning you to slow down, Cancer. It's probably best
    if you take a break and let someone else take the lead. Concentrate on
    matters at home and take care of issues that crop up among loved ones. It's quite possible that an argument is brewing. Whether you realize it or not, there are serious issues that need to be addressed.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Today is a fantastic day to take action, Leo. Your eagerness to strike out
    for new territory is heightened by a drive to experience the unknown. Take
    an internal journey and see what kind of wonderful things you can
    discover. There's a tremendous strength inside you that doesn't always get
    to show itself. This is the perfect day to prove your courage to the world.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Think before you act today, Virgo. Rash moves are likely to get you
    into trouble. An annoying interruption in your daily routine could throw
    you off guard. Sit down and think about the situation before you act too hastily. Bumps in the road are often messages from the universe that you're moving too quickly and carelessly. It's time to slow down.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today is a great day to act on things that have been brewing in your
    brain for quite some time, Libra. Perhaps you've been feeling unsure of yourself. It's OK to surrender and admit that you just don't have all the answers. Use this as an opportunity to restructure and rebuild. Embrace
    the unknown rather than fear or resist it. This is a great time to move
    toward it.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Be a bit more sensitive with your words today, Scorpio. Your mind is apt
    to be especially active and even a bit restless. This is more than likely
    a signal to get more of your opinions out into the world. As you do,
    make sure you consider the feelings of others. People might have quite a different reaction to the same situation. Respect opposing viewpoints.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Your mind is clear and your sensitivity focused, Sagittarius. Now is a good time to make a move. Don't let insecurity or fear keep you from pursuing
    your dreams. Realize that action you take today doesn't need to be a bold outward movement in order to be effective. In truth, quite the contrary is true. You can accomplish a great deal by turning thought and energy inward.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Cool your jets today, Capricorn. This is a good time to stop and focus on
    you. Make sure to give your body the respect it deserves. Make sure you're fostering the kind of character you wish to become. Base your self-image
    on something internal rather than an external craving for attention from others. Your true beauty lies within.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Mist +21C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Thursday, August 01, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, August 1, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Sit back and observe others' behavior today, Aquarius. Take a look at the people around you and figure out what makes them tick. You'll find that
    you can learn a great deal from their actions and mistakes. Consider your
    role models and people you wish to emulate. Think about the traits that
    attract you to certain people and work to adopt those traits yourself.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Your love life might be a little fragile, and you'll find that your partner
    is more sensitive than usual, Pisces. A more caring, emotional approach to
    a situation will help you form a better connection with your partner. Today you'll find that clear boundaries need to be established in order to keep things running smoothly between you and your loved ones.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Things in the love and beauty department should be going rather well for
    you now, Aries, so it's a good time to make a move toward the object of
    your desire. Make sure that you're being completely realistic in your
    actions. Realize that you may need some discipline in this area. Maintain
    a healthy structure within which you can work.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Slow down and take a more reserved, sensitive, and calculated approach to things today, Taurus, especially when it comes to matters involving love
    and beauty. You'll find a greater level of sensuality waiting for you when you're willing to open up the door even wider. Go after the object of your desire, but make sure that your approach is sensitive and disciplined.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You may be at a rather climactic point now in the department of love and beauty, Gemini. Your creative levels are peaking, and you might feel a
    strong urge to create something on a giant canvas. Realize that discipline
    is needed to get those artistic juices flowing. Don't let fear stop you. Initiate your dreams and let the details fall into place later.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Pieces of your life that you've tried to avoid for some time may come to
    the surface today and cause you a bit of trouble, Cancer. That which isn't organized or structured is getting more and more chaotic just to teach you a lesson. Take care of things now. Put things in order and become more aware of the ticking of the clock. There's a reason you need to take care of business.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Cupid has fired his arrow into your heart today, Leo, so snuggle up with
    the object of your desire. You'll feel more sensual and romantic than
    usual. Gourmet foods and fine wines should grace your plate tonight. Realize that there may be an element of restraint that needs to get worked into
    the equation, but don't let this stop you from having a good time.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You may feel a bit of a creative block now, Virgo, but don't view this as
    a signal to stop pursuing your artistic goals. The truth of the matter is
    that discipline is all that's needed to manifest the things you really
    want. Don't let other people's energies get in the way of where you are
    now and where you want to be. Get back in the flow.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today is an important day in which you can breathe creative energy into a structured situation, Libra. You'll find that bolstering the aesthetics of
    your surroundings will help inspire you to be more disciplined and eager
    to keep things neat and tidy. Take your time and don't let other people's anxiety cause you to rush into anything you aren't ready for.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Be a bit more selective in terms of where you put your energy today,
    Scorpio. Don't waste your time with situations that aren't healthy or
    conducive to your aims. You may find it hard to get motivated, but this
    is fine. This is a good day to lay low. Your energy is apt to feel rather sluggish, so be conservative with how you use it. Pace yourself throughout
    the day.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Love and romance are coming your way today, but it's important to be
    practical, Sagittarius. Don't take your relationships for granted.
    Realize that love doesn't necessarily mean that everything is perfect. Structure and discipline are often required in order to maintain a healthy partnership. You should be able to incorporate these elements rather well,
    so make the most of this energy.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You probably should settle down a bit today in the love and romance
    department, Capricorn. Realize that your relationships with others aren't
    a show or stage act to perform. This is a day when you should listen to feedback from your partner and think about restructuring certain elements
    of your relationship in order to make things flow more smoothly.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +22C, UV Index: 6
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Friday, August 02, 2024 08:00:40
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, August 2, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Don't get pulled off track by empty promises today, Aquarius. Someone may
    try to sell you oceanfront property in the middle of Iowa. Beware of things that sound too good to be true. People may be talking quite a bit, but in reality, they probably have nothing to say. Don't waste your time trying
    to make sense of useless drivel. You've got more important things to do.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Catch the wave of activity that's spinning in your direction today,
    Pisces. You'll find prosperity and good fortune within your reach. Expand
    your horizons and connect with others intellectually. Hurdles will shrink to nothing as long as you maintain a positive attitude. It will be tremendously easy for you to make great strides in any project you're working on.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may find it hard to trust others today, Aries. Trust your instincts
    - they're probably right. Don't take anything at face value. There's a
    fanciful frenzy that's threatening to lure you into its madness. Approach things cautiously. You may discover that people are full of hot air. If
    it doesn't have real meaning for you, don't waste your time.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    There may be a bit of opposition coming at you, Taurus. There's a light,
    airy feeling that's prevalent everywhere. This is definitely the kind of
    energy you can connect with today. There's a great deal of strength in
    numbers. Don't let anyone try to stand in your way. It could very well be
    that they are operating on incorrect information.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    What seems like the perfect plan today may not necessarily seem like the perfect plan tomorrow, Gemini. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
    There's an expansive feeling in the air that's working to catch you up in
    its net and pull you into its plan. Beware of get-rich-quick schemes. The
    wool could get pulled over your eyes on a day like this.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    There's a flurry of activity around you today that you should latch onto, Cancer. You'll be on a magic carpet ride that takes you into the clouds. The most difficult thing to remember is to not get so carried away that you lose sight of the ground. Keep in mind that things aren't always exactly the way they seem. What appears to work perfectly today may not work at all tomorrow.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You'll find yourself working well with any group today, Leo. There will
    be a great connection between you and the people around you. Make sure you ground your relationships in something meaningful or else you could find
    that you've built a whole reality out of something that doesn't exist. Be
    true to yourself and try not to get fooled by anything that seems too good
    to be true.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    There's an incredibly expansive feeling in the air that you should latch
    onto, Virgo. Things are moving rapidly. You'll find long-term trends come together quite well. The thing to be aware of today is making sure you're operating based on facts you know to be true. Check your sources. Be
    cautious, but if you see an opportunity that looks good, run with it.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Sticking close to home may leave you feeling like you're missing the boat
    on certain things, but you're probably better off, Libra. People may
    make outlandish promises that sound good today but will basically flop tomorrow. Stay safe and don't invest a great deal of time or money in risky ventures. Keep moving at a steady pace. You'll find success your own way.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You're riding a wave of prosperity and things are looking up for you,
    Scorpio. The situation today may appear too good to be true. The bad news
    is that's probably the case. It may be that the truth is being masked,
    and that there's a great deal of speculation and hype causing a frenzy of activity. Feel free to join the frivolity but realize that the bubble may
    burst tomorrow.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    The wind is blowing quite strongly today, and you'll find that things
    are flying around in a frenzy, Sagittarius. This whirlwind of activity
    is threatening to pick you up, spin you around, and take you away. Be
    cautious of anything that suggests this. People may take on unrealistic attitudes that lure you into grand schemes. Beware of fanciful promises.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Things are sporadic today, Capricorn. You may find a thousand things on your plate, and all of them look delicious. There's a great deal of wind to fuel your fire, so let it burn red hot. You might get caught up in a frenzy of activity. Have a good time but realize that it might not last forever. The royal carriage is likely to turn back into a pumpkin at some point.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light rain shower +21C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Saturday, August 03, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, August 3, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Travel arrangements may have to be put off because of unexpected
    developments that keep you where you are, Aquarius. You may be worried
    about the consequences, but don't waste your energy. You'll be able to
    make the necessary trip and accomplish whatever you're hoping to do -
    just not today. Worry will only stress you out. The only productive way
    to deal with this is to keep moving.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You may feel especially lonely, overworked, and passionate today,
    Pisces, and therefore longing for the company of your romantic partner.
    But responsibilities involving you both could well be keeping you apart. This could be more than frustrating - it could make you gloomy. Don't let that happen. Concentrate on your work and finish before evening. You'll see
    your friend then if possible.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Upsets in the home could occur today, Aries. You and other members of your household are on edge and liable to snap at the least provocation. Someone could get all flustered over a minor problem and storm out. Don't worry. At day's end everyone should see events in their proper perspective, and all
    be friends again. Hang in there.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Expected calls or deliveries may prove more trouble than they're worth,
    Taurus. You could get involved in endless games of phone tag, and
    deliveries might come when you're out. This can be avoided if you're
    prepared. Make sure everyone knows what you're expecting so they can
    watch for it. Tell people the best times to phone and be available at
    those times. Don't worry. You'll manage.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    A temporary delay in receiving some expected funds might force you to
    postpone a much-needed purchase, Gemini. Don't make yourself crazy over
    this. It isn't worth the stress. The delay is disheartening, but it isn't
    a cancellation. Your money will arrive, and you'll be able to go ahead
    with your plans. In the meantime, keep yourself busy. Hang in there.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Some older people, perhaps your parents, might be too vocal in their
    assessment of how you're handling a situation, Cancer. You're particularly sensitive today, and far less tolerant of criticism than usual. Don't lash out. Causing a rift won't solve anything. Change the subject and take
    whatever course of action you feel is best.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Beware that creative efforts involving modern technology, such as
    computer graphics, recording, or film, might suffer from "too many cooks." Everyone has a different idea of how things should be handled. If this
    is your project, make sure everyone knows you're the boss. If you have partners, discuss the situation rationally with them. Don't sabotage your enterprise because of disagreements. Talk it over.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    In spite of the leaps and bounds you've taken over the last several months, Virgo, a slump could set in as you start to doubt your ability to attain
    your goals. A disheartening and unexpected setback may have occurred, but you've never let this sort of thing stop you before. Don't fall into this
    trap now. Brace yourself, reassess your methods, and get back in the saddle.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Are you waiting to hear some important news, Libra? Significant career
    matters may be involved. This isn't a good day to sit around waiting.
    Your call will probably come late, when you least expect it. Turn on your voicemail, get dressed, and go out and do something else for a while.
    Otherwise you could well drive yourself crazy hoping for the news. Hang
    in there.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    This isn't a good day to travel, Scorpio, especially by air. Long lines
    at the ticket counter, endless delays, and lost luggage could be the
    result. This may not even be a good day to plan a trip, although you can consider your options. If you must fly today, get to the airport early,
    travel light, and take something good to read. That will make it bearable.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    A friend or colleague involved in an enterprise with you could be
    inhibited in some way by lack of money, Sagittarius. This might involve
    some unexpected adjustment on your part, perhaps finding someone else to temporarily fill in. It's a pain, but you and your colleagues will manage,
    and your friend should have it together in time. Find a way to work around
    the situation. Hang in there.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Career responsibilities may require a temporary separation from a
    love partner today, Capricorn. This is apt to be upsetting and rather disheartening, but there's likely nothing you can do about it except
    work as quickly as you can so that you can finish and get back to your
    partner. Make sure your friend knows what's going on. You don't want to
    cause any more upset.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +22C, UV Index: 6
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Sunday, August 04, 2024 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, August 4, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    The emotional swings that you could feel today might put a damper on
    your fantasy world, Aquarius. Remember that it's up to you to nurture
    these dreams. Try not to let the emotional tides of the day affect your long-range strategy for realizing your most treasured visions. Spend time
    by yourself if that makes you feel better. Don't give up.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    People around you are apt to be touchy, Pisces, so be careful how you
    interact with them. You'll find that they can see beyond any sort of
    facade and easily detect dissention within the ranks. Be honest about
    your opinion, regardless of how you think it will be received. This is
    your best approach to a certain situation, especially since the truth will surface no matter what.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    While other people may be confused and distressed, you're actually the one
    with all the answers, Aries. Indeed, you're best equipped to deal with the difficult situations that are likely to arise on a day like this. You have
    the ability to see through thick walls that others erect as barriers. Nothing will stop your penetrating eyes from seeing someone else's deceit.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Be passionate about the thing you love the most, Taurus. Instead of trying
    to eat every single thing at the buffet table, just pick one or two items
    that you like the best and eat them with great enjoyment. Feel free to
    take some for later. Don't let anyone talk you into a dish that doesn't
    appeal to you. You're the only one who knows what you truly hunger for.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You may feel like a skipping record, Gemini. You've been scratched and mistreated, and now you continue to repeat the same thing over and over
    until you've driven your point home. This isn't your doing, so don't be concerned if you hear protests that you're sending others over the edge.
    This may be the very thing necessary for all of you to advance to the
    next step.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    There could be some tough forces questioning your most cherished dreams, Cancer. Be careful about confronting someone who wants to poke holes in
    your idealism. You could end up feeling like a punctured balloon that's
    slowly deflating. Do whatever you can to avoid the aggression at work to
    bring you down. Don't let others get to you.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You're in a unique position to understand all sides of the issues, Leo. While this is apt to give you a tremendous advantage over those who still have
    their heads stuck in the sand, this knowledge also gives you a greater responsibility to others. You intuitively know what's best, and now you must find a way to bring others around and help them see it from your perspective.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You may be feeling rather anxious, Virgo. Perhaps you have a big date
    coming up and your mind is buzzing with how to make the best impression. Remember that the harder you try, the further away you'll push the object
    of your desire. The most important part of impressing another is having confidence. Relax. Try not to get too caught up with yourself.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    This could be one of those days in which you feel like you just can't
    get anything right, Libra. In an effort to appease other people, you may
    think you have to make some adjustments that make you feel uneasy. This uncomfortable feeling could turn into nervousness, restlessness, and
    eventually anger. Don't feel like you need to be the one to make any
    sacrifices at this time.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You may feel a need to add some fantasy to your daily routine today,
    Scorpio. Do you have someone in mind you'd like Cupid's arrow to
    strike? Well, don't rely on a cherub to do your work for you. Get out and
    do some target practice of your own so you'll be prepared when you see the object of your desire across a crowded room. Keep things light and cheerful.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Your psychic sense is apt to be keen as you fill your mind with fanciful scenarios, Sagittarius. These pictures in your head aren't as farfetched
    as you might think. Today would be a good day to listen to your inner
    guidance - the aspect of yourself that's keyed into hearing subtle important messages. Not everyone can pick up on them.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You may be having a difficult time getting your opinions across to others, Capricorn. For some, your ideas may seem too self-centered. For others,
    you may come across as insensitive to the situation. Do your best to
    understand what others are telling you. Don't be surprised if you don't
    receive the loving strokes that you feel you deserve. This is a day for
    you to observe and learn.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +19C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Monday, August 05, 2024 08:00:34
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, August 5, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Your mind is buzzing like a bee, Aquarius. You're apt to find that there's
    very little you can do to slow it down. Make sure you add compassion to
    the chain that's holding everything together. Also make sure that you don't become a victim of your thoughts by losing control over how you act simply because the voice in your head has completely taken over.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Mornings aren't usually your best time, Pisces. You aren't fully awake
    until afternoon. Try not to discount the events of this particular morning, however. More than likely, you'll enjoy your best mental clarity sometime before noon. Surprise people with an upbeat attitude and a solution for
    every problem that comes your way.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Your world may seem rather tight and rigid this morning, Aries, but
    the good news is that difficulties are apt to melt away as the day
    progresses. Don't assume that opinions are fixed in stone. Things can
    change in an instant. Even if they seem one way at one point, more than
    likely they're going to manifest themselves completely differently later.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    This is one of those days in which you're better able to stand back and
    look at your emotions intellectually, Taurus. Your freedom-loving nature
    isn't built to deal with heavy emotional baggage and turmoil, so don't
    bother trying. Be especially wary of those who seem to plop a problem in
    front of you and expect you to deal with it.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Prepare for a surprise today, Gemini. Perhaps it will come from someone else
    or perhaps it will come from you. Either way, by evening you're apt to be feeling quite lovey-dovey and rather spaced out. Give in to the lethargic attitude that might sweep over you. This is your time to play, so put work aside and have a good time while letting your emotions dictate your actions.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Things seem to be going quite well for you in many respects, Cancer. Your thinking is clear, your emotions are under control, and the puzzle pieces
    are fitting into place. This is your time to take advantage of these
    pockets of good fortune and turn them into something huge. You have the
    power to make anything happen - especially now.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Your engine may sputter this morning as your gears begin to turn, Leo. It
    could be that you're working out something important in your mind that's helping clarify your emotions. The answer you seek is probably nothing
    like the one you'll find. By the time night comes, you'll have everything figured out. All the answers you need will be right there in front of you.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Be careful not to overdo things today, Virgo. You may so zealously want
    to meet your goals that you overshoot the mark by quite a bit. Feel free
    to express your exuberance and let your enthusiasm shine in whatever you
    do. At the same time, be careful about getting so carried away that you
    don't notice that you've already reached the finish line.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Tempers may get hot today when someone says something that pierces you to
    your core. Address this problem right away, Libra, instead of letting it
    fester through the rest of the day. The solution requires sensitivity and caring. Let the offender know that he or she has hurt you significantly,
    if that is indeed the case. There's no need for you to try to hide your feelings.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Don't be surprised if you leap out of bed with a spark of inspiration
    that wasn't there last night, Scorpio. Let your dreams linger a bit before
    you face the world. This flash of genius is likely to strike quickly and unexpectedly, so keep an eye out for it, but don't consider it something
    that you can plan on or force into happening.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Sometimes your emotions overtake your rational thoughts, Sagittarius,
    and you end up acting on impulse. Today you'll find that your head and
    heart are aligned on significant issues, and that they're working well together. Try not to swing the other way by becoming too rational. Your
    goal is to find the best working balance.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Review your day as you watch the sunset and observe the clouds turning from white to purple, Capricorn. Make sure that your head is in tune with your heart. Think about the day's emotions and thought patterns and how they affected your actions. Determine if your actions were a result of either
    your rational mind or fluctuating moods.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Patchy rain nearby +20C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Tuesday, August 06, 2024 08:00:36
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, August 6, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Have you been looking for a new job, Aquarius? If so, you might hear of
    an opportunity from an unexpected source, perhaps at a social gathering,
    if possible. This could mean that someone unexpected brings it to your attention, or it could be a job in a new and unusual field. One way or
    another, as weird as it seems, it's worth consideration. Look into it and
    get all the facts before acting.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    If you're single, Pisces, love may come to you completely out of the
    blue today. The person could be standing behind you in line at the store
    or sitting nearby you in the park. Wherever you connect, don't be too
    cautious. Move ahead carefully, but at least get to know something about
    this person before giving in to insecurity and running the other way.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Some unexpected but very welcome visitors could arrive today, Aries. They
    might bring some people you don't know but should connect with right
    away. Expect interesting news, fascinating information, and a lot of
    laughs. Even though you don't know for sure that these people are able to
    come over, have a supply of drinks and snacks on hand. You'll want them
    to settle in and stay a while, if possible.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Taurus, who's that intriguing new person in your neighborhood? What is it about this new neighbor that makes it impossible for you to stop wondering about them? Quit obsessing. Get your courage up and find a way to welcome
    him or her to the neighborhood. Maybe you'll find this person likable,
    maybe not, but give it a shot anyway. Enjoy.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    An unexpected letter could arrive today, Gemini, with a check enclosed,
    perhaps a gift, bonus, or offer to make more money. This might be a welcome break, possibly coming at a time when you really need it. If it's work,
    don't worry about the time involved. You'll be able to finish it quickly
    and efficiently. It might lead to more offers in the future.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    If you're in the arts or sciences, Cancer, sudden inspiration could cause
    you to start or continue a project that means a lot to you. Some friends
    or group members could help out with useful information. Your mind may
    generate new ideas throughout the day. Once you've finished your work,
    take a walk and clear your head. Watch a video. If you don't, it could be
    hard to sleep tonight.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Meditation, dreams, or visions could bring amazing insights your way,
    Leo. You might find them too bizarre to believe, at least at first, but follow-up research could reveal that what you've come up with is quite credible. Keep a journal of these revelations because you might remember
    the gist but forget the details. They could be useful later when you pass
    your ideas on to others.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You're an adventurous soul, Virgo. Are you thinking about a little
    mischief today? Are you going to propose that you and a friend or perhaps
    your partner skip town for a day and forget about work, chores, and other routine matters if possible? You've been bored lately, so who could blame
    you? If you decide to do this, make sure everyone knows what's up. You
    don't want to burn any bridges.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    An unexpected communication may come today from someone connected with your career, Libra. This is good news, but it may be so off the wall that you
    could walk around in a daze for a while trying to make sense of it all. Don't agonize too much. You've worked hard for and deserve whatever it is that's suddenly coming to you. Think of it as a karmic reward. Go celebrate!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    An unexpected chance to fly to a faraway place, perhaps at someone else's expense, could come to you today, Scorpio. A group might be involved,
    perhaps one connected with education. Do you lecture or teach? If so, this might be a chance to give a lecture in an exciting place you've never been
    to before. Get your materials together, pack your bag, and go. Have fun!

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Some bizarre and rather silly dreams might come to you tonight,
    Sagittarius. They may be the sort that is so crazy that you actually wake
    up laughing. Don't dismiss them. Silly or not, these dreams are trying to
    tell you something. Write them down the way you would any other vivid dream
    and analyze the symbols in the same way - even if they cause a few giggles.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    If you're single, you could feel a very powerful attraction to someone
    unusual and perhaps a little wacky. If you're already in a relationship,
    you could glimpse a silly and rather insane side of your beloved you've
    never seen before. This could be a bit disconcerting but also make you
    laugh. That's part of the appeal of love - continuously learning about
    that special one.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +18C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Wednesday, August 07, 2024 08:00:28
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, August 7, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Vivid dreams are likely to cause you to wake up feeling angry for no clear reason, Aquarius. You might want to take a close look at your dreams and
    try to analyze them so you can understand the source of your anger and how
    best to get over it. Later today, some disconcerting news about money is
    likely to prove groundless, so don't get stressed out.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Either your lover or a colleague is likely to be irritable today, Pisces,
    which you might find upsetting. Bear in mind that this person's mood probably has little, if anything, to do with you or anything you've said or done. Just stay out of the way until your friend gets over it. This isn't a good day
    to host or attend social events or even accept invitations. Wait until a
    better time.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Too many unfinished tasks may have you feeling pressured, Aries, creating unnecessary stress. Pace yourself and don't panic if you have to let some
    go for now. You're probably feeling more sensitive than usual, so you might also pick up stress from the people around you. Take periodic breaks and
    go for a walk. This should clear your head and make things easier for you.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Emotions run high as disagreements turn into quarrels among members of a
    group you're affiliated with, Taurus. Stay out of it. It won't do you any
    good to get involved. Write your impressions and share them after tempers
    have cooled. You might want to make one final push toward reaching a personal goal, but forces beyond your control could block you. Try to remain patient.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Pressure to get unfinished tasks completed and new ones begun causes emotions to run high, Gemini. Everyone, including you, is likely to feel tired and stressed, and quarrels may erupt. It might be best if you focus on the tasks
    at hand and ignore the petty squabbles that crop up around you. This will
    keep your blood pressure down and reassure those you want to impress.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    If you're able to be involved in a class or any kind of group activity or social situation, be prepared for quarrels to break out among people there, Cancer. You could find this counterproductive and useless. You might be
    tempted to try to break in and put a stop to it. It's best to stay out of
    it. Work out your frustration by walking home. You'll feel better.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Frustration could tempt you to release that energy by spending a lot of
    money, Leo. You might overindulge in food or drink or resort to impulse
    buying. Treat yourself a little, but don't go overboard. You don't want to
    get an upset stomach, and you won't want to have to take unwanted items back
    to the store. Get some exercise or throw your passion into creative pursuits.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Frustrated energy resulting from an inability to put plans into action
    could have your nerves on edge today, Virgo. You might be tempted to get
    into petty quarrels with those around you. Try to find other outlets for
    your energy in order to avoid this trap. There's also the danger that
    you might take impulsive action. Stop and think before you act, or your
    efforts might be wasted.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Overwork and the resulting stress and nerve strain could result in tension headaches today, Libra. It might be a good idea to start the day pacing yourself and concentrating on the most pressing tasks. Don't worry if
    you have to leave some for later. There's a chance that others around you
    might get into some rather heated arguments. Stay out of it. This would
    only make you feel worse.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You're probably feeling especially energetic but with little if any
    outlet for your energy, Scorpio. Increased irritability and frustration
    could tempt you to take it out on friends, children, or your significant
    other. On days like this you might want to consider jogging, yoga, or
    aerobics. These can produce endorphins that override the stress. Go for it.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    A conflict between career and home obligations could arise today,
    Sagittarius. You may feel powerless, so it could make you feel irritable. Try to think clearly and find a solution for your conundrum, then act on
    it. Avoid the temptation to quarrel with others. Go for a good workout in the evening. Whether dancing or jogging, just work off some of that frustration.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    This could be a challenging day, Capricorn. You might receive a call that brings disconcerting news, making you angry or upset. You could be tempted to take it out on the caller, but don't. He or she is just the messenger. Short trips in the neighborhood could find you in impossible traffic. If you have
    to go out today, you might reach your destination more quickly by walking.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +16C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Thursday, August 08, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, August 8, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Changes taking place in your home could cause some temporary frustration
    tense nerves on the part of family members, Aquarius. Perhaps you're
    moving or refurnishing or trying to do a thorough cleaning and everyone is getting into everyone else's way. Just try to get the job done as quickly
    as possible. Once it's done, tempers will subside, and all will be well.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Miscommunication with someone from far away could lead to bruised egos, heightened emotions, and angry phone calls. It's best not to get drawn
    into a quarrel, Pisces. Try to straighten it all out. Changes in your neighborhood could cause problems with travel, so be prepared for blocked streets and heavy traffic. Walk - it will clear your head and get you
    where you're going more quickly.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Your talents as a psychologist could be put to work today when misunderstandings arise. Your companions aren't likely to be thinking
    straight and may not respond to reassurance, Aries. Use your intuition to
    find the best way to defuse the situation. Finances might cause some worry right now, but your ingenuity and money sense should put things right. Go
    out and have fun tonight.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Someone who interests you could seem to be showing interest in someone
    else. This might arouse your insecurities and cause a bit of jealousy.
    Don't make yourself crazy, Taurus. All may not be as it seems. Try to discern the facts. Invitations to do more than one thing on the same night might
    force you to make an uncomfortable choice. Make the one that suits you best.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Someone is keeping secrets from you. We all have private issues, Gemini,
    but this situation affects you. Your intuition will probably tell you
    who the person is. Try to get them to open up without exerting pressure. Unfinished tasks could drive you crazy. You may try to race through them,
    which can cause too much stress. Get the crucial ones done and let the
    others go. Relax with a movie tonight.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Circumstances beyond your control might get in the way of attending a
    group event. This could cause some disappointment for you and others,
    Cancer. It's best to find something else to do. Your own project is likely
    to need some attention, and this could prove to be a challenge that keeps
    you engrossed for hours. Treat yourself to takeout tonight.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    A female visitor who needs some sympathy could contact you today. She may
    want advice on some problems, Leo, but she could also bring information, possibly involving new scientific or metaphysical studies that you find fascinating and that you'll want to relate to others. This information
    could trigger your own insights. Write down your ideas. You'll want to
    remember them.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Some important plans, perhaps involving a vacation or education, could be temporarily blocked by circumstances beyond your control, Virgo. This can
    make you upset and might even set your temper on edge. You may be tempted
    to take out your frustrations on others. It would be more productive - and challenging - to find ways to make your plans work, even if they're delayed.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    A letter or call could arrive today bringing upsetting news about money,
    Libra. Your first reaction might be to blame yourself or someone else, but
    the circumstances are probably beyond anyone's control. Chances are it can
    be set right. Before anyone gets too upset, it's best to investigate and find out what needs to be done. It might take some effort, but all will be well.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Jealousy could rear its ugly head today, Scorpio. This could involve
    a romantic relationship. Jealousy is often groundless, so avoid it by
    doing some communicating. This is the time to make the effort to turn a disadvantage into an advantage. Strong emotions can work for you under
    some circumstances. A passionate reconciliation is better than an angry estrangement.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Nervous tension could cause a temporary malaise that keeps your energy very
    low today. But there are tasks that need to be done, Sagittarius, so you'll probably try to do them in spite of the way you feel. Try not to overwork yourself or take your weariness out on others. It's better to let some
    things go than make yourself and everyone else that much more stressed out.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A group with which you're affiliated may be temporarily torn apart by
    quarrels among its members, Capricorn. It's best to stay out of it. A
    friend could be having trouble and come to you for advice and help. Don't
    let yourself get too frustrated by his or her weakness. This could be a frustrating day for you, and one best spent concentrating on projects. All
    will be better tomorrow.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast +19C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Friday, August 09, 2024 08:00:38
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, August 9, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today a deep concern for others' feelings could have you lending a
    sympathetic ear to those in need of some understanding. It's more important
    to listen than talk now, Aquarius, even though your practicality might
    want to express itself. Your affairs should go smoothly, bringing you a
    lot of satisfaction. Don't be surprised if you shed a few tears of joy at
    some point.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Today you might complete a difficult project that's important to your
    career. Acknowledgement of your dedication and hard work could find you
    more emotionally overwhelmed than makes you comfortable. You may have to
    make a special effort to control your feelings. You've moved mountains to
    get where you are, Pisces, so it's nice to be recognized. You deserve to celebrate tonight.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    A long-awaited event, perhaps a wedding or christening, could have you
    moved to tears, Aries. As you're naturally a person who doesn't like to
    show your feelings, you might need to be by yourself until the urge to
    cry has passed. This should be a very happy day for you as well, and your contentment could seem almost too good to be true. Even if you weren't
    able to attend in person, it's real. Relax and enjoy it.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    An intense, emotional dream could move you so powerfully that you awaken
    with the odd sense that the dream was real. Write it down, Taurus.
    Maybe it is. Efforts to overcome obstacles and advance in business could finally pay off. You could walk around in a daze asking yourself if it
    really has happened. It has. Make the most of it, and don't be afraid to
    show your feelings.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Emotional discussions with your partner could move you to tears,
    Gemini. You've overcome any difficulties and probably reached a new understanding. Any relationship or friendship started or advanced now
    shows promise of being strong and lasting. Your basic inclination will
    be to control your feelings, but don't be afraid to show them. It's OK at
    times like this.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today you may feel the need to do a lot of work around your home,
    Cancer. Perhaps you expect future visitors or simply want to spruce up
    the place for yourself. You may need to pace yourself and not try to do everything at once. You could run into difficulties that require help
    from others who may be unavailable. Control the urge to steamroll through
    your chores.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Some intense communications with a close friend or lover could reveal
    wonderful things about your relationship. Perhaps you have more in common
    than you thought. Maybe your fears and insecurities prove groundless.
    As a result, you two could grow closer and discover a new mutual sense of purpose. Enjoy the positive feelings that come your way and have a great day.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Ancient social traditions could be a powerful part of today, Virgo. An emotional event concerning your family, perhaps planning a wedding or
    other milestone, could have you feeling especially moved. In the rush of events, you'll probably keep a tight rein on any expression of emotion.
    Keeping up appearances could be more important to you than usual today. Do
    it, but also be yourself.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You usually place a lot of importance on self-control. Today this skill will come in handy when you receive some wonderful news that might otherwise move you to tears. Don't carry it too far. Under these circumstances, it's OK to
    let it out a bit. Your hard work and dedication to your career are paying
    off. News about possible advancement could arrive. It's a very eventful day.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Expect some great news regarding money, possibly professional
    advancement. You may have to control the urge to break into tears of joy, Scorpio. A female friend could be going through some heavy changes and
    might want your support. Your best course of action would be to listen
    rather than offer advice. You may have to try hard to control yourself, however. The situation could defy all reason.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Happy events involving a close female relative might have you feeling emotional, Sagittarius. A marriage or birth could be involved. Your projects, particularly those with other people, could proceed well despite difficulties you've had to overcome. The results could move you to tears. You may feel
    the need to control yourself, but don't be afraid to show how you feel.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Your telepathy and intuition are at an all-time high today, Capricorn. You should find it easier than usual to tune in to others' thoughts and
    feelings. It might be a good idea to control your reactions. Don't tell
    others what you're picking up unless you're sure they want to know. Your imagination and creative abilities are also operating at a very high level. Make the most of them.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light rain shower +21C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Saturday, August 10, 2024 08:00:34
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, August 10, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today you could be hit with some exciting news, Aquarius. This could involve new people or equipment coming onto the scene or an entirely new project
    or course of action that you'd never have dreamed of. This is likely to
    be a lucky break for you, as it probably suits your skills and talents
    nearly perfectly. Make the most of this opportunity. It could make a big difference to you.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Information that you receive from others and from within your own heart
    could compel you to participate in some ambitious projects, Pisces.
    They may be work related, connected with a group, or your own. You'll
    find them interesting, challenging, and gratifying. New opportunities to advance and express yourself could open for you. It's best to move ahead
    now or they might pass you by.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You could meet some fascinating people, Aries, and perhaps learn
    Earthshaking information that impacts your life. You might consider new lifestyle options. A group, possibly spiritual or metaphysical, could
    seem attractive. You might consider joining it. Expect some fascinating discussions with a significant other. Books and other publications could
    prove enlightening.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Group activities or social events in your neighborhood, if possible,
    could put you in touch with new and exciting people who eventually become friends, Taurus. Shared goals and interests could give rise to plans for ambitious projects. Whatever enterprises you start today are likely to
    prove successful if everyone involved pitches in. This evening, enjoy
    quiet time with your partner.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Have you wanted to move in a new direction, Gemini? If so, this could
    be when you get the lead of a lifetime. You might receive unexpected information indicating possible new sources of income to pursue on your own. New opportunities are going to come that could make a big difference in
    your lifestyle and catapult you to a higher socioeconomic bracket. Make
    the most of it all.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Unusual circumstances could arise that change your creative orientation, Cancer. It's likely that they involve the gathering, sharing, and using of information. You may consider some unusual options that involve changing
    jobs, home, or another factor important to you. Think carefully first. Enjoy
    an intimate evening sharing these new developments with someone special.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Today you could decide to attend a virtual workshop or social event involving people in a spiritual, metaphysical, or intellectual field, Leo. Fascinating talk could lead to your own insights and revelations. You could explore ways
    to harness your natural healing ability, perhaps through Reiki, massage,
    or another discipline. You'll be preoccupied with what you learn today.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    New information could come at you from all sides today, Virgo. Books, magazines, TV, the Internet, and conversations are likely to bring exciting knowledge your way that reinforces some of your convictions. Your intuitive abilities are strong, too. Insights could blend well with what you learn
    from others. Write down your thoughts. You'll want to put them to work
    for you later.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Surprising news about your finances and the economy in general could cause
    you to feel confident and secure about your financial future, Libra. An unexpected raise could be on the way, possibly because of sudden changes
    in the workplace. Some of the information may seem vague and uncertain at first, but later news should clear it up. It seems a celebration is in order!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Some fascinating new information, possibly spiritual or metaphysical, could come today from periodicals, TV, or the Internet. This could set you on a new course of study, Scorpio. Your insights and revelations could prove valuable
    in increasing your understanding of what you read. This evening, expect
    a surprising message from someone you haven't heard from in a while. Enjoy!

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Dreams and meditations could lead to insights about how best to handle
    your finances, Sagittarius. Your intuition is very strong. Also, you could receive some surprising ideas from media sources. No matter how outrageous
    an idea seems, consider it well before deciding. A written plan of action
    for anything you do would be helpful. You'll want to keep track of all
    your ideas.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A small social event or group rally could put you in touch with some new, exciting people in interesting fields, Capricorn. You might run into an
    old friend you haven't seen in ages. If you aren't romantically involved,
    an attractive new person could arrive on the scene. This promises to be
    an exciting, stimulating day. Don't be surprised if new doors to a great
    future open for you.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +15C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Sunday, August 11, 2024 08:00:48
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, August 11, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Does your job have a good profit-sharing plan, Aquarius, or do you own
    company stock? If so, expect to hear that its value has skyrocketed beyond
    what anyone had hoped. This is worthy of celebration. You and your colleagues should do just that. A romantic interest might offer congratulations. This trend is likely to continue. You might be a millionaire someday.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Romance should be going beautifully for you today, Pisces. Your romantic partner looks especially attractive and probably is in a great mood.
    You might decide to attend a lecture together or plan a weekend getaway. Communication between you is open, honest, supportive, and loving. Don't
    let this day pass you by. Make sure you get together, if possible. This
    could end up being a day to remember.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You've worked hard for your money, Aries, and today you should reap
    the benefits of your efforts. Earnings, investments, property values -
    all should be worth considerably more than they were a year ago. Love,
    sex, and romance should also be going well, although you might have a few difficulties coordinating your schedule with your partner's. Bask in the
    glow of your success.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    A love partner may have heard some great career news today and want
    to take you out to celebrate, Taurus. Go - no matter what you have to reschedule. Your friend is in a great mood, looks wonderful, and is feeling very passionate and sexy. If you want a night to remember, don't let this chance pass you by. Also make sure you look your very best.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Relations with family and other household members should be at their very
    best today, Gemini. If you see colleagues outside of work, they could
    also be congenial and supportive. This might stem from the fact that the
    lines of communication between you are wide open and you've reached a new understanding. Keep this going. It can only benefit everyone involved.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Words of love could be exchanged between you and your romantic interest
    today, Cancer. Obstacles to open and honest communication have been cleared away in the past few weeks. You'll both be more apt than usual to express
    your feelings. The only caveat is to not lay it on too thick. Even now,
    getting too mushy could be off-putting for your partner. Be discreet and
    enjoy your day.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Money matters should be going well for you now, Leo, so today you might
    decide to make a long-desired expenditure for your home. You might decide
    to buy furniture, do some redecorating, or even purchase a new home.
    Land investments might also warrant some consideration. Whatever you do,
    you'll enjoy it. The results could make a very positive difference in your
    home life. Enjoy.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You should look especially good today, Virgo, and feel outgoing and
    charming. Friends, neighbors, and strangers may comment on how great
    you look. Communication is apt to be warm, informative, and supportive. Relationships of all kinds should strengthen. If you can schedule a date
    for tonight with your partner, you may get an especially enthusiastic and gratifying response. Enjoy your day!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Your imagination should be flying high today, Libra, and your creative
    juices flowing freely. Exceptional ideas for projects involving writing,
    music, or painting could pop into your head during the day. Start on one and list the others so you can refer to them later. Don't be surprised if you
    find your intuition increasing as well. Make the most of it all and have fun.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    If possible, a social event could take place today involving a small number
    of friends you may not have seen for a long time, Scorpio. You'll feel
    good about catching up and meeting exciting new people, too. Interesting information could come your way. Someone might be upset about something and want a shoulder to cry on. But this should be mostly a happy and gratifying
    day for you. Enjoy.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Have you been pursuing a career involving the creative arts, Sagittarius? If so, news of an upcoming success could come your way today. This is a gratifying day for you. Friends could phone or come by to congratulate
    you. Ideas for new projects could fill your head. Go out to dinner tonight
    with friends or your romantic partner, if possible. You deserve it!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A friend who lives far away might call or email you today, Capricorn. Your friend may be planning to visit your area and want to get together
    with you. This should make you very happy, although at first you may
    worry that job responsibilities or other current world situations will interfere. Hopefully, you can find a way to make it work. Mark the date
    of your friend's arrival on your calendar and look forward to it. Enjoy
    your day!

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- up 2 days, 20 hours, 41 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Monday, August 12, 2024 08:00:26
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, August 12, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    A sum of money above and beyond your usual income could come your way. This could be a bonus, settlement, or even a gift of some kind. You could put it
    to work making changes in your home, perhaps repairs, perhaps remodeling
    or redecorating. This may seem like a daunting prospect, but you'll have
    the energy and enthusiasm in addition to the money. Go to it.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Some vast changes in your community could take place, Pisces. They're positive, for the most part. Today the news should spread widely, and you
    could be hearing about it from all sides - local newspapers, neighbors, and conversations on the street. The level of excitement in your neighborhood
    is likely high, and you could get caught up in it. Be prepared for some surprises.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Aries, you might choose to do some volunteer work today or help a
    friend. This could make you aware of a talent you didn't know you had. It
    could pave the way to more income. You could feel very proud of yourself
    and decide to do more with this ability, leading not only to financial
    benefits but also to increased self-esteem. Go for it.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today you might wake up feeling that you can move mountains - and this might
    be exactly what you set out to do, figuratively speaking. Your physical
    energy, enthusiasm, and self-confidence are very high, Taurus. Your own
    and others' creative projects could take up a lot of your time. If you're coaching or helping others, however, avoid the temptation to take over
    the project.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today you could recapture the joy in life that you had as a child,
    Gemini. You're serious by nature, and feelings of joy are to be lived and treasured. You could be experiencing true flow. There might not be any
    real reason for it, so don't try to find one. Your imagination and your relationships with others could be enhanced as a result. Relish the moment.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Projects involving a group, perhaps your entire community, could take up a
    lot of your time, Cancer. Interesting news and stimulating conversations
    could come your way. Expect a lot of activity around you. You could be
    running around in the car, seeing people, getting errands taken care of. You could also find yourself changed somewhat - for the better, of course.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    New ideas for your career could be on your mind, Leo. You might be
    thinking not only about getting a new job but also entering an entirely new field. This could be a positive development, but don't be too impulsive and leap without thinking. List your options, cross out the unworkable ones,
    and do some research on the rest. Even though you may feel some urgency,
    there is none.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Continued success and good luck should have you feeling charged up to
    move ahead with plans and ideas. Your energy and enthusiasm are high,
    Virgo. You're likely thinking about expanding your horizons, perhaps
    through travel or education. You should definitely give these serious
    thought. Plan carefully and take care not to move before the time is right.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Don't be surprised if sometime during the day you feel angry for no apparent reason, Libra. It's probably rooted in the past, from a situation that
    wasn't resolved long ago. Take a good look at what's going on today. Did
    some person or event awaken old traumas within you? Let them and the anger
    go. This can only benefit you and clear the way for more positive emotions.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    This is a great day to start new enterprises with others, Scorpio. Possible gatherings with friends or group activities could lead to ideas for new projects that fire your energy and enthusiasm. New immediate and long-term goals should be set. Some people may not be interested and could drop out,
    but don't worry. Others who share your interests will quickly step in to
    take their places.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Activities of some kind could put you in the public eye today,
    Sagittarius. Some work you've done well might bring you richly deserved acknowledgement. Your energy and enthusiasm are already high, and you're probably all fired up to do more. This could bring up thoughts of changes
    in your working situation. But don't give notice right away. Some careful thought is needed.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Changes to your chosen field are indicated, Capricorn. Ideas from other
    states or countries might fire your creativity. Your intellectual or
    artistic interests could take on a new dimension, expanding your horizons
    and opening new opportunities. You might toy with the idea of travel,
    perhaps to learn more about these matters. Possible formal education in
    new fields is also indicated.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Sunny +14C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 08:00:34
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, August 13, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You may feel like you're being tested in some way and must prove that what you're doing is valid and correct, Aquarius. Fortunately, you should feel
    an emotional boost that will help you be confident about who you are, regardless of what other people think. The biggest tests are those that
    you give yourself. You are your toughest critic. Take concerted steps to
    go easier on yourself.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You're able to assert yourself with more confidence than usual, Pisces. You should have a grounded perspective regarding your emotions. You aren't afraid to speak your mind in a situation where normally you'd only say anything
    that helps keep the peace. Other people may prefer that you keep things on
    an even keel, but you aren't working for them. You're working for yourself.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Just when you feel like you've come to a point of emotional stability
    and calm, Aries, something happens to throw you off balance. You may be
    uneasy with the notion of stability and feel what you really want is risk, action, and excitement. This inner conflict makes it hard for you to operate. Try not to overanalyze every piece of the equation. The solution will come
    to you.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You have lots of energy and self-confidence, Taurus. That's wonderful,
    but it may also put you at greater risk for dangerous experiences and accidents. You could find that you're much more aggressive, especially if someone crosses you. An emotional irritation could manifest in physical ways like reckless driving or arguments with people who don't deserve your anger.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Be happy with yourself and others, Gemini. Stop trying to find fault with everyone you interact with. By criticizing what they do and how they do it,
    you could wake up one morning and find that you have no friends. By only seeing the bad in people, you may talk yourself out of relationships with
    them. Be careful about coming across as a know-it-all. It isn't your job
    to dictate or judge.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You may be bursting with energy and yearning to be a free spirit, Cancer. At the same time, your emotions could find a way to block these thoughts. You
    may feel like there's some sort of weight holding you down, making it
    difficult to act freely. This could cause you to act fitfully, leaving
    you frustrated and defeated. Calm down and take things one step at a time.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You may feel a bit blue due to a nagging weightiness that pins you down
    to reality instead of being free to fly, Leo. You may act out in an
    effort to prove to yourself and others that you're somehow above Earthly things. Get over the mental block that says being grounded is a bad thing. Plant your feet firmly on terra firma. That's how you find balance and
    attain your goals.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You're able to work much more efficiently and effectively, Virgo. Your
    energy is strong, and you don't need to fight in order to get your voice
    heard. Attend to details and don't get discouraged by any discomfort that
    might arise. As long as you approach things with a positive attitude, everything should work out fine. You shouldn't have to put in any special effort to be successful.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Different people measure success by different scales. You shouldn't get discouraged if your accomplishment today seems small compared to what
    others have done in the same period. Comparisons will make it difficult
    for you to feel like you're getting anywhere. Someone else will always do
    more. Be content with what you do today, even if it's something simple.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You could feel as if the battle has begun and you're the target,
    Scorpio. If you don't have a solid force behind you, this period could be difficult. Emotionally, this may not be your best day. Instead of feeling
    your feelings, you examine them in a methodical, rational manner. It
    may seem like you're dealing with them when you're really trying to talk yourself out of feeling them at all.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    It could be scary for you to do anything risky for fear of conflict or
    failure, Sagittarius. Perhaps you've tried to become invisible in different situations so you can avoid being noticed. These defense mechanisms may
    serve you for a while but acting out of fear or guilt won't get you where
    you need to go. To achieve what you want, you must act with confidence,
    love, and faith.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    This is a terrific time to start some physical activity that takes you
    outside and gets your blood pumping, Capricorn. Don't think this means you
    have to become the star player at a tennis club. A simple walk around the
    block every morning may be all you need to feel a boost in physical and
    mental energy. Also note the clarity of mind that comes when you get your
    body moving.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +15C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 08:00:26
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, August 14, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    If your lifestyle is very different from others, resist feeling
    self-conscious about it today, Aquarius. Remember that you chose your life
    for specific reasons. Even if you're considering a change, there's no need
    to feel ashamed or embarrassed about where you are now. Everyone has to
    make his or her own way. If it conforms to the norm, that's fine. If it doesn't, that's fine, too.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Enhanced determination could motivate you today, Pisces, giving you the
    zip to plow through your work. Finish projects that have been pending and
    think about what you want to tackle next. Don't hesitate to do something that feels complicated or big. You'll probably be able to handle anything, and it will feel great when you're done. Making the most of any opportunity. Enjoy your day.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Are you feeling the effects of today's low-key planetary aspects, Aries? Take heart - it's only temporary. Do your best to take things one step at
    a time and make some plans for a little fun this evening. Get together
    with friends, if possible, or watch a movie. Help yourself feel better
    by staying busy and focused, followed by recreation. Before you know it,
    you'll be feeling much more upbeat.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Make some plans for recreation, Taurus. Having something fun to look forward
    to can make even the toughest times far easier to handle. You'll be amazed
    at how much you can manage when there's an end in sight. Your whole attitude lightens, so take the bull by the horns and create your own incentives. Do something special to reward yourself for the hard work you do every day.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Don't judge someone just because his or her lifestyle differs from what
    you consider normal, Gemini. You may be traditional, but not everyone
    shares your view of relationships, work, or lifestyle. While this may
    seem hard to understand and even frightening to you, try not to be too
    hard on others. You'll be better off using that energy to keep your own
    life on track.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Friends seeking advice or a shoulder to cry on may be plentiful today,
    Cancer. And you're one of best people to provide the support and caring
    they need. Just don't give so much to others that you have nothing left
    for yourself. True friendship is about sharing problems. Getting rundown
    will leave you in a place where you aren't much help to anyone.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Getting through any work you have to do shouldn't be a problem for you
    today, Leo. Even if you flag for a bit, you're likely to get a second wind,
    and this will give you the drive and determination to see your projects
    to completion. Make plans for some fun after you're done, such as getting together with friends, if possible, or taking in an event that really
    intrigues you. You deserve it.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Working within boundaries and restrictions could get to you today,
    Virgo. Yours is an independent spirit, and your best achievements are
    often born of doing things your own way. Like it or not, we all have to
    follow rules. Finish what needs to be done. Afterward, you may find more freedom to act independently without consequences. Exercise patience and diligence as needed.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Chances are that you'll feel upbeat and positive today. Share this energy
    with others who feel less than content. Your attitude can have a profound effect on friends, partners, spouse, and children. Neighbors and extended family can pick up on your spirit without you even realizing it. If someone
    is hurt or angry, be encouraging. Everything will eventually work out.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Don't discount your excellent resourcefulness, Scorpio. If you haven't got everything you need or all of the information required, take some time to think. Who do you know? What resources can you access? Who might know where
    you can find what you need? Rather than panic because the pieces aren't
    all there yet, make a list of contacts and go for it. Trust in yourself.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Try not to let the blues get you down, Sagittarius. While it's true some
    days can seem to drag, the busier you stay, the faster time will pass. Get
    down to finishing any work still pending and make plans for an evening
    out. If there's a light at the end of the tunnel, not only will things
    seem to speed up, but you'll also feel better knowing you're almost done.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Dare to be different, Capricorn. It's easy to fall into routines - sleep
    and eat at the same time, wear the same style, and do your work the same
    way every day. Before you know it, you're in a rut. The only way to pull
    out of it is to decide to break free. Try a new hairstyle. Wear colors that
    are new for you. If the rut is really deep, consider a new career. Expand
    your horizons.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +13C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Thursday, August 15, 2024 08:00:34
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, August 15, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Take charge of your health today, Aquarius. You'll likely wake up
    feeling energetic. Take advantage of the energy boost from the planetary movements to actively do things that maintain your sense of well-being. Consider emotional and spiritual aspects of your health. Sit outside in
    the fresh air. Take a walk, do some gardening, engage in something creative
    and physical.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    If you saw something in a craft shop or art studio that you'd like to
    buy but can't afford, consider making it, Pisces. Even if you don't
    think you're artistic, you could surprise yourself if you try. There are resources for novice crafters. They can give you the needed support and instructions. Don't dismiss your ability. Explore this avenue and see
    about finding a creative niche.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    It's the perfect day to head outside, Aries. You'll likely be feeling
    positive and energetic, and the fresh air, sunshine, and physical activity
    may be long overdue. Even if you have to be inside for work, make the
    most of your breaks and lunch hour by walking. This evening could be the opportune time to get together with friends, if possible.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    It won't be surprising if you're frustrated with a close friend or
    partner who's far less ambitious than you, Taurus. The energy in the air
    can emphasize your dynamic ways of reaching goals and achieving success.
    Others who are passive or fearful may be difficult for you to understand. Yet people have to do things in ways that are best for them. Try to be patient.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    See about using your good relationships with friends and loved ones to
    get future group activities going, Gemini. You're probably feeling great,
    and the idea of socializing appeals to you. See about inviting people over
    for supper or cards, when possible. If you're feeling especially lively,
    some sports may be just the ticket to get you moving. Do whatever it takes
    to have fun and get some fresh air safely.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    If you lack a regular exercise routine, Cancer, today's a great day to
    remedy that. Exercise doesn't have to exhaust you or hurt. Even activities
    like walking or yoga are excellent ways to stay healthy. Play a sport
    that appeals to you and you combine fun with exercise. Even dancing is a fantastic means of exercise. Find something that works for you.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Put your ambition into action today, Leo. The day's planetary aspects
    should find you feeling energetic and positive, so take steps to achieve
    your goals. Nothing will happen if you don't actively pursue them. The
    years can pass quickly. You don't want to be sitting in a rocker wondering "what if." Trust yourself and do what it takes. Everything starts with
    that first step.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Don't hesitate when it comes to taking on a project or making plans today, Virgo. Extra energy will complement your organizational skills, making
    a perfect combination for handling almost anything. Write down your
    plans and goals to help stay focused. Get rid of things you never use.
    Consider donating these items, since there's probably someone who needs them.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today should go well for you, Libra. Expect to feel a renewed energy
    and fresher perspective, especially concerning anything work related.
    Make the most of this by finishing projects that have been stalled or organizing your desk or closets. Feel confident that you can handle any
    task quickly. When everything is taken care of, make plans for a little recreation. You deserve it.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Today you may feel very creative and ambitious, Scorpio. You might want
    to use this energy to work on an artistic project, or you may choose to
    channel it into such activities as organizing your home or workspace. If
    you plan for it, there should be plenty of time to do both if you have a
    mind to. Make the most of the day.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Don't be surprised if you feel super today, Sagittarius. Chances are good
    that you'll enjoy renewed physical strength, with energy to spare. It might
    be a good day to tackle any projects that require muscle. Perhaps there
    are household repairs that need tackling or furniture to move. You might
    want to go to the gym. Whatever the activity, this is a good day to go
    for it with gusto.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    The influence of the planetary aspects will bring an end to any lethargy
    you've been feeling, Capricorn. It's an excellent day to head outside and
    do something active. Gardening or landscaping can make great use of your
    energy and creativity. Fresh air and physical exertion will benefit your health. Even if you have to work today, there's always the evening to enjoy.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Shallow fog +13C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Friday, August 16, 2024 08:00:34
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, August 16, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    When was the last time you used a pen and paper, Aquarius? The keyboard
    has all but replaced these wonderful tools. In the same way that walking provides more than fresh air, the kinesthetic value of writing's rhythmic motion is far more soothing and healing than people realize. Moving your
    hand across the page can feel good. It unlocks places within that typing
    can't access. Try it.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Today could bring a keen sense of empathy and understanding, Pisces. Verbal communication is likely to be enhanced. Take advantage of this by talking through any problems or issues with important people in your life. Go to
    visit or call to work things out. Most importantly, express your affection
    for those closest to you by telling them straight out what they mean to you.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Don't be surprised if your mind goes a thousand miles a second today,
    Aries. Slowing down will be difficult, and you'll have to find a way
    to express what's in your head. The planetary aspects lend strength to communication. Perhaps talking out your ideas or writing to someone whose insight you value will help. Even doodling can give you a place to put
    your thoughts.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Welcome to another great day, Taurus! The energy from the planetary aspects
    is positive and encouraging, especially when it comes to communicating
    and interacting with others. Take advantage of this. Get together with
    friends and family for a pleasant visit, if possible. Consider inviting
    people over for games or dinner or do it virtually if need be. A potluck
    can be fun. You work hard all the time, so play gently today.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You might be really interested in getting out and doing something with the special people in your life, Gemini. You can thank the day's planetary
    aspects, which are conspiring to make this a perfect time to spend time together. Is there a place you're curious about and want to visit? Go today, if possible. Pack up the family and go for a fun day to check it out.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Cancer, consider channeling your philosophical inspirations into creative writing, Cancer. It's probably something you'll enjoy. Even if you haven't expressed yourself in this way before, there's no better day than today
    to give it a whirl. Try your hand at poetry or fiction. If that seems
    too daunting, start a journal. This will give you a place to collect your thoughts and insights.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You might need to be alone today, Leo. You're probably surrounded by
    people most of the time. It can be unhealthy if you can't occasionally
    be alone with your thoughts and feelings. It's critical to take care
    of your emotional well-being, since you have a deeply sensitive nature.
    With all the continuous activity around you, make time to connect with
    this important part of you.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Today you may want to go your own way regardless of what anyone else wants, Virgo. Your independence is important to you, but compromise might be needed
    in order to avoid conflict. Consider splitting your time between those
    close to you and yourself. Explain to your loved ones why you need alone
    time. If it's done with grace and humor, they'll undoubtedly support you.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today may find you in the mood for an adventure or a visit if possible,
    Libra. When was the last time you took a day for something like this? It's probably been too long. Not only will you enjoy it, but others will be
    thrilled to spend time with you, too. Whether you invite a friend along
    or go alone, seize the opportunity to visit people or see someplace new.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Serious thinking and communication are enhanced today, Scorpio. They're already strong qualities in you, and with this added boost, you'll need
    an outlet for expression. A journal is an excellent vehicle. Talking is another. If you have issues or worries, consider getting together with all involved and airing your thoughts. It's a perfect day to resolve problems.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You might feel cornered into doing something you don't want to do today, Sagittarius. Perhaps you made a promise to handle a project. Maybe someone decides it's the day to call in an I.O.U. Either way, say so if you aren't comfortable following through. Today's energy enhances your ability to
    express yourself and be understood. Rescheduling may be far better than potential resentment.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You might find that someone close to you needs a hand today, Capricorn. They could be too proud to ask for help. Don't let that stop you. If you see
    a situation in which you can help, do it. Don't wait for an invitation
    or request. Simply assess the situation and do what you can. Your efforts
    will be appreciated, and you'll feel good about making a difference.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +17C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Saturday, August 17, 2024 08:00:24
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, August 17, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    This is an excellent day to express your natural creativity, Aquarius. The
    arts will more than likely be very important to you. You may find that
    nothing brings you more pleasure on days like this. Consider putting this to good use by painting, sculpting, or doing crafts. You'll find the perfect
    thing for you is engaging in art activities with a focus on giving.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    If you feel tired, Pisces, you may need to close your eyes and listen to soothing music. You work hard most of the time, so do your body and mind
    some good and just relax and listen to your favorite music. Even a few
    minutes will make a difference. You can always use the quiet time to plan
    if you feel you need to accomplish something.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Today could bring some strong feelings, Aries. This may not be new, as you generally tend to feel things deeply. Finding a way to express this could sometimes be tough for you. While you're creative, it isn't always easy
    to find the right activity to get you going. Visit an online bookstore
    and look for some appealing craft or art books. They may spark ideas for expressing yourself.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Taurus, consider that artistic expression can happen in many ways. It
    isn't always about drawing a picture, singing a song, playing music, or
    acting. The way you arrange your home or workspace is an artistic expression, as are how you dress and do your hair. Each thing you do is an expression
    of your style. You are uniquely artistic. Enjoy this gift today.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You may find that today brings great physical strength and energy,
    Gemini. You may want to do some really challenging, physical work. This is
    the day for it, so why not go to it? Do some yard work or clean out closets, cupboards, drawers, and filing cabinets. Consider donating items that you
    don't use anymore or sell things online to make a couple bucks.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Get into doing things today, Cancer. Activities that require focus or creativity are supported. Your physical strength and energy will compel you
    to do something active. If you've been feeling tired or under the weather,
    this can put an end to it. Consider artistic projects that take strength,
    such as building something out of wood or carving. Make something special
    for someone.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Your active side may really show today, Leo. While you can be extremely
    focused on "thinking" work, you can also love keeping active and enjoy
    physical work. When you have a project like cleaning your home, you
    can be quick when you put your mind to it. This is a good day to get
    a lot accomplished. You'll probably enjoy it very much and bask in the satisfaction afterwards.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    If you've been feeling tired or sick lately, this will probably turn around
    for you today, Virgo. Bouts of moodiness can be a real drain. Your emotional state has a pronounced effect on the way your body feels. Be sure to take
    care of your feelings as well as your body. If there are things that need
    to be worked out, do that now. The two really do go together.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You'll probably be busy today, Libra, and this may suit you just fine. This
    can really work in favor if you have some tasks to catch up on. Being energetic, active, and productive is natural for you. In fact, when you
    have to sit too long you probably feel restless or anxious. You may fidget, too. If you find yourself doing this, go find something active to do.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Today, Scorpio, your ability to stand up for your decisions and not
    let others sway you may be enhanced. This will be especially strong if
    you've solved a problem. You may find that others often try to change your decisions, but not today. Things are working in your favor and you'll feel
    new strength as a result. Follow your heart.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You may feel a need to get moving today, Sagittarius. Almost everyone
    at times prefers quiet activities, books, art, and even just sitting
    around to physical activity. But your health can suffer if you're too
    inactive. Fresh air, exercise, and sunshine are vital to your well-being.
    Don't resist the urge to get up and do something active. Chances are good
    that you'll really enjoy it.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Capricorn, you'll probably find that you have a ton of energy to put into all kinds of activities. Finish any work that still needs completion, consider doing some cleaning and organizing, or see about getting out for a little
    warm weather fun. Whatever you choose, make sure it's active. You'll need
    a place for all that energy to go and quiet activities won't cut it today.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Mist +20C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Sunday, August 18, 2024 08:00:22
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, August 18, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Are you satisfied with your current career, Aquarius? If not, start by
    making a plan. There are specific steps that you can take to give you
    the greatest advantage in the opportunities available. Consider visiting
    online career sites. There are wonderful articles and tips for the taking. Don't settle for less than you deserve. See what's out there and find a
    more fulfilling career.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Don't fear change, Pisces. Even if you think you don't adjust well, you have far more adaptability than you realize. Without change, life would become stagnant and lifeless. It wouldn't be long before you grew unsatisfied
    and bored with the same old thing. Try to see change as an adventure and a gateway to greater happiness and fulfillment. Trust in your versatility, too.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Make your dreams valuable tools for insight, Aries. Back in the old days,
    great rulers believed so strongly in the insight of dreams that they
    employed interpreters. Whether you think dreams are mystical insights or
    random thoughts, you can gain a lot from them. Reoccurring dreams are significant and can point to something that needs addressing. Consider exploring this area.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Follow your instincts, Taurus. Even if you tend to listen more to your
    reason, put that aside. While your ears can hear words, your intuition can
    hear what's between the lines and provide you with a much bigger picture.
    If something sounds right but feels wrong, you'll be better off trusting
    your feelings. Act with careful consideration and caution.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Feed your mind with new knowledge, Gemini. Visit an internet bookstore
    or read some interesting information online. If you have more time, visit
    the library, if possible, or explore courses that you might like. There is knowledge to be had everywhere you look, provided you're open to receiving
    it. People are often the best resource. Ask someone to explain something,
    if that's what you need.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Try to see nightmares as safe ways to understand feelings, Cancer. No
    one likes to experience them, and we'd sooner forget them once awake,
    the quickest way to ensure they don't return is to understand what
    they're saying. Fear, pain, and anxiety are the most common ingredients
    of nightmares. What frightens you? Do you feel insecure? Consider the
    questions and probe for answers.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Are you living your dreams, Leo? Are you still in touch with them? The
    energy from today's planetary aspects can lend strength and encouragement to this part of your life. Take hold of the things you want most of all. Ask yourself, "What do I want people to say about me when I'm gone?" Get back
    on the road to a fulfilled life by taking steps toward your desires.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Today's a good day to check into advancing your career or education,
    Virgo. The energy favors expansion and growth. When was the last time you learned a new skill? It doesn't have to be work related, either. If arranging flowers, skydiving, or programming websites is something that appeals to
    you, go for it. Never stop looking for ways to expand your knowledge.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Do you recognize your intuition as a valuable asset, Libra? Some people
    do and some don't. Which group are you in? It can be easy to trust more
    in concrete, factual reality than in the things you can't touch, yet your intuition can serve you more than you may realize. That gut feeling you experience can guide you toward greatness and alert you to danger. Trust
    it more.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Use your creativity to make things happen today, Scorpio. This doesn't
    have to take the form of a finished product. You can come up with new
    and innovative ways to approach a task, project, or problem. Trust your
    ability to discover such things. You're known for your sharp thinking and creative abilities. Combining them can make you unstoppable when finding solutions to almost any problem.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Find new ways to expand your horizons, Sagittarius. The web has an infinite number of resources and information to explore. Not only that, but your community and local colleges offer various online courses to choose from.
    Think about what you'd enjoy learning - perhaps a new job skill or craft. Whether it's judo or Italian or woodworking that strikes your fancy,
    it's out there. Find it.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Step out of your usual role, Capricorn. Doing this every now and then
    can add knowledge and expand your life. The day's planetary aspects favor
    such growth. Your willingness to walk a different path can give you far
    more than you imagine. Try something you've never considered before. Go
    to a new place. Change your desk around. See what you can discover about yourself and the world.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast +19C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Monday, August 19, 2024 08:00:34
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, August 19, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You might feel more energetic than you have in a long time, Aquarius. A powerful energy that increases your mental acuity and physical strength
    can really help you finish anything that's pending. If you managed to accomplish so much already that you have time to spare, it's fine to help others with their load. Be sure to put yours first, though.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    If there's something you've wanted to take on, Pisces, today's the
    day. There's an increase in your physical and mental strength. Dispose
    of any insecurity or lack of confidence and take the steps to tackle a
    project or goal. You have an innate ability to make sound judgments and
    this is what you need to trust. Take steps to get what you want.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    If you've been feeling sluggish lately, this will be a welcome day for you, Aries. You'll feel a surge in energy that greatly increases your creativity
    and physical strength. Seize the opportunity to be outside for sports or
    a walk. Such things will direct your energy and give your mind a chance
    to clear. Don't be surprised if you have more focus later. Make the most
    of this.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Taurus, if there's something interesting that you've wanted to try, this is
    a great day for it. Adventure brings excitement, creative flow, and energy, which are essential to you. You're highly artistic. Continual stimulation
    is required to keep your psyche healthy. Experience something new today,
    even if it's a walk in a new place. You'll get the adrenaline you need.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    With today's energy, you can take steps toward getting things in order,
    Gemini. Tackle desk drawers, closets, storage rooms, or filing cabinets. When you create order, you gain a sense of peace and personal control. Mental organization, such as goal planning, brainstorming, or scheduling, will
    add to this, too. Do what you can to clean out as many mental and physical corners as possible.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today's energy can have you feeling ready for anything, Cancer. Given your more radical approach, you may need to keep in check. Humanitarianism is
    part of your being, so if the pursuit of something you want hurts others,
    it would be a serious contradiction. Think through your actions before following through to ensure that you remain true to your ethical standards.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Today might be a good day to take a second shot at something that didn't
    work out the first time, Leo. Falling flat on your face can damage your self-esteem and confidence, but such things are part of life, and they
    really do add character. By going back into the ring, you ensure that you
    build courage and perseverance.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Your ability to find innovative approaches to things may serve you
    well today, Virgo. Strong energy and mental acuity continue today, and
    you'll find that most things come easily. When approaching projects, take
    extra time to consider possibilities. Try seeing things from every angle. You'll likely find far more choices than you originally thought there were.
    Jot down ideas.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    If long-overdue work has piled up, Libra, today is the day to dig in. This is especially so for things you weren't able to handle yesterday. Fortunately, you have added strength and mental acuity. Things will go smoothly. Make
    the most of this energy by not putting off anything. The pile will just
    grow if you procrastinate. Do what needs to be done and you'll feel great.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Don't worry about being productive today, Scorpio. You might still accomplish more than you have in a long time. The cosmic energy indicates that if you didn't get everything done that you wanted to yesterday, you're sure to do it today. Dig in your heels and go. Things will get done with time to spare. If you're into a creative hobby, work on that, too. You'll find it rewarding.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Expect an added boost of physical energy today, Sagittarius. It's an
    excellent day to clean out closets. Exercise like yoga or walking will be
    most enjoyable. It could also prove to be well worth your while to look at
    your goals. Are you where you want to be at this stage of your life or are there changes that need to be made? Give your brain and body a good workout.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    If certain projects or tasks have seemed difficult for you to finish, today's energy will give you the zip you need, Capricorn. The energy indicates
    that things will go well for you once you get started. It's a good time to
    meet with others to discuss business or other arrangements. Your increased communication and cooperative skills will make decisions easier than usual.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast +16C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Tuesday, August 20, 2024 08:00:26
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, August 20, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Try not to lose sight of your own projects or desires, Aquarius. There's
    a great deal of power and manipulative energy in the air today that could
    throw you off course if you aren't careful. Have confidence in yourself
    and don't back down if things get too confrontational. Take control of
    the car you're driving instead of just coasting haphazardly down the hill.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Recharge today by getting outside and stretching your arms to the
    sky, Pisces. Be proud and courageous. You have the power to turn an
    unhealthy situation into a positive one, but first you must get rid of all self-doubt. If you don't have confidence in yourself, it will be hard for others to have confidence in you. Make sure you let the world know exactly where you stand.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Difficult predicaments could arise today if you try to exert your will over others without having the most honorable intentions, Aries. It could be that you're using someone else's fear of you to control him or her. This doesn't make for a healthy relationship. Try not to snap at others. Make allies,
    not enemies, and you'll find that you will have nothing to fear.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    The fire within you is raging today, Taurus, and you should be careful how
    you wield this power. Be proud and triumphant. Walk with your shoulders
    back and head high. Freedom is important, but make sure that others don't interpret it as you not caring about a person or situation that's actually quite meaningful to you. Let your heart speak openly and honestly.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    There may be a great deal of fuss over something that seems quite
    insignificant to you, Gemini. Try to see the beauty and importance of everything around you. At the same time, make sure you give yourself enough credit for being the person you are. Egos are apt to go through a bit of
    a transformation that will affect the way you react to the outside world.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Things are coming to a critical point for you today, Cancer, and you may
    find that other people openly object to your actions. It's OK to be a bit selfish if the situation is appropriate. Look at yourself in the mirror and
    be proud of the person you see. Try not to get lost in the group or think
    that your personal success and happiness depend on the success of others.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Feel free to speak more loudly today, Leo. You'll find that things fall
    into place more easily if you speak your thoughts outwardly and directly
    in the presence of others. Bring your internal power under your control
    instead of becoming a victim of the control games played by others.
    Your sincere heart is easily manipulated, so be careful that you aren't
    getting the short end of the stick.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You should bask in a glorious splendor today, Virgo. There's a great deal
    of power at your disposal. You'll find your ego is healthy, charged, and
    ready for the battlefield. Work lovingly with the energies that surround
    you. There's a great deal of fire in the air that will aid your pursuit
    of happiness. Don't settle for anything less than the best, because you're worth it.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Add more sunshine to your day, Libra. It may be time to stir up your
    inner passion and let it speak with greater confidence than you have been lately. Make sure you heal yourself by letting the people around you hear
    your truth loud and clear. Don't play games in order to please others. Stay true to yourself above all else.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You'll find that your spark can easily turn potential energy into kinetic energy, Scorpio. Don't underestimate the power of your words. Realize the profound impact they have on others and take responsibility for their consequences. Try to use them sparingly if you can. Speak half as much as
    you normally would, but make each sentence resonate twice as powerfully.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Don't dwell on your fluctuating moods today, Sagittarius. Look at the larger trends and how positive elements are coming together in your favor. Stay optimistic and remember that you were put here for a reason. Respect and
    honor your values by staying in tune with yourself and the world around
    you. There's a profound power in your stillness, so cherish all moments
    of silence.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    This is your day to shine in all your glory, Capricorn. There's no need
    to hold anything back. You'll find that you have a great deal of love to
    share. Your heart is likely to go to extremes today in order to prove its
    love, passion, and affection. Make sure that this energy that's so true
    to your core is appreciated and reciprocated by the people with whom you
    share it.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +10C, UV Index: 3
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 08:00:34
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, August 21, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    There's a fiery tone to the day that can't be ignored, Aquarius. You may
    find that adjustments need to be made in your own plan of attack in order
    to get on the same page with other people. Don't worry if things don't go according to your plans. In fact, the best route to take is the one that
    wasn't even planned. Do something that you've never done before.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    There's an extra spark in your eye that people won't be able to
    ignore. Today's a good day to get your point across, because you'll find
    people more open and receptive to new things than usual. Speak with
    confidence and you'll go far. It's important for you to say what you
    feel. If you don't, others will find reasons to walk all over you.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Take yourself on a mental adventure today in which you explore new aspects
    of your world. Discuss philosophy and religion. Get to the core of a matter that seriously interests you. Now is a good time to consider taking classes
    or engaging in some form of higher learning. Your emotions come from a
    point of great power and you should use this energy wisely.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today is your day, Taurus, so live it up! If it seems like things have been rather intense lately, don't worry, they're apt to lighten up quite a bit today. Feel free to be your usual jolly self, the one who adds humor to the group. Your laughter will be appreciated. Come into the forefront. Bring
    things up to your level and you'll find that others willingly join you there.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Be careful that you aren't acting in a way that you dislike in others,
    Gemini. You could find that you're slowly taking on the traits of the
    people you despise. Lighten up a bit and put a smile on your face. If you continue to see the negative side of everything, it's likely that other
    people will only see the negative side of you.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    The day's general mood should fit quite well with your agenda,
    Cancer. There's no need to fixate on the negative. Keep things light
    and upbeat and worry about the consequences later. This is the time to
    be adventurous and explore. Don't let anyone else tell you how to run
    your show. You have a strong will and strong opinions, so don't be afraid
    to express either.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You may need a translator to get through to people today, Leo. It could be hard to make decisions, but not impossible. Today's tip is to err on the
    side of adventure. Trust that good luck will pull you through if you take risks. You may feel unappreciated. Ask for help when you need it, but don't rely on others to heal you. Most of this work needs to come from within.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Use your power resources today, Virgo, as you have a great deal of dynamic energy at your disposal. You have the ability to transform and conquer
    anything now. Note that your spirit of adventure is apt to be more acute
    than normal, and you may be feeling quite anxious to get things rolling
    in a new direction. Don't hold back. Now is the time to do things full force.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You could be asked to make some spontaneous decisions today that you might
    not feel entirely comfortable making, Libra. You could feel you don't have enough facts to make an educated decision about what to do next. Realize
    that sometimes it's necessary to bite the bullet and make the best choice
    based on the knowledge you have. Be adventurous and trust your judgment.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Emotionally, you may feel as if you're running up against a brick wall, Scorpio. It could be that your first reaction is to drown your sorrows in drink. Escapism is only a temporary remedy. If things slam in your face
    today, use this as an indication that you need to take necessary action.
    Don't keep bouncing around from one thing to the next in order to avoid
    the obvious. Face the music.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Your emotions could be extra powerful today, Sagittarius, although
    something may not feel as if it's sitting right. It could be a feeling of manipulation. Perhaps you've misjudged someone else's sensitivity and now they're working to get back at you in a subtle yet harmful way. Attend to
    your feelings and spend time alone if it helps you get more in tune with
    your emotions.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Take hold of this day as if it's your own and use it to grow your dreams, Capricorn. You'll find a great deal of power and dynamism in the air
    urging you to take the adventurous route. There's no need to hold back.
    The door is open and waiting for you to take the leap of faith to the
    other side. Don't even worry about consequences now. Your good luck will
    pull you safely through.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +11C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Thursday, August 22, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, August 22, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Your intuition is likely to be very keen today, Aquarius. Accurate psychic insights could come to you thick and fast. Your imagination is also strong,
    and you might come up with ideas to enrich your home, work, or anything else
    on your mind. Don't be surprised if you seem to know what others will say before they even think of it. Write down any premonitions to verify later.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Get-togethers with friends or meetings with a small group, if possible,
    should prove informative and enlightening today, Pisces, although some
    of it may be a bit perplexing. You may have useful information to share,
    but you'll probably spend as much time listening as talking. Your friends
    may have happy news. Don't be surprised if day's end finds you more tightly bonded than before. Enjoy!

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Today things could be rather hectic at work, Aries. You'll probably be very busy and happy with whatever results you produce. You could tire yourself
    out, so be sure to take occasional breaks, and certainly don't forget
    to eat. Don't be surprised if colleagues pay you a lot of compliments.
    In the evening, get takeout for dinner and unwind. You deserve it.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Some new information about an interesting field could have you browsing
    the web and looking through books to learn more, Taurus. This could involve law, philosophy, history, or spirituality. You could find so much that you
    want to take notes or make a lot of photocopies. Don't tire yourself out
    and try to keep track of time. You might miss dinner or get to bed very late.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today you might learn about new and creative ways to increase your income, Gemini, possibly involving technology in some way. So much new information could come your way that you find it hard to keep track of it, so make sure
    you take note of where you found it so you can consult the source later. Your mind could be going so fast that you need to take a walk to clear your head.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Social events could put you in touch with interesting people in intriguing professions, Cancer. You might get involved in some fascinating conversations that provide you with a lot of useful information. Some of what you hear
    could be so bizarre that you find it difficult to believe. New friendships or groups could result from this interaction, so get contact information. Enjoy!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    A friend or colleague could recommend some books that you want to read right away, Leo. Be sure you take breaks and rest your eyes from time to time
    to avoid eyestrain and headaches today. It's also important to remember to
    get out and go for a walk, weather permitting. Your body needs stimulation
    as much as your mind, and a walk will clear your head. Enjoy your day.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Today your mind will be quick, insightful, and inspired, Virgo. Your
    creative impulses should go a thousand miles an hour and ideas should
    pop in and out of your head like crazy. Most likely you'll want to drop everything else and write down all your ideas. Make use of this inspiration while you can, as it may come in fits and starts. You could be surprised
    by what you produce.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    If visitors are able to pop in and out during the day, Libra, you'll be
    in the right frame of mind to enjoy their company. Expect interesting
    news and stimulating conversation. At the end of the day, your mind may
    be going like a house afire, so it might be a good idea to take a walk or
    get some other form of exercise or else you might not be able to sleep.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Don't be surprised if your inbox fills with email or your phone rings off
    the hook, Scorpio. Friends, relatives, and colleagues could have great
    news and useful information. One or more of these messages could inspire
    you to send a few of your own or even pay some visits. Most of what you
    learn should be positive and exciting, although some things may be confusing.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Inspiration is the word for today, Sagittarius. Your creative talent
    should blossom and motivate you to work on wonderful ideas. This could
    involve music, painting, decorating, or cooking. Relax and have fun with it. Whatever you do, you'll probably be pleased with the results. Feedback from others should be encouraging. Make notes of ideas you don't use today to remember them later.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Today your physical and mental energy should be operating at a very high
    level, Capricorn. You probably won't spend much time inside if you can
    avoid it. Expect get-togethers with friends and colleagues, if possible,
    and some stimulating, animated discussions. You may want to get in a good workout. This is a great day to enjoy the evening, perhaps watching an
    online concert, play, or movie. Have a great day.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +8C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Friday, August 23, 2024 08:00:26
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, August 23, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today you should be looking especially good and feeling particularly
    passionate and sensual, Aquarius. This is a great day to buy new clothes online, as your fashion sense is probably right on target. Racy novels
    and romantic movies may seem more appealing than usual. This is a great
    day to be alone with a love partner, if possible. Try to do this early in
    the day so there won't be any conflicts.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Your imagination should be flying high today, Pisces. Words, images,
    melodies, or whatever your artistic media are probably popping into your
    head faster than you can keep track of them. Write them down, record them,
    or do whatever you can to remember them or you could very easily forget
    them. You don't want that to happen. Take time to do this no matter what
    else is pressing.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Your financial goals are probably on the verge of becoming reality, Aries,
    but it might seem as if the few tasks remaining are too monumental to face right now. Don't fall into gloom and despair. Try to find some workable
    ideas to get these obstacles out of your way with minimal effort. Remember, there's always a way if you take time to plan. Good luck.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Conversations with a friend whose good sense you trust could open your eyes
    to new career possibilities, Taurus. You might think about transforming
    your working life. These opportunities need careful consideration, since
    you've never contemplated them before. There's no rush to make up your
    mind, so don't feel pressured. Do give it some thought. You'll probably
    be glad you did.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Strange dreams, insights, or visions could upend your spiritual orientation, Gemini. These new ideas could have your mind going a thousand miles an hour
    and shake up concepts that you've embraced for most of your life. Think
    about it without making yourself crazy. What you're receiving is nothing
    more Earthshaking than information to consider and then accept or reject.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A friend you may not have seen for a while could awaken strange new feelings for which you're unprepared, Cancer. You may see this person as a potential romantic partner. What you do about it depends on your situation. It probably isn't a good idea to pursue this attraction today. It may pass. Wait a
    few days. If it's still there, who knows?

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    The formation of a new business partnership might transform your working
    life, Leo. The benefits may not appear for a while, so don't quit your day
    job. Nonetheless, it's definitely worth considering. Make sure you have all
    the facts before making any formal commitment. It's important to be aware of every possible contingency before you start a new enterprise, especially now.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Unfinished job tasks might have you wanting to pitch in and get them done
    no matter what it takes, Virgo. This is likely to earn you a few brownie
    points with your colleagues but take care that you don't stress yourself
    out. You probably woke up feeling pretty good this morning, but you won't finish the day that way if you exhaust yourself. Pace yourself.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today you're apt to feel very sensual and passionate, Libra. Sexy clothes, racy novels, and romantic movies could be more appealing than usual. Don't
    be surprised if you attract admiring glances from strangers. This is
    an excellent day to schedule an evening alone with a lover, although you
    might not be able to get together now. You'll enjoy it whenever it happens. Better late than never!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    A powerful desire for a current or potential romantic partner might come
    over you today, Scorpio. This person could live far away or be on a trip,
    so you might have to be satisfied with a phone call or email instead of
    the meeting you'd prefer. Don't get frustrated. Distract yourself with an exciting novel or movie and look forward to when you can get together.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    A powerful need to reach someone either for business or personal reasons
    could have you spending a lot of time on the phone that may come to nothing, Sagittarius. You might call every place this person could possibly be,
    and this could prove frustrating. Your friend may be away. Leave a message
    or two and let him or her call you back. Find something else to distract you.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Money matters could prove obsessive today, Capricorn, as you might be trying
    to make an important purchase and need to revise your budget in order to do
    so. You'll be able to do it if you calm down and don't stress out. Be logical and methodical, and you'll probably accomplish what you want without too
    much frustration. Tonight, schedule a special date with a lover, if possible.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +10C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Saturday, August 24, 2024 08:00:26
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, August 24, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You may run into a great deal of frustration if you try to fight the current circumstances, Aquarius. The key is to take whatever situation you're in and make the best of it. Whining and moping about your position won't make things better. You have great gifts to be proud of and thankful for, so don't throw them away by thinking that they have no outlet. Create your own reality.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Keeping things in balance today might be tricky, Pisces, since your
    instincts may gravitate toward a loving, fanciful, peaceful situation.
    There's a harsh, warring force working against this position. Beware of this powerful energy that's self-centered and courageous. Stick with the things
    you know and don't stoop to another's level if it doesn't sit right with you.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Things may be tough and aggressive today, Aries, but that doesn't mean you can't make progress. There's a nervous energy in the air spurring people to action. Keep in mind that you're likely to get caught up in the frenzy and be called to take a stand. Be careful that your viewpoint doesn't become fixed
    and stubborn. You can learn some valuable lessons by listening to others.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Make sure that the battle you fight today is yours, Taurus. There's a great deal of tension in the air that might erupt when you least expect it. It may behoove you to stay detached from the war that's apt to ensue. Keep things light and try not to take things too seriously. Your philosophical viewpoint and strong spirit are the very combination needed to resolve the situation.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Wake up on the right side of bed, Gemini. This will set the tone for the
    rest of the day. Keep things positive and you'll find that the aggressive energies of the day work for instead of against you. Don't try to fight
    people who are so obstinate that they refuse to see another perspective.
    At the same time, make sure you stay open to other people's points of view.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You may feel a strong connection with your fanciful, romantic side today, Cancer. Dreams and illusions are apt to enter the scene and take you into
    the clouds. Be careful, because you might find that a strong aggressive
    force opposes these dreams. Your wit and connection with new technology
    and electrical gadgets will be your greatest assets on a day like today.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Give people the benefit of the doubt today, Leo. Even though you may not
    agree with everything going on around you, people have their reasons for
    the way they act and the way they are. This doesn't mean that you need to
    act in exactly the same manner. Stick to your routine and don't get thrown
    off track by the aggressive warrior in others.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Some action you took yesterday may be opposed today, Virgo. Unclear
    facts and romantic fantasies could get in the way of your taking decisive action. You may feel the need to act anyway. Keep in mind that communication could be tainted by pockets of uncertainty. Try not to rock the boat. Today's energy is a delicate balance between war and peace.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    If you find yourself in a slump today, Libra, don't worry. It could be
    that nothing fits right or that a certain nervous, restless energy urges
    you to take action, but uncertainty prevents you from knowing which way
    to turn. This combination could result in a locked-up feeling that keeps
    you incapable of any movement at all.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Use the day's boisterous energy to take charge and make things happen,
    Scorpio. You'll find that actions you take today resonate in the coming
    days. Don't worry about the consequences. Simply go for the gusto.
    Strong forces are at work encouraging you to seek freedom in your creative endeavors and giving you more room to explore your inner sanctuary that
    you hold so dearly.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    There's apt to be powerful aggression today that may leave you feeling
    like you want to declare war on everyone, Sagittarius. You may get the
    feeling that everyone else is completely nuts and you're the only one
    who really knows what's going on. Beware of misinformed people and false information. Fights could erupt over facts that seem true at first but
    are just someone's misguided dreams.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You may run into some tension today as fantasy gets in the way of your plan
    of attack, Capricorn. Keep in mind that things are moving rapidly these
    days, and the slightest movement is magnified. Don't try to undo things that can't be undone. Accept your mistakes and move on. There's a whole world for you to explore and conquer, so try not to get trapped in your own little box.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +12C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Sunday, August 25, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, August 25, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    The key for you today is to not take things too seriously, Aquarius. You'll find that the more you deliberate over a decision, the harder it will be
    for you to make. You may miss your opportunity while you're weighing the
    facts. Be spontaneous. Try something you've never tried before. Vary your experiences so things don't get boring. Variety is the spice of life.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    This is a terrific day for you, Pisces, and you'll find that long-term
    trends are moving in your favor. Your sense of discipline combined with a little bit of luck is setting the stage for you to perform. The audience
    is waiting anxiously, and you have a great deal of humor, knowledge, and happiness to share. Engage in witty conversation and remember that life
    is an easy flow.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    It may be necessary to hire a translator in order to get through to
    people today, Aries. You may find that the more adamant you become, the
    more people shut you out. Keep things light and energetic. Too serious a
    tone could lead to disaster. Try not to make things more complicated than
    they need to be. You're holding the right cards, and now it's time to play
    them strategically.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    A great deal of wind fills your sails today, Taurus, so set your course for
    a long-distance trip to an exotic place. Things are coming to a dramatic
    climax right now. You could find that some serious pieces of your life
    are taking a dramatic turn. Change is necessary for growth. If tension
    exists in certain areas of your life, don't fight it. Think about taking
    a different path.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    There's a lighthearted, whimsical quality about the day that you might not appreciate at first, Gemini. You'll find that the more open and accepting you are of this energy, the more you can make it work positively for you. Use
    this feeling to balance the seriousness in your day. Don't get caught up
    in unnecessary drama that has nothing to do with your situation.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You can probably sweet-talk your way in or out of any situation today,
    Cancer. You have a great deal of power within, and you can accomplish
    anything as long as you aren't afraid to use it. Don't fear failure. If you never try, you'll never succeed. If you see missing pieces in the plan,
    don't worry. Trust that things will fall into place as needed. Keep your
    eyes on the prize.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Find comfort in the people around you today, Leo. Try not to take things
    too seriously. Don't feel like you need to internalize everyone else's problems. Take a step back from any situation that doesn't seem right to
    you. You may find conversation with new people to be extremely stimulating
    and rewarding. Keep your guard up, but don't let it block you from new experiences.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Someone has just turned the fan up high, Virgo. There's no lack of air to
    fuel your fire. Information is flying left and right and there's a lot of opportunity associated with it. To take advantage of this powerful day,
    keep the air circulating around you. Stretch and take deep, powerful
    breaths to enhance your nervous system and make the best use of this energy.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    The time has come for you to be more flexible in your approach, Libra. Things are changing quickly, and if you aren't prepared to change with them,
    you'll be left behind. Be aware of the fluctuating atmosphere around you
    and be prepared to make the necessary internal adjustments that help you
    fit in better with the external environment. Don't fear change.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    This is a wonderful day for you, Scorpio. You'll find that you're holding
    all the cards you need to be successful. Today luck and prosperity meet
    with discipline to create a perfect situation for wealth. Your preparation
    is finally paying off. You'll find that the more in tune you can be with yourself, the better integrated you'll be with the people around you.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Things will be extremely light and airy today, Sagittarius. You may find
    that people are a bit less sensitive than you. Moving out of your comfort
    zone is the key to growth. Don't hesitate to move into the unknown.
    You can achieve a greater sense of balance between yourself and your environment if you're open to change and accept it.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    The wind is blowing briskly today, Capricorn, helping you keep your internal fire burning bright. You'll be a social butterfly today. Your energy may
    be scattered, but this can actually work to your advantage. Picking up
    tidbits of information and hints from different places and people will
    help you integrate your energy with your environment. Capitalize on this exciting energy.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +15C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Monday, August 26, 2024 08:00:36
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, August 26, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    All things domestic are highlighted, Aquarius. It could be that you've
    finally called the plumber or set out to do those household repairs
    yourself. New people are likely to come into your life. In fact, they may
    try to finagle an invitation for dinner, if possible. All you can expect
    today is the unexpected. Have some extra food on hand and see what happens.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Keep your mind open to any and all possibilities today, Pisces. It's likely that you'll encounter someone who imparts valuable information. You may
    not realize right away just how important this information is, but it
    could have a dramatic impact on your life. Be prepared for anything. This
    is likely to be a most interesting day.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Your ship could come in today, Aries. It will happen unexpectedly, and it
    may take you some time to adjust to this sudden financial windfall. This
    is a day of big changes, because you may also decide to use this money to completely alter your way of life. It could be that you make a move to
    another part of the country or decide to change professions. Trust your instincts, Aries.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You're likely aware of your writing abilities, Taurus, but you may not
    realize the extent of your talent. It would be worthwhile to devote more
    time to your craft. You can't improve much if writing time is interrupted
    by other obligations. Take some time to produce something of value. Why
    not give it a try, even if just for a week or so, to see what you can do?

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Tact isn't necessarily your strong suit, Gemini. No one would accuse you
    of being overly sensitive to other people's emotions, but today you turn
    over a new leaf. This "new and improved" you tunes in to the thoughts and feelings of others and responds in thoughtful, caring ways. You may be surprised at how effective this gentler touch can be.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Even though you probably aren't getting on a plane today, Cancer, you
    would love to at some point in the future. Your wanderlust is back and
    you're bound for the wild blue yonder yet again, most likely to someplace exotic. Enjoy the time away, but do come back. It seems that sometimes
    your spirit of adventure dampens your enjoyment of the more mundane but
    more real daily life.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Positive change rarely happens without effort. Keep this in mind as transformation occurs quickly. You may feel as though you're in the middle
    of a whirlpool and getting sucked deeper and deeper, unsure of where you'll ultimately end up. This is merely the "nose to the grindstone" phase.
    Trust that your efforts will ultimately be rewarded.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You have natural leadership abilities, and today would be an ideal day
    to make use of this talent. In the past you may have hesitated to step
    forward and implement your ideas. But recent successes have given you the necessary confidence to pursue your objectives. You'll likely find that
    the higher-ups support your efforts. Make the most of today's auspicious circumstances, Virgo.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today you feel in control and on top of the world. You can do anything,
    Libra. This would be an auspicious time to begin a new project or creative endeavor. You can't help but succeed but take care not to get in your own
    way. Sometimes you can be your own worst enemy. Believe in yourself and move confidently in the direction of your dreams in order to make them come true.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Friendship could turn into romance if you aren't careful, Scorpio. A platonic relationship could turn passionate, and no one would be more surprised than you. Think carefully about where you'd like this to go. While it can't go
    back to the way it was, you can stop it from progressing further if you're uncomfortable with the new dynamic. You can only make this decision once.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Today you wake up feeling reinvigorated and renewed, Sagittarius. You feel as though you can accomplish anything. And very likely, today you can. Anything you set your mind and attention to works out beautifully. Take care that
    you don't gloat too much, though. Just because you feel invincible doesn't necessarily mean that you are.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    People often see you as shy and reserved, Capricorn, but of course you know that you're really very friendly once you relax. Today you find it unusually easy to interact with others. In fact, you feel downright gregarious as
    you chat and joke along with the best of them. This new, sociable you does wonders for your image. You've needed to loosen up for some time.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +15C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Tuesday, August 27, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, August 27, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Travel of any kind might be virtually impossible today, Aquarius. Airports could be jammed, flights delayed, and planes plagued with mechanical
    problems. If you're traveling by car, expect road construction and backed-up traffic. Stay home if you can. If you must travel, take plenty of music
    and books to keep you occupied while you're waiting. You're likely to go
    nuts otherwise.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    This isn't a good day to invest in anything. Don't spend much time working
    on speculative projects, Pisces, and don't put your money into anything
    but gold, land, or blue-chip stocks and bonds. You probably wouldn't
    lose everything, but it would be a long time before you saw a profit. Concentrate on what you know is secure now. There will be better days to
    wheel and deal.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    A love partner could be gloomy today, Aries. This might be the kind of day
    when no matter how many times you draw your mate's attention to the doughnut, he or she still sees only the hole. The glass is always half empty, never
    half full. Your beloved will probably be this way all day. Don't let it
    drive you crazy. Try to see the humor in it. That will help you, anyway.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You tend to be curious, Taurus, and you're always trying to learn more
    about your many interests. But today you could be eager to research a
    subject but be unable to find any information about it no matter how many libraries or databases you explore. Don't bother with it today. You'll
    only get frustrated. Watch some television. At least you'll get a few laughs.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    The need to attend to business or networking obligations disguised as parties could get to you today, Gemini. You may have been forced to attend too many
    of these recently, and now there are even more coming up. You dread going
    to a place you don't want to go, eating food you hate, talking pleasantly
    with people you can't stand. Decline if you can. Life's too short.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Your home could be empty today, Cancer. Other household members may be
    away and you could find it depressing. Instead of enjoying the solitude,
    you could feel like the walls are closing in around you. The only answer
    is to go out for a while. Take a walk or visit some bookstores or antique shops, if possible. Don't go home until you're too tired to do anything
    else. Try to have fun.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Someone close to you might be uncharacteristically silent today,
    Leo. Something is bothering them terribly, and they don't seem to want
    to talk about it. You're willing to listen or help, but don't try to coax
    your friend into sharing. Use your intuition to sense what's going on and
    do what you can to alleviate the situation. Your efforts won't go unnoticed
    or unappreciated.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Financial worries might come up today, Virgo. You may check your bank
    balance and find that you have little money. This might come as a shock, because you thought there was plenty there. Before you panic, ask whoever's
    in charge at the bank to double-check the records. It's probably a computer error. It shouldn't take long to correct, and you'll be able to breathe
    a sigh of relief.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today you might be so gloomy that you don't even want to get up. It might not be a good idea to stay home, however. Try to find some tasks to distract
    you. At some point during the day, get out in the open air and take a
    walk, preferably through a park and near water, if possible. You'll get
    the endorphins going and lift your spirits considerably.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Any work today could require a higher level of concentration than you
    can muster, Scorpio. You might lapse into daydreams, think about personal matters, and feel guilty because you aren't doing what you're supposed to
    be doing. On days like this it's best to focus on routine tasks you can do automatically. That way, your mind can wander. That's the only way you'll
    make it through today.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Today your creative impulses could seem blocked, Sagittarius. You might be trying to reach your own or someone else's deadline. You may feel the need to get some work done, while your muse seems to have gone on vacation. If your deadline is official, phone whoever's in charge and ask for an extension. You won't be happy with the results if you force yourself to work today.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A friend who planned to stop by tonight might not show up, Capricorn. You may worry since this person isn't one to blow you off. Don't imagine accidents
    or disasters. The culprit's probably traffic. Phone your friend. If you don't reach him or her, leave a message to call you. Your friend is probably fine, but you may have to postpone your visit for another day.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +20C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Wednesday, August 28, 2024 08:00:50
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, August 28, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    It you're able to attend a social event today, Aquarius, you won't feel
    like talking. You could be content just to listen to what everyone else
    says, feel at peace, and enjoy the warmth, music, and company. You may
    have been spending too much time at home and could well need to get out
    for a while. Relax, sit back in your chair, and enjoy yourself!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Someone, perhaps a close friend or partner, could present you with a small
    gift today, Pisces, possibly a book. There might not be any special occasion other than your friend thought you'd enjoy it. This can bring up warm and affectionate feelings. You'll want to spend a considerable amount of time
    with this person. You may think it's rare to find someone so sensitive
    and kind.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Your intuition should be keener than usual today, Aries, but right now you're apt to be more interested in historical figures, perhaps people associated
    with spiritual disciplines. Books on these subjects could not only be interesting but also informative. Insights you gain from reading about
    these people help increase your understanding of the present. Keep reading!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Happiness reigns in the home, Taurus, as everyone seems to have reached
    a new understanding of one another. You could also experience a new sense
    of peace and quiet. Everyone is concentrating more on reading and working
    on their own projects and less on socializing. This could be a wonderful
    time for you. You're getting along with your family and the house is a
    peaceful haven. Enjoy!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today you might attend a virtual group event of some kind involving your neighborhood, Gemini, possibly with a partner. You and your friend might take an active part in discussing goals for the group. You feel strongly bonded
    to everyone - your partner, fellow group members, even the community. It's
    a warm, fuzzy feeling that could stay with you all evening.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Circumstances are changing regarding your professional goals, Cancer. You
    may have been thinking about a change for a long time, but someone you
    meet today, perhaps in a social or casual situation, could provide the motivation you need to finally decide. This isn't just the result of outer changes. You've been changing inside, too. You aren't the same person you
    were when you chose your current job.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You're probably good at applying your spiritual principles to the way you
    live, Leo. You're especially good at it today, particularly when it comes to understanding others deeply. Relationships of all kinds will likely grow and improve, at least those that matter. Those that don't will disappear. This
    is a time of great outer and inner change for you. Make the most of it!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Virgo, you're usually more outwardly directed, but today you might break that pattern. You could be in a contemplative mood and wondering about everything from metaphysics to philosophy to money to your future. You're basically feeling positive about life, but you might be at a crossroads now. It
    may take some serious thought before you decide which direction to go.
    Give yourself some time.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today you might crave the companionship of friends and lovers alike,
    Libra. You're probably in the mood for some good food, good music, and
    great conversation, and that's just what you'll get if it's possible in any way. Later you might spend time alone with a love partner, reflecting on
    recent conversations. Some of them might be worthy of deeper thought. Have
    a pleasant day and a wonderful evening.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You're feeling pretty strong now, Scorpio. You're probably in fairly good health and your mind is sharp. You've outgrown some areas of your life
    that no longer seem what they once were. One of these could be your work.
    You could be considering leaving a job you took primarily for the money
    and going into a profession you really love. Do it if it works for you.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Are you getting along better than ever with a significant other,
    Sagittarius? If so, it's probably because you're more attuned to what
    your partner thinks, feels, needs, and wants. You might fetch something
    before he or she even knows it's necessary. This can help you reach a new understanding of your beloved. Go with the flow and make the most of it.
    You'll be glad you did.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Peace reigns in the home today. Members of your household could communicate with each other almost telepathically, Capricorn. You might find it strange, but it shouldn't be surprising. After all, they've been living together for
    a while! It's good for peace in the home. They can sense and avoid whatever irritates someone else. That should give you some welcome breathing space.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +20C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Thursday, August 29, 2024 08:00:22
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, August 29, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    It's probably in your nature to want to include everyone in your plans
    today, Aquarius. Perhaps you're running around making sure everyone is
    being cared for. More than likely, your nurturing instinct is coming out,
    so feel free to spread this love around. Be careful not to sacrifice too
    much of yourself as you do this.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You may find that you have a strong will now, Pisces. Once you get fired up
    to go somewhere, there's little chance that anyone can stop you. People may accuse you of being lazy or wanting to take the easy way out, but it's different this time. You should feel fired up and ready to move. The only
    thing that could get in the way might be someone's oversensitive emotions.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Calm down today, Aries, and be careful about accusing someone of something
    when you don't have all the facts. Keep your wrath under control. If you strike out now, you may find that you lose their respect forever. There
    are no guarantees on a day like today. If there are conflicts that you
    need to work out, at least make sure that it's done in private.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You may be feeling a bit more in touch with your warrior side than your emotional side today, Taurus. More than likely this will set the stage for conflict in your world of hopes and dreams. Be careful that you aren't too aggressive toward people who are just trying to help you. The danger here
    is that you're most likely to hurt the ones closest to you. Be careful.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You may find that someone or something is thinking or working opposite to
    the way you are, Gemini. This feeling is aggravated even more by a strong warrior force that wants to be recognized. There is definitely a squeaky
    wheel in the situation that desperately needs oiling. Take care of the basics first before you try to deal with the particulars of a certain situation.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Pay attention to your body today and feel free to stop when your body
    says to stop, Cancer. There's a strong aggressive force asking you to
    take action in one way or another. Make sure that you are considerate of others. Most importantly, make sure that you are considerate of yourself.
    Don't indulge in cheap thrills at the expense of your physical well-being.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Emotionally, you should be doing well today, Leo. But when it comes to
    taking action, you're apt to be indecisive. Every option seems to look fantastic. You probably aren't going to want to miss out on anything. The
    best thing for you to do is try to get a piece of everything. There are
    many pies to dip your fingers into. Why not taste them all to see which
    one you like best?

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    There's tension in the air today, Virgo, and you might be restless and
    anxious to start something. There is plenty of energy around to feed you,
    but the trick is to make sure that you're doing things for the right
    reasons. Don't do things out of guilt, fear, or regret. Keep on the best
    path for the best reasons for the best results.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You're probably feeling more in touch with your emotions, Libra, but it might be difficult to know which way to move based on where you are. There's an element of aggression in your world today that might aggravate your heart, making it difficult for you to get a grip on your situation. Try to calm
    down and focus before making any major decisions.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You may be focused on a certain trajectory, Scorpio, but today you could
    run into complications based on overlooked issues. Be aware of the people around you and how your actions affect them. You don't necessarily need to change your direction, but you might need to make a couple modifications
    along the way in order to keep everyone happy.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You should be in a good mood today, Sagittarius, but don't be surprised
    if some aggravating force steps on your toes or pulls your chain in some
    way. More than likely, there isn't much you can do about the situation
    except grin and bear it. Do your best to maintain your position and don't
    lose self-confidence just because someone else isn't in tune with how you handle your affairs.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Your aggressive nature is strong today, so be careful, Capricorn. Even
    though this may be good for getting things done and tackling any project
    you need to complete, the problem is that you might tend to step on other people's toes in the process. Be considerate of others' emotions and try
    not to get upset if someone else takes the spotlight for a while.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Overcast +17C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Friday, August 30, 2024 08:00:18
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, August 30, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today you may feel bored and frustrated with your life's direction,
    Aquarius. You feel buried under responsibilities, with no time left to do
    what you really want to do. You have other interests to pursue but no time to pursue them. It's frustrating. You might want to rethink your priorities. If you're creative about time management, you'll be able to find some time.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You're less optimistic and energetic than usual, Pisces. Your mind feels sluggish - your whole body does, in fact. You're either coming down with
    the flu or completely and thoroughly disheartened. This would be a good
    day to take some time off. Issues from the past may come back to haunt you. Perhaps you should address them once and for all.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may be discouraged about money matters today, Aries. Perhaps a raise
    you'd been hoping for didn't come through. Perhaps a professional project didn't work out as you expected. Now is the time to put your ingenuity to
    work and figure out a way to earn the money you need. Trust that you have
    the necessary know-how. A good opportunity awaits you.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    If work is beginning to feel more like a burden than a joy, it may be time
    to rethink your job, Taurus. Your personality is such that you need lots
    of room to stretch and grow. If you feel stifled, you know it's time to
    find a new professional challenge. You're fortunate that your skill set
    affords you many opportunities. Choose carefully!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You're especially in tune with the environment and the people around you
    today, Gemini. Such sensitivity is new to you, and you aren't exactly sure
    what to do with the myriad messages that come into your head, seemingly
    out of nowhere. Even though this is outside your usual experience, try to accept rather than analyze.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    You're drawn to public service, Cancer. This desire propels you to volunteer your services with a group of some kind. You may feel a bit awkward at
    first, but your natural leadership abilities will soon kick in. The group
    will be left wondering how they ever managed without you. Your talent
    shines through once again. Well done!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Don't take everything at face value today, Leo. Information you receive might not be accurate. Someone could be repeating gossip or even creating it just
    to have something to talk about. Don't take part in the discussion. Since
    your workload is likely heavy, forego the socializing in favor of finishing
    the tasks in front of you.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You may be feeling a bit on edge today, Virgo. Your self- confidence is
    shaky and you may feel in need of new challenges. The tedious tasks you
    have in front of you don't inspire your imagination or creativity. Do what
    you can to get through this difficult day. Be extra kind to yourself by indulging in a good lunch or listening to classical music.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You and your mate may be experiencing some differences of opinion. It
    seems you each have definite ideas about some of life's fundamental values
    and they aren't completely in sync. Make an extra effort to communicate,
    Libra. You may find that your values aren't as far apart as they first
    seemed. This rift between you will soon close. Hang in there.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    It isn't exactly all lightness and harmony at home today, Scorpio. There's tension in the air and it manifests in silly family arguments. Try to
    arrange separate activities for siblings, and encourage your partner to
    eat out with friends, if possible. This is a day to give everyone his or
    her space. Tomorrow everyone will be happy to eat together again.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    This could be a particularly stressful day, Sagittarius. Your workload
    is heavier than ever, thanks to the increased responsibility you've taken
    on. The day seems endless, yet there aren't enough hours to get done all
    that needs doing. Take care not to take your anxiety out on others. If
    you're nice to them, they may even help you finish your project!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Your self-confidence may be a bit low and you could doubt your abilities
    right now, Capricorn. Don't get depressed or disheartened. Your skills are excellent. Try to look at your situation objectively and pinpoint why you aren't progressing in your career as rapidly as you'd hoped. You may be
    worried about money but know that everything will work out in the end.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +14C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Saturday, August 31, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, August 31, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Your mind may be a little cloudy most of the day, Aquarius, and you could
    find it hard to ground yourself. It may be that you're trying to navigate
    by the stars, but unfortunately, the clouds have moved in and there are no reference points to be seen. The good news is that the skies should clear later, and you'll find there's nothing but smooth sailing for the rest of
    the night.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Praise you may receive this morning could make you feel on top of the
    world, Pisces, but try not to let this feeling go to your head. Stay
    modest despite the lavish praise that may be showered on you. By evening,
    you won't be able to get by on just talk alone. Actions will speak much
    louder than words and it's important that you have some sort of plan.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Things should improve for you as the day progresses, Aries. The key is to
    stay loose and not be concerned with the situation's outcome. The future
    is uncertain. You shouldn't depend on something that may or may not pan
    out the way you want. There could be some conflict between you and someone
    with a strong ego in the morning, but this should resolve itself by evening.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Your emotions could feel restricted today, Taurus, a feeling that may
    be difficult to shake. Take this opportunity to calm down and relax.
    You'll enjoy the good times more when you give your body the rest it needs. Always pushing for bigger and better adventures may be fun, but it can
    leave you too tired to fully appreciate them.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    It could be hard to find your footing early in the day, Gemini. You may be better off sleeping in. Have a good breakfast and relax in the morning. By evening, you'll be refreshed, recharged, and ready to take on the town. Your emotions may feel restricted, which could make it difficult to fully
    express yourself. You'd be better off turning this energy inward now.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Use the morning to take care of yourself, Cancer. You could be so concerned with the world and the shared environment that you forget to take care of
    you. Use the early afternoon to reflect and meditate. Gather facts from
    your inner state and use the information to create a plan for the future.
    Be flexible in your approach.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Get to some water today and reconnect with this element, Leo. Like lapping waves against the shore, you may be gently changing the landscape around
    you with each word or action. Don't underestimate your inner strength.
    It could be that you seem overpowered by the things going on around you,
    but don't let them keep you from being the person you truly are.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Emotionally speaking, you should be doing quite well today, Virgo, especially in the morning. This is a good time to take charge of projects that require definite leadership. Don't think that you're inferior to the people around
    you. Act like you belong in a leadership role and you'll find that others
    will automatically support you in that position. You have what it takes
    to lead.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You may get frustrated today, Libra, especially in the morning when other people's egos seem to be strong. It could be difficult to relate to people
    who simply refuse to accept any opinion but their own. Things should
    mellow out by afternoon. You'll find people start to see things from your perspective. Remain confident in your position despite the vacillation
    of others.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    People may see you as the personification of drama, especially this morning, Scorpio. This is a good time to express your emotions and get things out of your system. Be sure to release whatever pent-up emotion you have inside. By afternoon, it might be a good idea to settle down and lay low. Turn your energy inward, come to your center, and plan what needs to get done.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    There may be a damper on your mood today, Sagittarius, especially in the morning. It could seem as if everyone is having fun but you. Having a
    good time is more a state of mind than anything else. Try not to get
    trapped in a lousy mindset. Late afternoon is a good time to ground your emotions. Operate from a point of stability instead of jealousy.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    There may be some conflict today, Capricorn, especially in the morning. Your general mood is quite good, but there's a strong force asking you to be
    more realistic in your approach. The last thing you want is for someone
    else to throw a bucket of water on your raging fire of fun, but this is
    likely to happen unless you address the reality of the situation.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Heavy rain with thunderstorm +21C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Sunday, September 01, 2024 08:00:34
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, September 1, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    This should be a fortunate day for you, Aquarius. Everything you try to do should go fairly smoothly. Relations with others are warm, friendly, and congenial. Any chores or other pending work should be completed quickly
    and efficiently. If you've been planning to start a new project, this
    is the day to get going. Romance should be intense and passionate now,
    so make the most of it!

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    A couple you've known for a long time could visit you at your home today, Pisces. Don't be surprised if they tell you how wonderful the place
    looks. Conversation should be lively and entertaining, though you should sidestep any discussion of controversial subjects. Debates on such matters could get rather heated. It might be wise to treat your guests to food
    rather than alcohol!

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Today, Aries, you might spend a great deal of time in the car running
    errands in the neighborhood. You're likely to see people you know who
    have interesting news. New businesses may open nearby. Doctors, dentists,
    and other professionals could add virtual consultations, making your daily routine more convenient. Some of them might be your neighbors or relatives.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Money that you've been earning for a long time may finally come your way
    today, Taurus, but don't be surprised if you have to do a lot of running
    around in order to get it. Plans for future moneymaking projects could come
    up, although it's important to consider everything carefully and not jump
    in too quickly. This is an excellent time to learn a new moneymaking skill.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    The special someone in your life may be having some trouble with
    colleagues. Don't just comfort him or her, Gemini. It's unlikely that your sweetie wants sympathy. Solutions are needed. If you don't have any, just
    be a good listener. It's important for you to get out and exercise. If
    the weather is good, take a walk. If not, attend an online exercise
    class. You'll feel better.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Today you're likely to be working hard behind the scenes, perhaps preparing a project for others to make public or coaching people for some kind of virtual performance. You'll expend a lot of energy in the course of completing
    this chore, yet you'll probably feel it was all worth it. Don't expect to
    go home early, Cancer. You'll probably go above and beyond the call of duty.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Friends could entice you to join them for a short day trip, perhaps
    to the country. This is a great day to go on such an outing if it's
    possible, Leo. You've probably been working hard and need to get away for
    a while. Don't be surprised if there's a delay, however. You or one of
    your friends could be waiting to talk with someone.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Emotions could be intense at work today as important projects approach their deadlines, Virgo. You may put in more time than usual. Tempers might flare
    and co-workers clash, so stay calm and keep going. On the positive side,
    the financial and recognition payoffs for whatever you accomplish today
    should prove well worth the effort.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today you should feel especially sexy and relationships with romantic
    partners should go well, Libra. Your passions are intense, the lines of communication are open, and appreciation of one another is running high.
    There might be talk of taking a long trip together in the future. Plan a
    cozy evening for two. You'll want to do a lot of talking - and more!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Money is probably on your mind now, Scorpio. A desire for increased financial security could force you to look for work or investments that would pay
    off big. Opportunities for one or both of these are likely to come through friends, perhaps someone with whom you've worked before. You're likely
    to accomplish what you want for now, but it's uncertain whether you'll
    continue on this path in the future.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Don't expect to spend a lot of time at home today, Sagittarius. You're
    more likely to be in the car and away from home. There may be errands and
    other obligations to fulfill. Try to pace yourself in whatever you do or
    else you might be exhausted by day's end. Take the time to stop and enjoy yourself. This will ensure a fun rather than tiring day.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Emotional turmoil on the job could stress you out way too much. Headaches or temporary hypertension could plague you if you aren't careful. Don't push
    too hard. Remember to take breaks, Capricorn, and go for a walk on your
    lunch hour. Don't be afraid to put off nonessential tasks. You'll be all
    right. Why make a day's work any more difficult than it needs to be?

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +18C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Monday, September 02, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, September 2, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You could get upsetting news regarding your job, Aquarius. There could be
    a shakeup in the hierarchy or someone in a position of authority could
    abruptly leave. You and your co-workers could have some momentary fears
    about job security, but they're probably unwarranted. Your security will survive these events, and you'll probably be better off than you were before.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Expect to fall in love at first sight today, Pisces. Someone new will
    come on the scene and you'll feel an instant attraction. Whether it turns
    into anything lasting or not isn't certain, but whatever happens, you'll remember this person for a long time! You may also have a sudden interest
    in new forms of artistic expression and want to start learning videography
    or computer graphics.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    The wonders of technology may come to your home today, Aries. You might purchase some new equipment like a computer or phone, or decide to go for
    a state-of-the-art home entertainment center. Whichever it is, expect a
    lot of activity in and around your home as family members learn how to
    use your new toys. It will be exciting for everyone!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Valuable and interesting information could come your way through modern technology. You might discover new information online that awakens an
    exciting new interest in you, perhaps related to the sciences, occult,
    or metaphysics. You could even discover a talent for astrology. Online
    group activities may also be appealing now, particularly those regarding humanitarian pursuits.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Finances could take on a new dimension as you look to technology to help
    you increase your bank balance. You could decide to invest online or try
    some new means of recordkeeping. Whatever you try will bode well for your financial future. Expect a lucky break or two as well.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Bizarre, unexpected developments might turn your life upside down today, Cancer. Money could be involved. New people could arrive who open doors
    that eventually lead to a new life. You could even fall in love at first
    sight. It isn't easy to make predictions for a strange day like this. Rest assured that when you go to bed you won't be the same person you were when
    you woke up.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Today you might be fascinated with movies, music, and video. You could
    discover a new interest in filmmaking, sound engineering, or videography
    that you want to pursue. You might decide to read about these fields and
    apply what you learn to the movies you see and the music you hear. If
    you're serious about learning these skills, this is the time to go for
    it. You'll enjoy it!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You could have a strong urge to seek adventure, Virgo. You might want to
    take a spontaneous trip to an exotic place, meet new people in exciting
    fields, or try new pastimes, perhaps as outrageous as skydiving. Go for it
    if you are able, but this urge could indicate boredom in some part of your life. What can you change about your lifestyle to avoid future stagnation?

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    An unexpected career break could come your way, Libra. It should be
    exciting and encouraging - and a little scary! Don't let apprehension
    get to you. You won't want to let this opportunity pass you by. Your good fortune could arouse envy in some of your co-workers, but don't let this
    bother you either. Simply do what you need to do to get the ball rolling
    and then go ahead with it.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    A trip by air may be in your future, Scorpio. You may be planning to tour distant states or foreign lands when that's possible. You could be going
    with friends or a group you're associated with. Unusual new interests could capture your attention, enticing you to further study. You might enroll
    in an online workshop. You're looking toward expanding your horizons. Take
    care not to spread yourself too thin.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Unusual experiences may give rise to a new interest in the sciences or occult practices like magic or alchemy. This is an excellent time to start perusing such subjects, Sagittarius, or embark on a formal study of astrology. A
    lucky money break could come your way today. It might be a gift or a repaid loan. Your inclination might be to go out and spend it all. Take care!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Upsets in the home or neighborhood could lead to a sudden decision to
    move, causing a great deal of activity. You might not yet be sure where
    you're going. Organization and discipline are vital at times like this, Capricorn. It might be helpful to make lists and cross off each task as
    you finish it. Don't panic. This could turn out to be the best thing that
    ever happened to you.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +10C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Tuesday, September 03, 2024 08:00:40
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, September 3, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    There may be some tension today as you try to stabilize your emotions, Aquarius. There could be a force at work out there that's rather impersonal
    and detached. More than likely, this force doesn't relate as much to how
    you feel as it does to how well you've done the job. Stick to your tasks
    in a practical, grounded manner.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    The tricky things to balance today are your emotions and sense of duty,
    Pisces. Try not to let the stress of having to complete a task leak into
    your state of mind. The problem is that your emotions may be running away
    more quickly than you can handle. Meanwhile, there's a bit of a slowdown
    when it comes to your sense of duty and responsibility.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    There's a practical grounding today that may cramp your style, Aries. More
    than likely you'll be aware of the time restrictions that point up your
    own limits. Maybe you aren't being realistic about certain areas of your
    life. These things will become clear today as things progress. Push through this blockage. You'll be a much stronger person once you've moved past
    this point.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Your mood should be good today, Taurus, although you should be careful
    not to rub it in others' faces. If people don't feel like being cheerful,
    don't force it on them. An important sense of duty is prominent and should
    be obeyed at all costs. Give your adventurous nature some sort of practical grounding that you can use to be more effective regarding whatever it is
    you do.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    It isn't a good idea to talk behind other people's backs today, Gemini. If
    you have an issue with someone in particular, bring it up to that
    person directly. This isn't a good time to gossip. Maintaining trust is extremely important right now. This attitude will open many doors for you. Believe that the more you love others, the more love will be returned to you.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Put some of your fantastic ideas to good use today, Cancer. It's one thing to be a genius with plenty of masterpieces floating around in your head. It's quite another to actually put things into motion. You may be full of talk,
    but today it's important to be full of action. Restriction and limitation are creeping in, so do what you can to get things in place before it's too late.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    This is a good day to follow through on projects, Leo. Leaving many
    unfinished matters in your life only creates clutter that keeps other
    things from entering the picture. Either dismiss the project entirely
    or finish it and move on to something else. Don't leave things hanging, including people. Tell others what's going on and you'll be more successful
    in the long run.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    There could be some restrictions on your emotions today, Virgo. You'll
    find that a practical, grounded force is working against your intuitive understanding of whatever issue concerns you. Do your best to anchor
    yourself in the truth before you scatter seeds of erratic emotions all
    over the place. It's important for you to maintain stability at all times.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Feel free to take care of any restructuring in your life that needs to
    be done now, Libra. Change may be a bit scary at first, but realize that
    it's a necessary variable in order to make progress. You may not have to
    change your focus or destination too much, but it's possible that you'll
    need to adjust your course to get there.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Your mood may be a bit detached and scattered today, Scorpio. This attitude could get you into trouble if you aren't careful. Make sure you keep at
    least one foot on the ground. It's important to stay strongly connected with reality or you could find yourself up a creek without a paddle. Feel free
    to get more deeply involved in a project that you might otherwise leave
    to others.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Seek the counsel of someone older and wiser today, Sagittarius. Whether you want to or not, you may encounter someone with authority who's likely to tell you what he or she thinks. Heed the advice that comes from others. There
    is a whole other perspective out there that you need to consider in order
    to bring things back to equilibrium.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Flamboyant shows of emotions may not be as welcome as usual today,
    Capricorn. Realize that you may need to put a damper on things in order to
    earn the respect of the people around you. Tone it down and understand the importance of grounding and stability. Strong forces could bring you down to this level whether you want them to or not, so why bother trying to resist?

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- This query is already being processed
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Wednesday, September 04, 2024 08:04:26
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, September 4, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Aquarius, a long-awaited letter or call could come from a love partner or beloved friend, bringing much happiness into your life. Don't be surprised if the person needs a shoulder to cry on. You could experience some powerful psychic insights today, and this might be a bit frightening. Don't let
    that get in the way of seeing these revelations objectively. They could
    be important.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Projects that you've worked on in the past may finally bear fruit today, Pisces. Financial benefits and career advancement are strongly indicated,
    and you be basking in the glow of success. Don't bask too long, however. This is only the beginning! You're on a roll. Throw yourself into new projects you enjoy and you're likely to continue in this fortuitous manner for a while.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Today your desire for sex and romance is going to receive a powerful surge, Aries. Perhaps memories of past partners will come back to haunt you,
    or maybe a current love interest will look especially sexy now. You're
    likely to be projecting glamour and sensuality, so don't be surprised if strangers notice you. Plan a romantic encounter for tonight, and dress
    for the occasion.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    You're spiritually inclined, Taurus, and today you could feel especially
    so. You might be attracted to online meditation groups or the study of the texts of various religions. You're also likely to feel especially psychic,
    and you might experience some premonitions that actually come true.
    This is a good time to train your psychic abilities or try reading runes
    or tarot cards.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    If you happen to be thinking about a particular friend today, Gemini,
    don't be surprised if you hear from him or her. You're especially attuned
    to telepathic messages, and you may send out a few. While you usually
    enjoy solitude, you might be more interested in communicating with others today. Don't fight the urge. Go for it. You could talk to some interesting
    new people who become your friends for life.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Sudden and unexpected changes could have you feeling a bit confused, disoriented, and doubtful about the future, Cancer. Relax! The changes
    may be not only beneficial for your career but also for your finances.
    Don't think those in authority haven't noticed your skills and ingenuity. In fact, you may receive some sincere compliments and gratitude.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You should wake up feeling hopeful and optimistic about the future,
    Leo. Your self-confidence is stronger than usual, and your enthusiasm
    is contagious. Success in joint efforts should have you glowing with satisfaction. You could even receive public acknowledgment of your efforts. Today bodes well for relationships of all kinds, particularly romantic ones. Celebrate your good fortune with a lover tonight!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Today, Virgo, you might turn to practices like meditation or psychic development. Some vivid dreams over the past few days may have brought up personal issues that you need to clear up in order to progress. You may
    pick up on the thoughts and feelings of others more strongly than usual. If you've been thinking about learning to read tarot cards or runes, this is
    the day to start.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    A new romance may be in store today, Libra, perhaps with someone you've
    known for a long time, but you suddenly view in a new light. You could see
    a side of this person that you've never seen before, totally changing your perception of him or her. Any new relationship formed today shows a lot
    of promise of developing into a lifelong connection. The bonds involved
    will run deep.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You could be in a fanciful mood all day, Scorpio, so you may not be too
    focused on this world. This is great for artistic or metaphysical studies, as well as being sensitive to others. Beware of a tendency to daydream when you should pay attention! You might want to break out of the mundane world and follow your dreams, but this isn't the day to do it. It's a good day to plan.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You're intuitive by nature, Sagittarius, and today you could almost be clairvoyant. Obey your instincts today. Don't let your rational mind get in
    the way. This isn't the day to be logical! You can sense the needs of others, so you could earn some gratitude by giving them what they need without
    being asked. Romantic relationships should be warm, loving, and intimate.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Creative inspiration could come from either your own past or from history, Capricorn. You might want to try painting, music, or poetry, but today it's more likely that you'll turn that inspiration toward your home. If you're planning to refurnish or redecorate, this is the day to start. Your taste
    and aesthetic sense are operating at a high level.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- up 1 week, 6 days, 2 hours, 23 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Thursday, September 05, 2024 08:00:44
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, September 5, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Today is a good day to ask for a raise or consider other ways to increase
    your income, Aquarius. Superiors will be in a receptive mood and likely
    feeling more benevolent than usual. This is a good time to study and
    consider investment possibilities, but it isn't a good time to make investments. The facts may differ from what you read or hear. Wait about
    a week before deciding.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You should be feeling especially romantic and sensual now, Pisces, and you might draw admiring glances from those around you - even strangers. Your passion is high, so this is an excellent day to plan a romantic evening. You could also feel especially creative and want to spend your day in some
    sort of artistic activity. Go to it!

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Strange, passionate stirrings could find you wanting to escape from civilization with a lover, Aries. This is a great day for it. At least plan
    a quiet evening at home with your special someone. You might also want
    to satisfy other sensual cravings, such as a desire for delicious food,
    drink, or comfortable chairs or beds. Flow with it. We all need a little self-indulgence now and then!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Interesting communications from friends could center on possible world developments or maybe some juicy gossip about people you know, Taurus.
    Enjoy yourself, but don't take everything you hear at face value. Much of it
    is less actual fact than the product of someone's fertile imagination. Short journeys in your area could bring news of upcoming changes in your community. Expect the unexpected!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Today you might earn corporate kudos, Gemini, for all signs indicate
    that your imagination is flying high and can be put to work to increase
    your job effectiveness. You might even earn a promotion or increase in
    salary. However, it's important to curb the impulse to hide the downside
    of whatever you're doing from those in power. Be honest! It will benefit
    you more in the long run.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Your mind is likely to be going a thousand miles an hour. Ideas for
    imaginative and innovative projects may come faster than you can possibly
    turn them into reality. Write them down. You may not have time to work
    on them now, but you will later. You could decide to attend a virtual
    lecture, sign up for an online class, or make plans to join friends and
    attend another kind of small group activity, if possible.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    You may have strange dreams and vivid premonitions today, Leo. Your
    intuition and telepathic faculties are operating at a high level. You
    could think of someone who later phones. There's also a tendency to be too paranoid. Don't panic if some of the messages you receive seem disturbing. Check out the facts first. You're likely to find that all is better than
    you thought

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Today you could be feeling warm and friendly toward everyone. You might
    be involved in virtual social events or receive invitations to future
    parties. You'll probably have a great time and make some new friends.
    Take care to take lots of vitamin C. There could be colds or other bugs
    flying around and you could be more susceptible to such infections at
    this time.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Relations with people on the job should be warm, Libra, and this could do wonders for your career. Take nothing at face value. All may not be as it seems. Someone has issues with you that render him or her untrustworthy.
    Take care to avoid getting too close to anyone who seems a little under
    the weather. Your immune system is a bit weak, and you could catch a bug.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Some new information could come your way that causes you to focus on a
    new interest, Scorpio. It'll set your mind traveling to faraway places
    and times. You may also communicate with some new people who are highly educated, from foreign lands, or both. They might have fascinating stories
    to tell! Whatever happens, today promises to excite your curiosity and stimulate your intellect.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You could have some intense dreams tonight, Sagittarius. You might find
    that they bring inspiration for creative projects, perhaps for redecorating
    or otherwise beautifying your home. You could feel energetic now and want
    to charge ahead and work on your project until you drop. Take care to pace yourself. You might tire to the point of feeling ill.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A welcome communication from a business or romantic partner could arrive
    today, Capricorn. This could generate a lot of enthusiasm on both your
    parts and do wonders for your relationship or for whatever business you do together. Be honest with your partner. Don't conceal your concerns. It's
    better to get things out in the open. Don't worry. Everything will be OK!

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- This query is already being processed
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Friday, September 06, 2024 08:00:30
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, September 6, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Perhaps you've been planning a trip or a return to school for a long
    time. However, Aquarius, a rather disturbing letter or phone call could jeopardize your plans and leave you teetering on the edge of disappointment.
    If you look at the situation carefully, you may find that it doesn't set you back that much. You can take care of it without sacrificing what you want.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Seemingly bad news about your financial situation could throw your usually even-keeled nature off kilter. Look into the matter carefully before
    panicking, Pisces. There may have been a computer error or other mistake,
    or perhaps someone confused you with someone else. Take steps to rectify
    the blunder. It's a drag, but you'll be relieved to know that all was
    better than it seemed.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    An unpleasant situation could arise. Your first reaction may be to protect those closest to you from the truth. You could be tempted to lie or at
    least avoid mentioning the situation. Don't give in to the temptation,
    Aries. Your desire to shield loved ones is understandable, but it could
    cause problems. You can't protect people from everything. Most people
    prefer to know the facts.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Your mind may be going a thousand miles an hour today. You might be
    inundated with new ideas and information that could cause mental overload. Write it all down if you can. You'll want to refer to it later. It might
    be advisable to then go out for a walk or other exercise. This intellectual overload could produce excess nervous energy that you'll need to work off.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Worries over the situation of a lover or close friend who seems depressed
    could plague you today, yet you may hesitate to contact this person and ask what's wrong because you don't want to intrude. Nonetheless, you should. All
    is not as bad as it seems, and your concern will be appreciated. Tonight,
    get some much-needed rest. You've been working far too hard.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A family member may be depressed and not up for talking about what's
    wrong. His or her mood could spread to everyone else, so it might be a
    good idea to ask what's wrong. Point out that moods are contagious! Don't
    force the issue, Cancer. That would be worse. A number of calls could
    interrupt your work, which you might find irritating. Don't be afraid to
    let voicemail get the calls.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Misinformation might spread through your extended family or neighborhood
    and cause unnecessary upsets among those involved. Don't accept at face
    value any gossip or rumor you hear today until you check it out yourself,
    Leo. It could turn out to be a tempest in a teapot. This isn't a good time
    to plan or take a trip of any kind. Delays or mishaps could result.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Misinformation regarding money could come from someone who has a stake
    in your believing whatever you're told. This could be a banker, creditor, investment counselor, or even a close friend or relative. Whoever it is,
    Virgo, don't accept what this person says at face value. Look into the
    facts of the situation yourself before making any decisions about what
    you need to do.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Someone close to you may not be totally honest. This person could be
    avoiding telling the truth or hiding something from you in order to protect you. Trust your instincts, Libra. If someone tells you something important
    that doesn't ring true, check it out before accepting one person's word. This isn't a vicious deception - only a protective one. But shielding someone
    from the truth can sometimes backfire!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Weariness may have you feeling a bit listless today, Scorpio, and you're
    likely to want to stay home in bed rather than go anywhere. This goes against your normal inclination, so you could be tempted to bite the bullet and
    get out in spite of your malaise. Don't fall into this trap. Get some rest
    so that when you absolutely have to go out, you'll be your old self again.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    A lover or close friend may seem to have dropped out of the picture,
    and this could have you worried, confused, and wondering if this person
    isn't interested in continuing a relationship with you. Don't let your insecurity get the best of you. The person has his or her troubles and
    will eventually want a strong, sympathetic shoulder to cry on. You're
    likely to be that person!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Career interests may be short-circuited by gossip, rumor, and office
    politics. Someone has an agenda and isn't likely to care too much about
    the effect on others' lives of any underhanded dealings. If you hear about
    such goings-on, Capricorn, do what you can to stop them before they get out
    of hand. That way you can protect your and your colleagues' career interests.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +17C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Saturday, September 07, 2024 08:00:36
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, September 7, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    There's an adventurous side to today that you should latch onto. Try not to get weighed down by the little things in your life that don't really matter much. Look at the big picture and understand the importance of having great breadth of vision. There's a whole world to explore out there, Aquarius,
    so get going. There may be a few surprises today, so be ready for anything.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Unexpected people and events are likely to crop up today just as you're
    longing for adventure. Feel free to hop aboard a train to an unknown destination, Pisces. It's better to regret the things you've done than
    regret the things you haven't done. Take this to heart as you plan your
    day. There's no shortage of fun out there - you just need to find it.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    It's extremely important that you not be too possessive today, especially
    when it comes to other people, Aries. You have important relationships with
    the people around you, and you'll find that in order to maintain them,
    it's best to let those people live their lives the way they want. Don't
    think that people belong to you, because they don't.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Matters regarding love and romance are in your favor today, Taurus. You'll
    find that love comes to you when you least expect it. There's a powerful creative force within you that will be most rewarding if you put it to
    use for some sort of artistic endeavor. A strong yet erratic urge may call
    you into action, so be ready to respond with your entire being.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Realize that you might have to leave some things to chance today, because
    you probably aren't going to be able to control all that you'd like to
    under the circumstances, Gemini. Although it may be comfortable for you
    to try to fit things into their perfect spots, you'll find that this may
    not be the best way to conduct your business, especially on a day like this.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Things should be going quite well for you today, Cancer, especially in
    the love and romance department. You'll find that there is a magical, adventuresome spirit when you connect with others. Take advantage of this courageous energy and put it to good use in whatever way you see fit.
    Bring an extra element of excitement into your world tonight with someone
    very special to you.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Express your independence today, Leo, and prove to others that you won't
    be pushed around anymore. Do things for yourself and have fun while you
    do it. Your heart will know which way is the right way to proceed. Don't
    be fooled by those who try to tell you otherwise. Success comes when you
    can initiate others into your world instead of you being seduced by theirs.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Things relating to love and romance are in your favor today, Virgo, although you may find that issues of this nature might be unpredictable. Lovers could
    be present one moment and MIA the next, but these are the risks you take
    when you deal with love. Find a balance that doesn't get you so wrapped
    up in someone else that you're hurt if his or her eyes turn elsewhere.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    It might feel like there's a hole in your heart today, Libra, and you could have a hard time filling it. Remember that you're the one responsible for making sure this void is taken care of. If you insist that someone else fill the gap, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Do something nice
    for yourself and feel free to spend a little money to make yourself happy.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Issues regarding love and romance are at a climactic point right now,
    Scorpio, and you could be rather combative. Your energy in this area may
    come in waves, and you're likely to be so charged up about the situation
    that you feel like a time bomb ready to explode. Don't destroy something wonderful by wanting a great deal more than you really need.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Don't expect a great deal of sensitivity from others when it comes to
    issues concerning love and beauty today, Sagittarius. People are apt to
    be in their own little worlds. It may be hard for you to relate to them
    now. Trying to sway others to your point of view could be possible, but
    it may be quite difficult and, more importantly, not worth the effort.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    There could be people who try to convince you that you're wrong about something, Capricorn. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that you're
    inferior just because you don't agree with someone on an issue. Focus on
    your creativity today. You can combine your incredible artistic talent
    with pure intellectual genius for a dynamite swing that will knock any
    ball clear out of the park.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +11C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Sunday, September 08, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, September 8, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You like to be honest with those you care about, but today you're likely
    to be a bit too honest. Don't be too quick to take offense and watch the tendency to be too blunt. If you temper your honesty with some diplomacy,
    you should get your message across with a minimum of hurt feelings.
    You create win/win situations that way. It's best for all involved.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    It might feel like your home has turned into Grand Central Station. Lots
    of family members present, deliveries made and phones ringing, and you may
    just want to watch TV or read a book. This could lead to some understandable irritation. However, be your usual polite self. If possible, get a family member to screen your callers. You might be frustrated, but you don't want
    to offend anybody.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You might have to do a lot of running around when you probably want to
    stay home. Obligations to friends and family are likely to come up, and
    even though you're a bit tired you'll want to help out. The best plan for
    today is to get everything done as quickly as possible and then spend the
    rest of the day relaxing alone. You can have it both ways!

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Don't be surprised if lots of people contact you today. Perhaps you're in
    the mood to gossip or neighbors have news of changes nearby. You should
    be brimming with energy, so you can handle it, but you might find it a
    bit unnerving if communication gets too hectic. It's best just to go with
    the flow and enjoy situations like this. You can think about what it all
    means later.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You could be feeling a bit antsy today and may want to spend time exercising
    or trying a new sport or game that you've never played before. This is
    great. Ask some friends to join you, if possible. Don't push yourself past
    your limits. This can only bring exhaustion or injury, and it won't help
    your fitness level. Exercise within your limitations and do it more often.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    An exciting communication could inform you of an advancement opportunity that you should explore. While you'd be quick to act under normal circumstances, Cancer, today you might be more cautious. You've sought recognition for a while, so don't be too reticent. Don't let your insecurity get the better
    of you. Learn all you can about the situation and then make an informed decision.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    A friend could ask for a loan and you might hesitate to give him or her
    the money. Follow your instincts. The person probably isn't too savvy about money. You might want to participate in some group activities, but don't let people take unfair advantage of you. You're willing to serve those who need
    you but discriminate between those who do and don't really need your help.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Today you're likely to experience a powerful burst of energy that may temporarily turn you into a workaholic. Chores may have piled up around
    the house that desperately need to be done. You may want to go through them like wildfire. You don't have to do them all at once. Take care of the most pressing tasks and then relax. The rest can wait. Ask family members to help.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Frustration may be the word for today, Libra. You could be experiencing
    a bit of wanderlust. Distant states and foreign lands may beckon to you,
    but circumstances could make it hard for you to get away. There might also
    be friction with your partner. Don't get sucked into a quarrel. Use your
    placid nature to get grounded, then use your practicality to solve the
    issues at hand.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You've probably had a busy week, Scorpio, and may feel out of sorts
    today. Perhaps you had too much good food last night, stayed up too late,
    or both. It goes against your grain to stay in and rest, but this is the perfect day to curl up with a good book. You're going to want some exercise, but don't overdo it. As you well know, you can get too much of a good thing!

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    There might be a lot of work to do at home today. Since certain family
    members are conveniently absent, you may feel that the burden falls on
    you. Don't be a martyr, however. Just do what you can and leave the rest. Uncertainties about money could also be on your mind but put these aside
    for now. You'll be better able to deal with them tomorrow.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Too much indulging may leave you with a headache or stomachache to the
    point where you may want to spend most of today sleeping. The stress of
    this condition could cause you to snap at family members but remember that
    they weren't the ones who chose to overindulge. Chill out, get some rest,
    and regain your strength. You'll be back in the real world soon enough.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +7C, UV Index: 3
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Monday, September 09, 2024 08:00:42
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, September 9, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Don't let others' bad moods get you down, Aquarius. And don't feel it's
    your responsibility to cheer them up. Their moodiness is their business,
    not yours. You could be a little bit anxious today, and allowing yourself
    to be negatively influenced by others will do you no good at all. The
    general atmosphere will improve in a few days.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    It's time to let go of the past and focus only on the future, Pisces. A
    new person may come into your life who can help you do just that.
    Communication with close friends and relatives is highlighted, and you
    may find yourself spending more time on the phone than usual. Enjoy this
    day as you anticipate your brilliant future!

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    There's definitely a downside to home ownership! Much as you love projects, Aries, the joy is tempered when the chores never end. While your home
    is structurally sound, it may need some cosmetic enhancement. Try adding
    plants and flowers indoors. Outside, a few strategically placed pots can
    act as attractive focal points. You can make a difference with little
    effort or expense.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    The glass may look half empty, but only at first glance. Keep looking at it,
    or perhaps change the way you look at it, and you'll see that it indeed
    is half full. You may be experiencing some frustration. Computers could
    be down, or communication hindered in some way. Don't get stressed. See
    this as an ideal time to relax since you can't get any work done anyway.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    There are lots of personal and financial issues to resolve today, Gemini. You may hear from your bank or see some alarming numbers on an ATM receipt. Don't get upset. Ultimately, these matters will be resolved to your benefit. As
    for personal matters, you may learn some new information about someone you thought you knew well. A relationship you once considered close may not be.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A rising tide lifts all boats. When someone close experiences a windfall
    or especially good luck, Cancer, the ripple effect reaches you. Change is
    in the air. While everything happening is positive, sometimes it feels
    like it's going too quickly. You feel a bit off balance, with little or
    no time to adjust. Even windfalls take some getting used to. Give yourself
    time to settle into the new circumstances.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    It looks as though change is on the horizon at work, Leo. You've just
    recently completed some long-term projects and are being recognized for
    your efforts. Perhaps a bonus or promotion is in store. Your affinity for technology and ability to quickly absorb new information makes you a prime candidate for a new position that's just opened up. Grab the chance!

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Crazy as it seems, why not plan that trip you've been eager to go on,
    Virgo? Adventure calls, and although there are a few obstacles to stop you
    from answering, you can't wait to get out of your rut. There is a great
    big world out there, and you can't wait to make the time to go and see
    some of it!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Prosperity is just around the corner, Libra. With it comes change. Change
    in your job, career, or environment figures prominently today. However this change manifests, it's bound to be positive. You're lucky, and you're about
    to hit the road to even greater success. Savor this moment, for you'll be
    busy soon!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Your world is changing, Scorpio, both internally and externally. You feel
    a need to broaden your horizons. You may be contemplating a move to a
    new neighborhood or trip to a faraway land. The people in your life will
    change as a result of this. You're about to embark on a new phase of life,
    and these new friends will act as able guides.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Romance is in the air today, Sagittarius. It's likely that your relationship with your loved ones will see a dramatic improvement. Perhaps some
    flowers will arrive unexpectedly, or you'll be paid a sincere compliment. Harmony reigns in the work environment as well. Both people and machines
    run smoothly and efficiently.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You're focused and attentive to detail. Some longstanding projects benefit
    from this sudden spurt of energy and get completed in record time. Children figure prominently in your life right now, Capricorn. Is there one child in particular who needs some extra attention from you? Your love and support
    mean a lot more than you realize.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- This query is already being processed
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 08:00:36
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Tuesday, September 10, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Your health should be in top shape today, Aquarius. You're likely to feel physically, emotionally, and spiritually strong and ready to tap into
    your inner power. Dreams may make it possible to release old traumas and
    move ahead. An increased understanding of the needs and desires of others enriches your relationships. Take heart from past success, continue as
    you are, and enjoy your day.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You're good at dealing with others, but today you should be especially
    so. Your intuition is strong and you're likely to instinctively understand others' thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires. You give freely of your experience, knowledge, and understanding. This brings others closer to you, which can work for you on many levels. Virtual social events may bring
    new friends.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You generally are good at sizing up other people and sensing their
    thoughts and feelings, Aries, but today that talent is greatly enhanced
    by increased intuition. You should be feeling especially enthusiastic and optimistic today. Both work and home life are likely to be looking good. Physically, you should be healthy and vigorous, and spiritually you should
    be strong. Enjoy your day.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Communication with close friends and a romantic partner should be especially beneficial today, Taurus, since you're feeling more in touch with those close to you. Children could also be a source of joy today. Your creativity and inspiration are strong, so this is a great day to start new projects. Your enthusiasm and optimism should propel you to new achievements. Enjoy!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Recent successes could lead to new aspirations to increase your socioeconomic standing. You should be feeling especially determined and confident about
    your future. Your plans have worked out well. You're feeling close to
    family, as your intuition level is high, and you can sense what they're thinking and feeling. Career and relationships look promising. Enjoy!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Normally you tend to view things on a logical, intellectual level,
    Cancer, but today the strength of your intuition could surprise you.
    Your communications could be subtler than words. Today you're probably
    feeling especially optimistic, enthusiastic, and very inspired by your circumstances. Continue on your path!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Artistic talents are greatly increased by fresh, deeply felt
    inspiration. Today you may spend much of your time giving material form to
    your ideas. You're intuitive by nature, but today your psychic gifts are operating at a high level. Don't write off any insights you receive. Instead, write them down. Don't forget to keep paper and pen next to your bed. You'll want to remember your ideas and dreams later.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    This is a time when you're likely to feel especially idealistic and
    hopeful. Spiritual experiences may have you on cloud nine, Virgo. Your intuition is also strong. You might consider taking a future trip to
    a distant state or foreign country, perhaps one associated with a great spiritual tradition. Wait a day or two and talk it over with friends before making any specific arrangements.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    During this time, you'll feel especially intuitive, optimistic, and
    spiritually on a roll. You could feel artistically inspired, Libra, and
    channel some of your newfound awareness into recently started projects. Your relationships are probably going well. Your increased understanding
    of others' needs makes you generous with sympathy or assistance where
    needed. Enjoy your day.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Online group activities that you attend today are likely to be spiritually oriented, such as group meditations. You could communicate with new friends from faraway places who share your interests. Though you're usually
    more intellectually inclined, today you should be feeling especially
    intuitive. Write down your thoughts and ideas lest you forget them. You
    may want to use them later.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Some vivid and wonderful dreams might provide inspiration for future creative projects. You're feeling cheerful and optimistic now, and your enthusiasm is likely to continue. Success in career and relationships is indicated. Your increased intuition heightens your understanding of others. Don't be
    surprised if friends and colleagues line up for your support and guidance.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You might find yourself thinking about a possible future vacation. You've worked hard during the last few months and feel you deserve a break. This
    year you're likely to want to do something different from the norm, perhaps travel to a foreign land associated with a great spiritual tradition, if possible. You should feel closer to your loved ones and optimistic about
    the future. Enjoy!

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- up 2 weeks, 5 days, 2 hours, 20 minutes
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 08:00:40
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, September 11, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Stress could have you feeling uncommunicative today. You probably aren't
    going to want to talk to anyone, even your dearest friend, Aquarius. This
    might prove difficult, as people around you are going to ask for advice
    and help. Keep your cool. This feeling will pass, and you won't want anyone
    to think you're upset. Go to lunch alone, and tonight crash into bed with
    a good book.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Finances should be going well, Pisces, but your financial affairs aren't something you want to talk about to anyone now. Perhaps you want to make a decision that's yours and not influenced by others. Nonetheless, a close friend or lover is going to find out. Maybe they'll guess or maybe you'll
    let it slip. Don't panic. This person understands you and won't try to
    exert undue influence.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You're likely to be in a solitary mood today, Aries, and probably want to
    spend the evening reading or working on a project of your own. However, it isn't likely to work out that way. Family could drop by or some equipment
    could go on the blink and require repairs. Some unexpected calls could
    come your way. Take a deep breath and summon your good manners. You can
    be alone tomorrow.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Today you might have a strange feeling that something is wrong, perhaps in
    the neighborhood or with a friend or relative. This is probably going to
    bother you all day, Taurus, so it might be a good idea to call this person
    or otherwise look into the matter. There's probably nothing really wrong,
    but someone close to you may have just experienced a shock of some kind.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    An organization with which you're affiliated may be having financial
    problems, and this fact could come out today. It might be a shock to you
    and everyone else involved, Gemini, but it's good that it's coming out
    now. This revelation might have a profound effect on your goals, and may necessitate some reevaluation. Some intense discussion with those around
    you is definitely indicated.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Some unexpected changes that have been kept under wraps at the workplace
    could come out soon. They may involve reorganization or a change of
    ownership. This is going profoundly affect your attitude toward your job. It could cause you to consider making a change of your own. This isn't the
    time to make a decision. Take a few days to consider your options before
    making up your mind.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Some disconcerting revelations about your past or the past of someone close
    to you could come out today. This might be a bit of a shock, Leo, but it's
    a positive development, nonetheless. It will shed some light on how to
    deal with current issues in your life or a relationship. Write down your thoughts, meditate, talk to a friend, or otherwise try to make sense of it.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Something you might have wanted to keep between you and a few trusted
    friends could inadvertently be revealed, perhaps to the wrong people. Frustration and a sense of betrayal could plague you, but don't turn
    against those who knew. Even though this can be disconcerting, you can
    learn from it. Benjamin Franklin said, "Two people can keep a secret only
    when one of them is dead."

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Demands placed on you by work colleagues could have you stressed, Libra. You might feel that your co-workers are taking unfair advantage of you. This
    could start you thinking of perhaps going into business for yourself or with
    a partner. This could well be a great idea, but today isn't the day to make
    a decision this monumental. Wait a few days and give it some serious thought.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Stress and job frustration might have you thinking about breaking free,
    walking out the door, and going somewhere else. Another thought is likely to concern going back to school and training for a career in another field. You might need a vacation, and returning to school could be a great idea in
    the future, but don't decide today. Wait a few days at least.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    A close friend or loved one might drop out of sight today. You may
    panic when he or she doesn't return your phone calls. Don't jump to conclusions. They're preoccupied with matters that for the moment appear important and will contact you in time. When you do finally connect,
    you could hear some interesting news. Relax, go about your business,
    and look forward to the call.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    A household member might toy with the idea of moving out or going away for
    a while, Capricorn. This could stress you out, but don't make yourself
    crazy. Don't try to talk him or her out of it. Listen sympathetically
    and let your relative get it out of their system. This person is probably feeling temporarily restricted by forces outside the home and isn't really likely to go anywhere.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Partly cloudy +11C, UV Index: 3
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Thursday, September 12, 2024 08:00:46
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Thursday, September 12, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    A financial windfall might open new doors for you, Aquarius, and you could consider making some major changes in your life. You might think about moving to a nicer home. Romance is definitely on your mind. If you aren't already involved in a domestic situation, you might consider it seriously right
    now. Change can be frightening, but these changes are good. Don't hesitate.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Expect some positive changes in a current partnership, Pisces. If this is
    a business partnership, a new agreement between you shows promise of success and good fortune. If this is a romance, you might be so perfectly compatible that you're considering moving to the next level of commitment. Any new partnership begun today should be promising and bring you whatever you
    hope to gain.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Have you been working out, following a new dietary program, or both,
    Aries? If so, today you could look in the mirror and for the first time
    see some tangible and positive results. You're probably looking and
    feeling great. Don't abandon your efforts. You'll want to continue the progress. Keep the energy flowing by going for a run or other workout,
    then treat yourself to a small indulgence.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Have you been thinking about relocating, Taurus? The siren song of distant states or exotic lands may play constantly in your ears. Foreign cultures
    could inspire you artistically, spiritually, and personally. This is actually
    a time when few things are out of your reach. If you're serious about this, look into it. You can decide once you have all the facts.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Expect something new to take place regarding your home today, Gemini. A
    family member could come for a visit or even move in. You could be redecorating, landscaping, or buying new furniture. There is always the possibility that you're moving. Whatever the changes, they're likely to be positive despite the messy and disruptive process of making them. You've
    got a lot to look forward to!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Some wonderful news could come to you, Cancer, possibly from a sibling
    or neighbor. It might involve money or a new opportunity that's opening
    up nearby. A group event concerning a subject you're very interested in
    could also take place. You might feel you have a lot of phone calls to
    make and plans to think about. The future looks bright. Enjoy!

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    An opportunity to bring in extra income might arrive today, Leo, possibly through a female friend. Another Leo might be involved. This probably
    involves a special, temporary project, but it could prove enjoyable and profitable. A love partner might want to participate, too. Think about it before committing. Talk to people who have done this before. It's worth
    a try, anyway.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    This is a day of fresh beginnings for you, Virgo. Accomplishments in
    the past foster a new sense of self-confidence, along with optimism
    and enthusiasm for the future. Travel lies ahead in the distant future,
    and possibly advancing your education in some way. Romance also looks promising. Go for a facial or massage today, if possible, or buy some
    new clothes. Start the new cycle by making your appearance match what you
    feel inside.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    If you've never tried your hand at the arts, Libra, this is the day to do
    it. Your imagination and ingenuity are flying high, and your aesthetic sense
    is acute right now. If you aren't already involved with such activities,
    look online to see what classes or workshops are offered. Get a friend to
    sign up with you. You'll probably have a great time!

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You could encounter a potential romantic partner today, Scorpio. You'll probably communicate with this person at a virtual group event and hit it
    off immediately. This person is likely to be bright, physically attractive, kindhearted, and sensitive. If you're single and available, don't pass
    up this opportunity. Take advantage of the chance to get to know each
    other. Who knows where this might lead?

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    A lot of changes could be taking place in your life now, Sagittarius. Even though most of them are positive, the upheaval can be unsettling right
    now. Don't give in to panic. Nothing needs to be done that you can't
    handle. Take each task one step at a time. As you vault each hurdle, the
    road ahead seems that much smoother. When you arrive, all will be well.
    Keep going!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    New beginnings and promising new opportunities may appear from a distant
    state or foreign country, Capricorn. Your adventurous side is excited and enthusiastic, but the side of you that wants to stay settled could put
    up some resistance. Don't feel you have to jump into anything. Get all
    the facts and assess the situation objectively. Think seriously about it
    all. What do you most want?

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- This query is already being processed
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Friday, September 13, 2024 08:00:48
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Friday, September 13, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Ask for help if you need it, Aquarius. Your nature is to serve others, but
    in order to maintain that energy, make sure that you're taken care of as
    well. Offer extra support to the people you love. In work-related issues,
    make sure that you aren't biting off more than you can chew. Delegate
    tasks to others. Pamper yourself tonight with a hot bath and a good meal.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Keeping your emotions in balance is going to be the key to a successful day, Pisces. Don't get swept away by a fanciful situation that could send your
    mind spinning. Maintain control at all times. This might be easier said
    than done. Give yourself a break and avoid excess alcohol or any sort of
    drug use. It will be hard enough to keep your mind clear without them.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    You may feel like you're running into a brick wall at every turn, Aries, especially when it comes to emotions. The intensity of the day may have
    you feeling like you're in a pressure cooker. Try not to blow things out
    of proportion. Realize that much of the drama is more a figment of your imagination than reality. Clear away the clouds and get to the heart of
    the matter.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Bask in the sunshine of today, Taurus. Focus on the positive aspects of your life and work to expand these energies. There's a great deal of opportunity open at this time. The key to taking advantage of this is to stay close
    to the things that truly bring you the most happiness. The details will
    work themselves out with almost no effort. Have faith that you'll succeed,
    and you will.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Make sure you're getting enough sleep, Gemini. You may seem groggy and
    your head could be a bit cloudy today, but try not to let this stop you
    from getting your work done. Much of what you perceive may not exactly correlate with reality. Your emotions could be especially distorted. You
    may have a strong desire to escape into a fantasy world. Try to keep both
    feet on the ground.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    There may be an area of your life that seems completely fanciful now,
    Cancer. The issues regarding it have become a bit hazy. You may no longer
    be sure of the reality of the situation. Today's energies will bring these issues into focus. Your emotions are especially heightened, and they, too,
    will seem a bit clouded. Try to stay balanced and gain a new perspective
    on the situation.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Your fantasy life is especially active today, Leo, so enjoy this little
    break into your dream world. Coming back to reality may be difficult. Keep
    tabs on your emotions so they don't get the better of you. The impressions
    you receive from the outside world may not be accurate today. Keep your
    wits about you and try not to get caught up in drugs and alcohol.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You're in a fun-loving and jovial mood today, Virgo, and you should make
    time to enjoy it with friends, if possible. The one caveat to the day
    is that your emotions may be a bit clouded. You may not have the most
    accurate impression of a situation. You might feel that people have the
    wrong impression of who you are. Try not to feel insecure. Have confidence
    in yourself and take the lead.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    You may have a strange paranoia that people are out to get you today, Libra, but don't let this feeling paralyze you. Your emotions are more than likely getting the better of you. The reality of the situation is much different
    than your sensitive emotions perceive. Avoid the tendency to escape even further into this fantasy world. Stay away from drugs or alcohol.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Your fantasy world is piqued today, Scorpio. Your imagination is running
    wild. Maintain a certain amount of control over your emotions or they may
    get the better of you. You could find yourself in a cloud of confusion by afternoon. Avoid this by trying to ground yourself throughout the day. Make sure your actions result from an equal balance between thought and emotion.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    You may get the feeling that you're operating in an emotional crossfire
    today, Sagittarius. On the one hand, you may have a "me first," selfish
    feeling that demands attention from others. You may also sense the need to
    work to serve others and bring like-minded people together. Realize that
    both of these energies are valid and deserve your attention. Balance is
    the key. Work to soothe your fluctuating emotions.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You'll enjoy a day of high spirits and friendly interactions. The energy of the day is in your favor, although it may not seem like it. Your emotions may become cloudy and it might seem like people are working against you. Although this may be true to some extent, realize that much of this paranoia comes
    more from your emotional insecurity than another's plot against you.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- This query is already being processed
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Saturday, September 14, 2024 08:00:32
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Saturday, September 14, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Yes, you may have another cookie, Aquarius. Enjoy it and don't feel
    guilty. Guilt is useless. Today, get rid of regret. Express your
    emotions but don't dwell on them. Your sensitivity is acute, so put up
    your psychic shield. You might pick up on others' intense energy, so be careful. Sympathize with others, but don't take on their garbage. They
    need to take out their own trash.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You might just want to stay on the couch today, Pisces. That's fine. Don't
    get up if you don't want to. You're probably better off sticking close to
    home and enjoying a good movie tonight. If people ask how you're doing,
    be honest. Others will be able to see right through you, so don't try to
    hide your feelings. Today is a good day to say how you really feel.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Finally, the world is starting to see it your way, Aries. Be yourself and
    don't be squeamish about telling people exactly how it is. Your thinking is clear and focused. Use your penetrating mind to accomplish mental tasks. Your intense nature is powerful, so act wisely. Today may well be one in which
    other people realize that you really aren't as crazy as they first thought.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Give people the benefit of the doubt, Taurus. Don't be so hasty in your actions, and take the time to think things through. You have a special connection with your feelings today that can aid in clearing some of the fog
    in your thinking. Your sensitivity to others is remarkably strong. People
    will be particularly drawn to this side of you, especially tonight.

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    Put your businesslike nature aside for the day and focus on your feelings, Gemini. You may be a bit protective of your emotions, but realize that
    much of what you're feeling is best experienced through expressing it to others. Reach down deep and get in touch with what you truly believe to be
    the heart of the issue. Your thinking is clear as can be today, so enjoy it!

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    Call or write a letter to a friend today, Cancer. Your brain may feel
    like it's stuck in a rut, which is probably best remedied by sharing
    these feelings with others. Take it one step at a time, and be patient
    with others in return. People are likely to snap more easily since fuses
    will be extra short. Take care as you approach the deep end. Make sure
    you have your life jacket on.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Things flow well for you today, Leo, so bask in any sunshine that this
    day offers. Your intuition is especially strong, and you have an uncanny ability to pick up on other people's feelings. Your nurturing gifts are
    in high demand by those around you. They'll need a sensitive shoulder to
    lean on. Just make sure you don't lose yourself in the process. Save some energy for you.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    Other people's indecisiveness could leave you feeling frustrated and stuck today, Virgo. Realize that you can overcome this by pushing past them. Don't feel like you need to wait for others to make up their minds before you
    act. Do what you need to do, and others will catch up when they're ready. You aren't responsible for the well-being of others. Concentrate on you.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    It may be much easier than usual to express your emotions to someone today, Libra. If there has been something on your mind for a while, now is the
    time to say it. You'll be able to paint a clear picture of your true
    feelings. Express yourself with confidence so you don't come across as
    helpless or clingy. Your sensitivity is a gift that others will recognize
    and appreciate.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    Does it feel like someone's raining on your parade today, Scorpio? No
    surprise there. You may feel like you're stuck in a bog, so wear your
    galoshes and give it your best shot. That's all you can do. People may be
    extra touchy and impatient with ridiculous banter, even if it is polite. Try not to make sense of things that seem confusing now. Come back to them in
    a couple days.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Your intuition is extra keen today, Sagittarius, and your mental aim is on target. Other people may sink into the swamp, but you're the life raft they
    can cling to. Your amazing mental clarity will be invaluable throughout
    the day. You'll be able to communicate your feelings clearly, and you
    should find their receptivity to your thoughts much greater than usual.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    You might find the mood of today a bit too somber for your liking,
    Capricorn. Why is everyone so serious? Whether you figure out the answer
    or not, just know that it probably isn't something you did. Emotions that
    have been building up are likely to express themselves now, much like a
    volcano bursting under the pressure of tons of molten lava.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Light drizzle, fog +17C, UV Index: 5
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Sunday, September 15, 2024 08:00:36
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Sunday, September 15, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    Affection blooms in close relationships as you tune into the thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires of those around you. Communication should
    be clear, open, and honest without being brutal. Social events should
    prove especially enjoyable today, Aquarius, as you're likely to attract interesting people with intriguing and useful information. Reading could
    also prove beneficial now. Enjoy your day.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    You should be in glowing good health today, Pisces. You're feeling especially fit, and your appearance likely reflects that. You're looking for healthy activities that also bring you pleasure, such as exercise and proper
    diet. Find a cookbook full of tasty recipes and use it. Your relations with others should be warm, loving, and companionable. Exercising with friends,
    if possible, should encourage you to keep up the good work.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Love blossoms in close relationships as communication flows freely. You're intuitive by nature, Aries, but today you feel especially attuned to
    others' thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires. Don't be surprised if you
    grow closer to those around you. Children, in particular, should provide
    warmth and love. If you're artistically inclined, start a new project today.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Happiness reigns as you and your household embark on one or more projects
    that could make your home more cheerful, Taurus. Warm and companionable conversations involve sharing interesting information and bring you
    closer. Visitors could come by and other people could call with interesting news. This is a good day to throw an impromptu party. Enjoy your day!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    A conversation with someone in your neighborhood could prove unexpectedly pleasant and enjoyable. You might meet new people and get closer to the
    ones you already know. A lot of interesting and useful information could be exchanged. There might be a future get-together that you'll want to attend, Gemini, so you have something to look forward to. You might also lend or
    borrow some books today.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    A pleasant surprise comes your way when you receive either a present or
    small sum of money, perhaps in the mail, Cancer. Someone will either pay
    you back a loan or you could receive a gift for some small service you performed for someone. You could be tempted to turn that around and buy
    a present for someone else. Expect some calls that result in long and meaningful conversations.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Communication is likely to be warm, informative, and companionable today,
    Leo, and you'll probably grow closer to those around you because of
    it. Your inspiration and imagination flow freely, and you're likely to
    want to channel much of your energy into creative projects. You may also
    want to phone a friend who shares your artistic interests.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    If you're musically or artistically inclined, Virgo, today you might have visions or melodies in your head that simply cry out to be written down. If you're a writer, you may be filled with story ideas. Whatever your creative interests, inspiration abounds. It's a good idea to start working on these projects today or they could disappear.

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Today should be busy with regard to communication, Libra. Calls and emails to people close to you may take up a lot of your time. You could be organizing
    a meeting or social event of some kind. You're probably feeling optimistic
    and enthusiastic, and you'll likely spread these feelings to others. You're also better able to intuit what's going on with them.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    A meeting - virtual or otherwise - is likely to happen during the course
    of the working day, Scorpio. This should lead to pleasant and interesting conversations, possibly involving philosophy, spiritual matters, or the
    arts. Communication should be clear and open. Correspondence could take
    up almost as much time as conversations right now.

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    A message or phone call from someone dear who lives far away could arrive today. You've been thinking about this person for a while, Sagittarius, so don't be surprised if you hear from him or her. You're especially attuned
    to the thoughts and feelings of others right now. In fact, you may feel especially inspired to work on projects of your own, as ideas are likely
    to fill your head. Have fun!

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Daydreams and reveries could inspire new ideas for creative projects
    today. Visions, stories, or melodies might flood your mind, and it might be
    a good idea to write them down before they disappear. You're also likely
    to feel more attuned than usual to the thoughts and feelings of others.
    Don't be surprised if you intuitively give people what they want and need before they ask.

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

    --- Binbrook, ON: Fog +17C, UV Index: 4
    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)
  • From Northern Realms@618:400/23 to All on Monday, September 16, 2024 08:00:46
    Horoscope.com Daily Horoscope for Monday, September 16, 2024

    **** Aquarius ****
    January 20 - February 18
    You could feel like a millionaire today, Aquarius. Money matters seem to surpass your expectations. You might want to spend time fixing up your
    home or perhaps shopping for yourself. Do you have plans to video chat
    tonight? A sexy new item might make your friend's eyes pop! Increased self- confidence adds even more juice to an already enhanced appearance. Dress
    in your favorite colors and have fun.

    **** Pisces ****
    February 19 - March 20
    Someone you've never met before who you find exceedingly attractive could
    pass you today. You might decide to go say hello and discover not only
    a physical attraction but an intellectual compatibility as well. Your
    feelings are probably reciprocated! If you're single, this attraction might
    be worth pursuing. If you're involved, at least you might make a new friend.

    **** Aries ****
    March 21 - April 19
    Career and money matters continue to go well for you, Aries, and probably romance, too. Your life may be the envy of others, but you probably feel there's still something missing. This is a good day to explore metaphysical
    and spiritual studies. It's a time of transition, and this sort of interest
    can make things easier for you, especially if those close to you share
    your interest.

    **** Taurus ****
    April 20 - May 20
    Romance and creativity are the driving forces in your life today,
    Taurus. You might find that feelings for a special person provide lots
    of inspiration for creative projects. Your creative energy makes you that
    much more attractive to the one you love most. This could prove to be an emotionally and aesthetically satisfying day. Make the most of it!

    **** Gemini ****
    May 21 - June 20
    You tend to be down to Earth and practical, Gemini, but now you feel like indulging in some flights of fancy. Romance or fantasy novels could be especially appealing right now. You might even toy with the idea of writing
    one of your own. If you're currently romantically involved, your sweetheart might want to do something special with you tonight. Enjoy your day.

    **** Cancer ****
    June 21 - July 22
    An affectionate letter, phone call, or email could come to you from an old friend, Cancer, expressing gratitude for past favors. This is going to make
    you feel warm and loving toward this person, and you'll want to reciprocate
    in kind. Invite him or her for coffee and have a long conversation. The
    bond between you is strong. This isn't a friendship you'll want to let go.

    **** Leo ****
    July 23 - August 22
    Have you been thinking about changing careers, Leo? You might hear of
    some opportunities today, possibly through a colleague. This could be
    the right time to make a change. Positive professional developments are indicated for you. List your options and then do some research on each one.
    You might be headed toward some exciting possibilities.

    **** Virgo ****
    August 23 - September 22
    You may feel especially warm and loving, Virgo, and romance could be on your mind. Time spent with a love partner from another state or country might seem especially appealing. This is a great day to schedule an intimate evening
    alone with your friend and see where it takes you. All signs indicate that
    your friend returns your feelings, and you might end up just where you want!

    **** Libra ****
    September 23 - October 22
    Erotic dreams could wake you up in a strange mood, Libra. You could long
    for a romantic encounter, but the impact is likely to be stronger than
    that. These intense dreams might stimulate your creative juices. If
    you aren't currently working on a project, ideas could flood your
    imagination. Let them stew for a while. There's no rush to pick one. Enjoy
    your day.

    **** Scorpio ****
    October 23 - November 21
    You might find yourself reeling from shock when an old friend suddenly
    seems to show romantic interest in you. Conflicting emotions could come up,
    but don't write it off if you're available. There could be potential for
    a good relationship with this person. Don't feel that you have to either
    jump right in or forget the whole thing. You can test the waters for a while!

    **** Sagittarius ****
    November 22 - December 21
    Today you may be asked to speak to a virtual gathering or lead an online discussion group, Sagittarius. You tend to be shy, but today you'll be
    all for it and enjoy being in the limelight, albeit temporarily. You'll certainly shine, and others may pay you sincere compliments. After the
    event, enjoy the rest of your day. You earned it.

    **** Capricorn ****
    December 22 - January 19
    Romance continues to soar today, Capricorn. You should feel especially
    sexy. You're likely to attract admiring glances from those around you, including strangers. If you're single, you might even attract an exciting
    new love partner. If you're already involved, your beloved could fall
    in love with you all over again. Schedule an intimate evening together,
    if possible, and make the most of it!

    (C) 2024 Horoscope.com, Inc. - All rights reserved

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    * Origin: Northern Realms (618:400/23)